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<title>Crystal Space 1.2.1: Interface and implementation inheritance</title>

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<h4 class="subsubsection"> Interface and implementation inheritance </h4>

<p>From time to time there might be a need or want for using normal inheritance
together with <small>SCF</small>. In practice there are two times you want to do this;
interface deriving from another interface to add methods and deriving from an
implementation class to add new interfaces.
<p>In the first case where you want an interface to extend another, the declaration
of the interfaces is straight forward using normal C++ inheritance. However, to
make the implementation class aware of the base interfaces it should also expose
you need to use the <code>scfFakeInterface&lt;&gt;</code> template class in the parameter
to <code>scfImplementationN&lt;&gt;</code>.
<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">// Abstract interface file (itest2.h)
struct iTestBase : public virtual iBase
  SCF_INTERFACE (iTestBase, 1, 0, 0);
  virtual void SomeFunction () = 0;

struct iTest2 : public iTestBase
  SCF_INTERFACE (iTest2, 1, 0, 0);
  virtual void NewFunction () = 0;

// Concrete implementation header (test2.h)
class Test2 : public scfImplementation2&lt;Test2, 

<p>The other situation is when you want to take an already existing implementation
class, derive from it and add one or more new interfaces. Using only normal C++
inheritance and <code>scfImplementationN&lt;&gt;</code> like above is the right way to go if
the base class does not implement any <small>SCF</small> interfaces, if they do you need
to use the extra functionality that the template <code>scfImplementationExtN&lt;&gt;</code>.
<p><code>scfImplementationExtN&lt;&gt;</code> have same template parameters as 
<code>scfImplementationN&lt;&gt;</code> with one difference, the second parameter is the base
class to use. 
<p>Example: Lets extend Test2 from above with one more interface
<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">struct iNewIf : public virtual iBase
  SCF_INTERFACE (iNewIf, 1, 0, 0);
  virtual void PrintMe () = 0;

class NewTest2 : public scfImplementationExt1&lt;NewTest2, Test2, iNewIf&gt;
  void PrintMe ();


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