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<title>Crystal Space 1.2.1: C.4 Release Notes from 0.94 to 0.96</title>

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<h2 class="appendixsec"> C.4 Release Notes from 0.94 to 0.96 </h2>

<p>This section documents the major changes between versions 0.94 and 0.96 of of
Crystal Space.
<a name="1"></a>
<h3 class="subheading"> Reference Counting Utilities </h3>

<p>The new template class <code>csRef&lt;&gt;</code> automates reference count manipulation,
thus freeing programmers from the task of manipulating reference counts
manually.  When assigned, <code>csRef&lt;&gt;</code> increments the reference count of the
target object by invoking the object's <code>IncRef()</code> method.  When the
<code>csRef&lt;&gt;</code> is destroyed, or when it is re-assigned, it decrements the
object's reference count via <code>DecRef()</code>.  This frees clients from having
to invoke <code>IncRef()</code> and <code>DecRef()</code> manually, thus helping to
alleviate a potential source of resource leaks.  The companion template
<code>csPtr&lt;&gt;</code> has also been added as a micro-optimization for certain cases
when it is desirable to avoid reference count manipulation during assignment.
See the smart pointer <small>HOWTO</small> for additional information,
<a href="Smart-Pointers.html#0">Correctly Using Smart Pointers</a>.  Also see the <small>API</small> documentation for
<code>csRef&lt;&gt;</code> and <code>csPtr&lt;&gt;</code>.
<p>The Crystal Space <small>API</small> has been largely updated to return <code>csRef&lt;&gt;</code>
and <code>csPtr&lt;&gt;</code> from functions which transfer ownership of an object to the
caller of the function.  Client code which used to assign results of such
function calls to a normal pointer and invoke <code>IncRef()</code> on that pointer
should now instead simply assign the result to a <code>csRef&lt;&gt;</code>, and allow the
reference count to be managed automatically.  See the smart pointer <small>HOWTO</small>
for complete details.  See section <a href="Smart-Pointers.html#0">Correctly Using Smart Pointers</a>.
<a name="2"></a>
<h3 class="subheading"> iPolygonMesh changes </h3>

<p>The header for <samp>&lsquo;iPolygonMesh&rsquo;</samp> has moved from <tt>&lsquo;include/ivaria&rsquo;</tt>
to <tt>&lsquo;include/igeom&rsquo;</tt>.
<a name="3"></a>
<h3 class="subheading"> iMeshObject changes </h3>

<p>The following functions have been removed:

<p>Instead there is now a new routine called
<code>iMeshObject::GetObjectModel()</code> which will return an instance of
<samp>&lsquo;iObjectModel&rsquo;</samp>.  The functions can be called from that instance.
<p>A similar change has taken place in the <samp>&lsquo;iVisibilityObject&rsquo;</samp> interface.
<a name="4"></a>
<h3 class="subheading"> <small>XML</small> </h3>

<p>The map format has changed to <small>XML</small>. Use the <tt>&lsquo;cs2xml&rsquo;</tt> tool to
convert old maps like this (with a real path to a zip file):
<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">  cs2xml data/
<p>or (with a <small>VFS</small> path):
<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">  cs2xml /this/mydata/sprite1
<a name="5"></a>
<h3 class="subheading"> csGetObject and csGetCommand </h3>

<p>The old parser is gone. We switched to <small>XML</small>.
<a name="6"></a>
<h3 class="subheading"> Fast <small>SCF</small> Interfaces </h3>

<p>The following macros have been removed:

<p>Fast interfaces are now default. Just use the
normal query versions instead of the ones above.
<a name="7"></a>
<h3 class="subheading"> Internal <small>SCF</small> Changes </h3>

<p>For interfaces the <samp>&lsquo;scfGetID_Interfacename&rsquo;</samp> and the
<samp>&lsquo;VERSION_Interfacename&rsquo;</samp> have been renamed to
<samp>&lsquo;Interfacename_scfGetID&rsquo;</samp> and <samp>&lsquo;Interfacename_VERSION&rsquo;</samp> for making
namespaces working nicely with them.
<a name="8"></a>
<h3 class="subheading"> Make Targets </h3>

<p>Some targets for the <samp>&lsquo;make&rsquo;</samp> facility (all applications, some plugins) have
changed.  In general, the name of a target is now the same as the name of the
resulting binary (without suffix).  For example, <tt>&lsquo;walktest&rsquo;</tt> is now built
with <samp>&lsquo;make -k walktest&rsquo;</samp> instead of <samp>&lsquo;make -k walk&rsquo;</samp>.  However, the
composite target names have not been changed.  To build <tt>&lsquo;walktest&rsquo;</tt> and all
required plugins, one still invokes <samp>&lsquo;make -k walkall&rsquo;</samp>.
<a name="9"></a>
<h3 class="subheading"> Sound Loader Changes </h3>
<p>The <code>iLoader::LoadSound()</code> that returns an <code>iSoundWrapper</code>
now returns a pointer that has a reference count of one more compared
to before.
<a name="10"></a>
<h3 class="subheading"> iTextureManager Changes </h3>

<p>The following methods have moved:
<code>iTextureManager::FindRGB()</code> =&gt; <code>iGraphics2D::FindRGB()</code>

<p>The following methods were eliminated:

<a name="11"></a>
<h3 class="subheading"> Procedural Textures </h3>

<p>The procedural texture system has been rewritten. See the documentation for
<code>iGraphics3D::SetRenderTarget()</code> for details.
<a name="12"></a>
<h3 class="subheading"> Hardmove Change </h3>

<p>The interpretation of the matrix used in the <samp>&lsquo;hardmove&rsquo;</samp> tag
for mesh factories (<samp>&lsquo;meshfact&rsquo;</samp>) has been inverted so it is more
logical and also corresponds with the wah <samp>&lsquo;hardmove&rsquo;</samp> is interpreted
for mesh objects (<samp>&lsquo;meshobj&rsquo;</samp>).
<a name="13"></a>
<h3 class="subheading"> Octree Removal </h3>

<p>The old octree culler is now completely gone. Instead you should use
<em>Dynavis</em> now. If you still have an old level that uses this culler
then you can try to convert it using the <tt>&lsquo;levtool&rsquo;</tt> utility but this
is only a temporary measure. It is a lot better to design the level with
<em>Dynavis</em> in mind. To convert an old level do this:
<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">  levtool -dynavis
<p>Note that the statements <samp>&lsquo;culler&rsquo;</samp> and <samp>&lsquo;vistree&rsquo;</samp> are no longer
supported in world files. The loader will give an error if it finds them.
<a name="14"></a>
<h3 class="subheading"> Typed Vectors </h3>

<p>All the macro versions of the growing arrays and vectors have been removed
and replaced with corresponding templated arrays (see section <a href="csUtil.html#0">Utility Library (<code>csUtil</code>)</a>).  For
example, the following macros and all derivatives have been removed:

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