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<title>Crystal Space 1.2.1: AppMazing Main Class</title>

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<h4 class="subsubsection"> AppMazing Main Class </h4>

<p><code>AppMazing</code> is the main application class. Besides the usual Crystal
Space setup code it also contains the event handling code.
<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">class AppMazing :
  public csApplicationFramework, public csBaseEventHandler
   * A reference to the 3D renderer plugin.
  csRef&lt;iGraphics3D&gt; g3d;

   * A reference to the 3D engine plugin.
  csRef&lt;iEngine&gt; engine;

   * The main loader.
  csRef&lt;iLoader&gt; loader;

   * The view.
  csRef&lt;iView&gt; view;

   * The collision detection system.
  csRef&lt;iCollideSystem&gt; cdsys;

   * The virtual clock.
  csRef&lt;iVirtualClock&gt; vc;

   * The string registry. This is used for common constants in
   * Crystal Space.
  csRef&lt;iStringSet&gt; strings;

   * Set up everything that needs to be rendered on screen.  This routine is
   * called from the event handler in response to a cscmdProcess broadcast
   * message.
  virtual void ProcessFrame();

   * Finally, render the screen.  This routine is called from the event handler
   * in response to a cscmdFinalProcess broadcast message.
  virtual void FinishFrame();

   * Handle keyboard events, such as key presses and releases.  This routine is
   * called from the event handler in response to a csevKeyboard event.
  virtual bool OnKeyboard(iEvent&amp;);

  /// The Game.
  Game game;

   * Constructor.

   * Destructor.
  virtual ~AppMazing();

  iCamera* GetCamera () const { return view-&gt;GetCamera (); }
  iEngine* GetEngine () const { return engine; }
  iLoader* GetLoader () const { return loader; }
  iStringSet* GetStrings () const { return strings; }
  iCollideSystem* GetCollisionDetectionSystem () const { return cdsys; }
  Game&amp; GetGame () { return game; }

   * Final cleanup.
  virtual void OnExit();

   * Main initialization routine.  This routine should set up basic facilities
   * (such as loading startup-time plugins, etc.).  In case of failure this
   * routine will return false.  You can assume that the error message has been
   * reported to the user.
  virtual bool OnInitialize(int argc, char* argv[]);

   * Run the application.  Performs additional initialization (if needed), and
   * then fires up the main run/event loop.  The loop will fire events which
   * actually causes Crystal Space to &quot;run&quot;.  Only when the program exits does
   * this function return.
  virtual bool Application();
  // Declare the name of this event handler.
  /* Declare that we're not terribly interested in having events
     delivered to us before or after other modules, plugins, etc. */
<p>This is the basic Crystal Space setup code. All game logic is handled
in the <code>Game</code> class of which we have one instance here (<samp>&lsquo;game&rsquo;</samp>).
<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">CS_IMPLEMENT_APPLICATION

AppMazing::AppMazing() : csApplicationFramework(), game (this)

<p>Just the constructor and the destructor.
<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">void AppMazing::ProcessFrame()
  csTicks elapsed_time = vc-&gt;GetElapsedTicks ();
  game.Handle (elapsed_time);

  // Tell 3D driver we're going to display 3D things.
  if (!g3d-&gt;BeginDraw (engine-&gt;GetBeginDrawFlags () | CSDRAW_3DGRAPHICS))

  view-&gt;Draw ();

void AppMazing::FinishFrame()
<p><code>ProcessFrame()</code> and <code>FinishDraw()</code> are automatically called every
frame. In <code>ProcessFrame()</code> we will let the <code>Game</code> class handle all
game logic and finally we will render the 3D view.
We use the virtual clock to get the elapsed time since previous frame.
<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">bool AppMazing::OnKeyboard(iEvent&amp; ev)
  // We got a keyboard event.
  if (csKeyEventHelper::GetEventType(&amp;ev) == csKeyEventTypeDown)
    // The user pressed a key (as opposed to releasing it).
    utf32_char code = csKeyEventHelper::GetCookedCode(&amp;ev);
    if (code == CSKEY_ESC)
      // The user pressed escape, so terminate the application.  The proper
      // way to terminate a Crystal Space application is by broadcasting a
      // csevQuit event.  That will cause the main run loop to stop.  To do
      // so we retrieve the event queue from the object registry and then
      // post the event.
      csRef&lt;iEventQueue&gt; q =
        csQueryRegistry&lt;iEventQueue&gt; (GetObjectRegistry());
      if (q.IsValid())
      return game.OnKeyboard (ev);
  return false;
<p>In this function we handle all keyboard events. The escape key is handled
here because that's not related to game logic. All other keys are passed
to the <code>Game</code> instance.
<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">bool AppMazing::OnInitialize(int argc, char* argv[])
  iObjectRegistry* r = GetObjectRegistry();

  // Load application-specific configuration file.
  if (!csInitializer::SetupConfigManager(r, 0, GetApplicationName()))
    return ReportError(&quot;Failed to initialize configuration manager!&quot;);

  // RequestPlugins() will load all plugins we specify.  In addition it will
  // also check if there are plugins that need to be loaded from the
  // configuration system (both the application configuration and CS or global
  // configurations).  It also supports specifying plugins on the command line
  // via the --plugin= option.
  if (!csInitializer::RequestPlugins(r,
        CS_REQUEST_PLUGIN (&quot;crystalspace.collisiondetection.opcode&quot;,
    return ReportError(&quot;Failed to initialize plugins!&quot;);

  // &quot;Warm up&quot; the event handler so it can interact with the world
  // Set up an event handler for the application.  Crystal Space is fully
  // event-driven.  Everything (except for this initialization) happens in
  // response to an event.
  if (!RegisterQueue (r, csevAllEvents(GetObjectRegistry())))
    return ReportError(&quot;Failed to set up event handler!&quot;);

  return true;

void AppMazing::OnExit()

bool AppMazing::Application()
  iObjectRegistry* r = GetObjectRegistry();

  // Open the main system. This will open all the previously loaded plugins
  // (i.e. all windows will be opened).
  if (!OpenApplication(r))
    return ReportError(&quot;Error opening system!&quot;);

  // Now get the pointer to various modules we need.  We fetch them from the
  // object registry.  The RequestPlugins() call we did earlier registered all
  // loaded plugins with the object registry.  It is also possible to load
  // plugins manually on-demand.
  g3d = csQueryRegistry&lt;iGraphics3D&gt; (r);
  if (!g3d)
    return ReportError(&quot;Failed to locate 3D renderer!&quot;);

  engine = csQueryRegistry&lt;iEngine&gt; (r);
  if (!engine)
    return ReportError(&quot;Failed to locate 3D engine!&quot;);

  loader = csQueryRegistry&lt;iLoader&gt; (r);
  if (!loader)
    return ReportError(&quot;Failed to locate the map loader!&quot;);

  cdsys = csQueryRegistry&lt;iCollideSystem&gt; (r);
  if (!cdsys)
    return ReportError(&quot;Failed to locate the collision detection system!&quot;);

  vc = csQueryRegistry&lt;iVirtualClock&gt; (r);
  if (!vc)
    return ReportError(&quot;Failed to locate the virtual clock!&quot;);

  strings = csQueryRegistryTagInterface&lt;iStringSet&gt; (r,
  if (!strings)
    return ReportError(&quot;Failed to locate the standard stringset!&quot;);

  // Setup game.
  if (!game.SetupGame ())
    return false;

  // Create a view.
  view = csPtr&lt;iView&gt; (new csView (engine, g3d));
  view-&gt;GetCamera ()-&gt;SetSector (engine-&gt;FindSector (&quot;room_0_0_0&quot;));
  view-&gt;GetCamera ()-&gt;GetTransform ().SetOrigin (csVector3 (0, 0, 0));
  iGraphics2D* g2d = g3d-&gt;GetDriver2D ();
  view-&gt;SetRectangle (0, 0, g2d-&gt;GetWidth (), g2d-&gt;GetHeight ());

  // Start the default run/event loop.  This will return only when some code,
  // such as OnKeyboard(), has asked the run loop to terminate.

  return true;
<p>These are the main initialization functions. We also create our view here.
<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">int main(int argc, char** argv)
  csPrintf (&quot;mazing version 1.0 by Jorrit Tyberghein.\n&quot;);

  /* Runs the application.  
   * csApplicationRunner&lt;&gt; cares about creating an application instance 
   * which will perform initialization and event handling for the entire game. 
   * The underlying csApplicationFramework also performs some core 
   * initialization.  It will set up the configuration manager, event queue, 
   * object registry, and much more.  The object registry is very important, 
   * and it is stored in your main application class (again, by 
   * csApplicationFramework). 
  return csApplicationRunner&lt;AppMazing&gt;::Run (argc, argv);
<p>Finally the main program.

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