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<title>Crystal Space 1.2.1: Shader Conditions and Processing Instructions Reference</title>

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<h4 class="subsubsection"> Shader Conditions and Processing Instructions Reference </h4>

<a name="1"></a>
<h3 class="subheading"> General Syntax </h3>

<p>Shader conditions and processing instructions are specified via <small>XML</small> 
processing instructions, that is <code>&lt;?...?&gt;</code>.  Some instructions only
consist of a single instruction, others consist of a pair and enclose a
block of <small>XML</small>.  All tags opened in such a block must be properly closed
according to the node hierarchy, and all closing tags must be matched by
an opening tag inside such a block.
<p>In an instruction string, `<code>&lt;</code>' can be replaced with `<code>&amp;lt;</code>'
and `<code>&gt;</code>' can be replaced with `<code>&amp;gt;</code>'.
<a name="2"></a>
<h3 class="subheading"> Shader Processing Instructions </h3>

<p>Shader processing instructions are evaluated at parse time; notably, a shader
condition as described below does <em>not</em> influence whether a processing
instruction is processed or not.  In order to visually distinguish the 
parse-time evaluated processing instructions from the run-time evaluated
conditions, all processing instructions start with an uppercase letter by
<a name="3"></a>
<h4 class="subsubheading"> Templates </h4>

<p>Syntax for template definition:
</p><table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">&lt;?Template [TemplateName] {ParameterName} {ParameterName} ...?&gt;
<p>Syntax for template invokation:
</p><table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">&lt;?[TemplateName] {Parameter} {Parameter} ...?&gt;

<p>A template is available for invokation after the closing <code>Endtemplate</code>.
<p>If a template is defined with a name of an already existing definition, the
new definition overrides the old definition after the closing <code>Endtemplate</code>.
<p>If a template definition is parsed. template invokations inside template 
definitions are immediately expanded.  However, note that <em>nested</em> 
template definitions are not parsed unless the containing template is invoked.
This means that nested template invokations are not immediately expanded.
<p>Templates support parameters.  Each parameter has a name, and placeholders in 
the template contents block are substituted with the parameter's values.
A placeholder has the form <samp>&lsquo;$Parameter$&rsquo;</samp> or <samp>&lsquo;$&quot;Parameter$&rsquo;</samp>.  The
first form substitutes the placeholders with the verbatim parameter value.
The second form substitutes the placeholders with a &ldquo;quoted&rdquo; string:
it is formatted such that it can be passed as a parameter to a template
invokation, preserving contained spaces (see below).  
To specify a single dollar sign in the contents block use <samp>&lsquo;$$&rsquo;</samp>.
<p>The parameter values specified in the template invokation are associated with
the definition's parameter names by position.  Parameter values are 
space-separated.  To specify a parameter that contains spaces, the string
must be surrounded by quotes.  A quote character in such a quoted string is
represented as <samp>&lsquo;\&quot;&rsquo;</samp>, a backslash character as <samp>&lsquo;\\&rsquo;</samp>.
<p>Syntax for weak template definition:
</p><table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">&lt;?TemplateWeak [TemplateName] {ParameterName} {ParameterName} ...?&gt;
<p>Weak templates behave the same way as &ldquo;normal&rdquo; templates, except in the case
of a definition with the name as an already existing definition: the new
definition is ignored.
<a name="4"></a>
<h4 class="subsubheading"> Generators </h4>

<p>Syntax for generation:
</p><table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">&lt;?Generate [Variable] [Start] [End] {Step} ?&gt;
<p><samp>&lsquo;Generate&rsquo;</samp> instructions let internally run an integer counter, starting 
at <samp>&lsquo;Start&rsquo;</samp>, adding <samp>&lsquo;Step&rsquo;</samp> on each iteration, until the counter
is greater (for a positive <samp>&lsquo;Step&rsquo;</samp>) respectively smaller (for a 
negative <samp>&lsquo;Step&rsquo;</samp>) than <samp>&lsquo;End&rsquo;</samp>. Each iteration replicates the
contents block.
<p>If <samp>&lsquo;Step&rsquo;</samp> is not specified, it defaults to <code>1</code> if 
<samp>&lsquo;Start&rsquo;</samp> &lt;= <samp>&lsquo;End&rsquo;</samp> or to <code>-1</code> if <samp>&lsquo;Start&rsquo;</samp> &gt; <samp>&lsquo;End&rsquo;</samp>.
<samp>&lsquo;Step&rsquo;</samp> = <code>0</code>, <samp>&lsquo;Step&rsquo;</samp> &gt; <code>0</code> and <samp>&lsquo;Start&rsquo;</samp> &gt; <samp>&lsquo;End&rsquo;</samp>,
<samp>&lsquo;Step&rsquo;</samp> &lt; <code>0</code> and <samp>&lsquo;Start&rsquo;</samp> &lt;= <samp>&lsquo;End&rsquo;</samp> result in an error. 
<p>Certain placeholders in the contents block, in the same form as placeholders
for a <samp>&lsquo;Template&rsquo;</samp> parameter with the name of <samp>&lsquo;Variable&rsquo;</samp> will be
replaced with the counter value of an iteration.
<p>(Semantically, using a <samp>&lsquo;Generate&rsquo;</samp> instruction is equivalent to defining
a template with a single parameter named <samp>&lsquo;Variable&rsquo;</samp>, with the same 
contents as the <samp>&lsquo;Generate&rsquo;</samp> instruction, and invoking it once for each 
value of the counter, iterating as described above.) 
<a name="5"></a>
<h4 class="subsubheading"> Inclusions </h4>

<p>Syntax for inclusion:
</p><table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">&lt;?Include [Filename] ?&gt;

<p><samp>&lsquo;Filename&rsquo;</samp> is the <small>VFS</small> path to the file to be included.  The file
needs to be an <small>XML</small> file with a node <code>include</code> at the root.  All
contents of this <code>include</code> node will treated as if appearing in the 
including document at the point of the <samp>&lsquo;Include&rsquo;</samp> processing instruction.
Shader processing instructions and shader conditions will be handled normally.
<a name="6"></a>
<h4 class="subsubheading"> Static Conditions </h4>

<p>Syntax for a symbol definition:
</p><table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">&lt;?Define [Symbol] ?&gt;

<p>Syntax for a symbol undefinition:
</p><table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">&lt;?Undef [Symbol] ?&gt;

<p><samp>&lsquo;Define&rsquo;</samp> adds <samp>&lsquo;Symbol&rsquo;</samp> to a global symbol table.  <samp>&lsquo;Undef&rsquo;</samp> 
removes <samp>&lsquo;Symbol&rsquo;</samp> from that table.  The presence of a symbol in that 
table can be tested with the statements below.
<p>Syntax for symbol testing:
</p><table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">&lt;?SIfDef|SIfNDef [Symbol] ?&gt;
{&lt;?SElsIfDef|SElsIfNDef [Symbol] ?&gt;}
{&lt;?SElsIfDef|SElsIfNDef [Symbol] ?&gt;}
{&lt;?SElse ?&gt;}
&lt;?SEndIf ?&gt;
<p><samp>&lsquo;SIfDef&rsquo;</samp> tests for the presence of a symbol in the global symbol table,
<samp>&lsquo;SIfNDef&rsquo;</samp> for the absence.  If the test succeeds, the contents of the 
block up to the next <samp>&lsquo;SElsIfDef&rsquo;</samp>, <samp>&lsquo;SElsIfNDef&rsquo;</samp>, <samp>&lsquo;SElse&rsquo;</samp> or 
<samp>&lsquo;SEndIf&rsquo;</samp> are used in the document.  If the test does not succeed, the 
behaviour depends on the instruction that follows: if it is the <samp>&lsquo;SEndIf&rsquo;</samp>, 
nothing will be used in the document.  If it is the <samp>&lsquo;SElse&rsquo;</samp>, the contents
of the block from  <samp>&lsquo;SElse&rsquo;</samp> to <samp>&lsquo;SEndIf&rsquo;</samp> will be used.  If the next
instruction is <samp>&lsquo;SElsIfDef&rsquo;</samp> or <samp>&lsquo;SElsIfNDef&rsquo;</samp>, the <samp>&lsquo;Symbol&rsquo;</samp>
specified there will be tested for presence or absence again; which block is
used in the document depends on the result of the test and the following
instruction in the same way as for <samp>&lsquo;SIfDef&rsquo;</samp> or <samp>&lsquo;SIfNDef&rsquo;</samp>.
<p>Every <samp>&lsquo;SIfDef&rsquo;</samp> or <samp>&lsquo;SIfNDef&rsquo;</samp> is matched by one <samp>&lsquo;SEndIf&rsquo;</samp>.
An <samp>&lsquo;SElse&rsquo;</samp> instruction is optional and must only be followed by the
<a name="7"></a>
<h3 class="subheading"> Shader Conditions </h3>

<p>Shader conditions are evaluated at run time.  They can be treated as if
re-evaluated every time a shader is used.  In order to visually distinguish 
the run-time evaluated conditions from the parse-time evaluated processing 
instructions, all conditions start with a lowercase letter by convention.
<p>Syntax for conditons:
</p><table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">&lt;?if [Expression] ?&gt;
{&lt;?elsif [Expression] ?&gt;}
{&lt;?elsif [Expression] ?&gt;}
{&lt;?else ?&gt;}
&lt;?endif ?&gt;
<p><samp>&lsquo;if&rsquo;</samp> tests whether <samp>&lsquo;Expression&rsquo;</samp> evaluates to the boolean value 
<code>true</code>.  <samp>&lsquo;Expression&rsquo;</samp> not evaluating to a boolean value results in 
an error.  (Expressions can evaluate to different types, see below.) 
If the test succeeds, the contents of the block up to the next <samp>&lsquo;elsif&rsquo;</samp>, 
<samp>&lsquo;else&rsquo;</samp>, or <samp>&lsquo;endif&rsquo;</samp> are used in the document.  If the test does not 
succeed, the behaviour depends on the instruction that follows: if it is the 
<samp>&lsquo;endif&rsquo;</samp>, nothing will be used in the shader.  If it is the <samp>&lsquo;else&rsquo;</samp>, 
the contents of the block from <samp>&lsquo;else&rsquo;</samp> to <samp>&lsquo;endif&rsquo;</samp> will be used.  
If the next instruction is <samp>&lsquo;elsif&rsquo;</samp>, the <samp>&lsquo;Expression&rsquo;</samp> specified there
will be evaluated and tested the same way as it would for an <samp>&lsquo;if&rsquo;</samp>; 
which block is used in the document depends on the result of the test and the 
following instruction in the same way as for <samp>&lsquo;if&rsquo;</samp>.
<p>Every <samp>&lsquo;ifdef&rsquo;</samp> is matched by one <samp>&lsquo;endif&rsquo;</samp>.  An <samp>&lsquo;else&rsquo;</samp> instruction 
is optional and must only be followed by the <samp>&lsquo;endif&rsquo;</samp>. 
<a name="8"></a>
<h4 class="subsubheading"> Expression Syntax </h4>

<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">      expr ::= (expr) | expr op expr | '!' expr | identifier | number
        op ::= '||' | '&amp;&amp;' | '==' | '!=' | '&lt;' | '&gt;' | '&lt;=' | '&gt;='
identifier ::= ident-string | ident-string '.' identifier
<p><samp>&lsquo;ident-string&rsquo;</samp> can be an arbitrary character string.  To specify a string 
with spaces double quotes must be put around the string.
<p><samp>&lsquo;number&rsquo;</samp> can be an integer or float number.
<a name="9"></a>
<h4 class="subsubheading"> Expression Operators </h4>

<tr><td><p> Operator </p></td><td><p> Priority </p></td><td><p> Description </p></td><td><p> Operand type(s)
<tr><td><p> <code>!</code> </p></td><td><p> 1 </p></td><td><p> Unary logical <small>NOT</small> </p></td><td><p> boolean
<tr><td><p> <code>&gt;=</code> </p></td><td><p> 2 </p></td><td><p> Binary greater equal </p></td><td><p> integer, float
<tr><td><p> <code>&lt;=</code> </p></td><td><p> 2 </p></td><td><p> Binary lesser equal </p></td><td><p> integer, float
<tr><td><p> <code>&gt;</code> </p></td><td><p> 2 </p></td><td><p> Binary greater </p></td><td><p> integer, float
<tr><td><p> <code>&lt;</code> </p></td><td><p> 2 </p></td><td><p> Binary lesser </p></td><td><p> integer, float
<tr><td><p> <code>==</code> </p></td><td><p> 3 </p></td><td><p> Binary equal </p></td><td><p> integer, float, boolean
<tr><td><p> <code>!=</code> </p></td><td><p> 3 </p></td><td><p> Binary not equal </p></td><td><p> integer, float, boolean
<tr><td><p> <code>&amp;&amp;</code> </p></td><td><p> 4 </p></td><td><p> Binary logical <small>AND</small> </p></td><td><p> boolean
<tr><td><p> <code>||</code> </p></td><td><p> 5 </p></td><td><p> Binary logical <small>OR</small> </p></td><td><p> boolean

<p>Lower priority means higher precedence.
<p>Both operands must have types compatible to each others.  The type `boolean'
is only compatible to `boolean' itself. `integer', `float' are compatible
to each other.  If one operand is a `float' but the other is not, this other
operand gets converted to `float' before evaluation of the operation.
<a name="10"></a>
<h4 class="subsubheading"> Expression Identifiers </h4>

<p><samp>&lsquo;identifier&rsquo;</samp> identifies a built-in constant or shader variable.
<p>Identifiers are build of names separated by dots, forming a hierarchy.  The
leftmost name is the top-level name.  Subsequent names are also called 
&ldquo;members&rdquo; of the name left of them.
<p>Top-level names are:
<dl compact="compact">
<dt> <code>consts</code></dt>
<dd><p>Constants.  Available members are the boolean constants <samp>&lsquo;true&rsquo;</samp> and 
<samp>&lsquo;false&rsquo;</samp>, as well as integer constants consisting of the enumerants of
the <code>csLightType</code> enum, the <code>csLightAttenuationMode</code> enum and the
<code>csFogMode</code> enum.
<dt> <code>vars</code></dt>
<dd><p>Shader variables.  Members are all possible names of shader variables.
Each such member will evaluate to a boolean value, which is <code>true</code> if
a shader variable of the specified name exists in the set of shader variables
used for rendering, or <code>false</code> if not.

<p>Furthermore, shader variable names have members themselves:
</p><dl compact="compact">
<dt> <code>int</code></dt>
<dd><p>The integer value of the shader variable, or <code>0</code> if the variable doesn't 
<dt> <code>float</code></dt>
<dd><p>The float value of the shader variable, or <code>0.0</code> if the variable doesn't 
<dt> <code>x</code></dt>
<dd><p>The `x' component of the vector value of the shader variable, or <code>0.0</code> 
the variable doesn't exist.
<dt> <code>y</code></dt>
<dd><p>The `y' component of the vector value of the shader variable, or <code>0.0</code> 
the variable doesn't exist.
<dt> <code>z</code></dt>
<dd><p>The `z' component of the vector value of the shader variable, or <code>0.0</code> 
the variable doesn't exist.
<dt> <code>w</code></dt>
<dd><p>The `w' component of the vector value of the shader variable, or <code>0.0</code> 
the variable doesn't exist.
<dt> <code>buffer</code></dt>
<dd><p>A boolean value indicating whether the variable contains a buffer, or 
<code>false</code> if the variable doesn't exist. 
<dt> <code>texture</code></dt>
<dd><p>A boolean value indicating whether the variable contains a buffer, or 
<code>false</code> if the variable doesn't exist. 

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