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<title>Crystal Space 1.2.1: Grammar</title>

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<h4 class="subsubsection"> Grammar </h4>

<p><em>Written by Eric Sunshine, <a href=""></a>.</em>
<p>The syntax for the standard Crystal Space map file is specified using a
context-free grammar using a modified <small>BNF</small> (<em>Backus-Naur Form</em>)
<p><em>Terminal</em> symbols (also known as <em>tokens</em>) are denoted like this,
`<code>VERTEX</code>'.  <em>Non-terminal</em> symbols are denoted in this fashion,
<em>vector</em>.  Expressions enclosed within `[' and `]' are optional.  When
an expression is followed by the notation `<small class="dots">...</small>', then the expression may
appear zero or more times.  Finally, the symbol '|' appearing between
expressions indicates selection.  Either the expression to the left may be
utilized, or the one to the right, but not both.  An example follows.

<p><em>flip</em> =&gt; `<code>HEAD</code>' | `<code>TAIL</code>'<br>

<em>wager</em> =&gt; `<code>WAGER</code>' <em>flip</em>
    `<code>(</code>' <em>money</em> [ `<code>,</code>' <em>money</em> <small class="dots">...</small> ] `<code>)</code>'
<p>In this example, a <samp>&lsquo;WAGER&rsquo;</samp> may be followed by either <samp>&lsquo;HEAD&rsquo;</samp> or
<samp>&lsquo;TAIL&rsquo;</samp>, and then by a parenthesized list of monetary values separated by
commas.  At least one monetary value must be specified.  All subsequent values
(including the comma) are optional, as denoted by `[' and `]'.  Here are a
couple of valid expressions which satisfy the <em>wager</em> production:
<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">WAGER HEAD (44)
WAGER TAIL (5, 39, 2)

<p>And here are a few invalid expressions which do not:
<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">WAGER HEAD (44,)
WAGER (72, 91)
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