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<title>Crystal Space 1.2.1: 5.2 Some Tips for Efficient Maps</title>

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<a name="Map-Creation-Tips"></a>
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<h2 class="section"> 5.2 Some Tips for Efficient Maps </h2>

<p><em>Written by Jorrit Tyberghein,
<a href=""></a>.</em>
<p>In <a href="Map-Creation.html#0">How to Create Optimal Maps for Crystal Space</a> we talked about large scale optimizations on maps
by using the right visibility culler, packing textures, combining
objects, using the correct types of object, and lighting considerations.
In this section we will mention a few other smaller ticks and trips that
can be used to speed up map loading and also performance at runtime.
<a name="1"></a>
<h3 class="subheading"> Binary Alpha </h3>

<p>See <a href="Alpha-Textures.html#0">Alpha and Keycolor in Textures</a> for a discussion on how to use binary alpha (when
only 0% or 100% transparency is required) to improve render speed.
<a name="2"></a>
<h3 class="subheading"> Efficient Texture Sizes </h3>

<p>Your textures should have optimal sizes to improve loading speed.
See <a href="Efficient-Textures.html#0">Efficient Textures</a> for an explanation of this.
<a name="3"></a>
<h3 class="subheading"> Use <small>DDS</small> Image Format </h3>

<p>The <small>DDS</small> image format loads a lot faster. See <a href="Efficient-Textures.html#0">Efficient Textures</a>
for more information about <small>DDS</small> and how to use it.
<a name="4"></a>
<h3 class="subheading"> Binary <small>XML</small> </h3>

<p>If you convert your maps to binary <small>XML</small> you can get considerable map loading
improvements. See <a href="Binary-XML.html#0">Binary <small>XML</small></a> for more information on how to convert your
maps and use this feature in general.
<a name="5"></a>
<h3 class="subheading"> Maximum Object Render Distance </h3>

<p>If you have some expensive object or a portal and you know that that object
is either no longer visible after some distance (due to other objects blocking
it) or else too small to be really relevant then you can use the <samp>&lsquo;maxrenderdist&rsquo;</samp>
tag in <small>XML</small> to specify the maximum distance to the camera. If the object
goes beyond that distance it will no longer be rendered. Here is an example:
<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">&lt;meshobj name=&quot;complextree&quot;&gt;
  &lt;maxrenderdist value=&quot;100&quot; /&gt;
<p>This will cause the object to disappear after 100 units. You can also use a
variable instead of a hardcoded value (using the <samp>&lsquo;var&rsquo;</samp> attribute). In that
case you can control the distance at runtime.
<p>This technique is especially useful for portals.
<a name="6"></a>
<h3 class="subheading"> Far Plane Clipping </h3>

<p>You can also do this object removal for all objects at once using far plane
clipping. Here is an example:
<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">&lt;world&gt;
    &lt;farplane a=&quot;0&quot; b=&quot;0&quot; c=&quot;1&quot; d=&quot;100&quot; /&gt;
<p>This will set a plane that clips away all geometry after distance 100. Note that
in general you probably also want to use distance fog.
<a name="7"></a>
<h3 class="subheading"> Static <small>LOD</small> </h3>

<p>You can replace objects that are far away with lower detail version using static <small>LOD</small>.
Check out <a href="Level-of-Detail.html#0">Level of Detail</a> for more information about how to use this feature.

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