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<title>Crystal Space 1.2.1: 4.8.1 csObject and iObject</title>

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<h3 class="subsection"> 4.8.1 csObject and iObject </h3>

<p>The <samp>&lsquo;csObject&rsquo;</samp> class can be used to build object hierarchies. It supports
building a simple tree structure. To use this functionality, you should derive
your classes from <samp>&lsquo;csObject&rsquo;</samp>. <samp>&lsquo;csObject&rsquo;</samp> implements the
<samp>&lsquo;iObject&rsquo;</samp> interface and can store any number of <samp>&lsquo;iObject&rsquo;</samp> children.
Furthermore, every <samp>&lsquo;csObject&rsquo;</samp> may have a name.
<p>All child objects are <code>IncRef()</code>'ed when added and <code>DecRef()</code>'ed when
removed. An object also stores a pointer to its parent (which is not
reference-counted to avoid circular references). Note that this pointer will
always point to the last parent if the object is added to more than one
parent. When the object is removed from a parent, the pointer is set to
null, even if the object is still a child of another parent!
<p>Although the children of an object are only available as <samp>&lsquo;iObject&rsquo;</samp>
instances, you can use <code>scfQueryInterface</code> to query other interfaces
from them.  Some convenience macros are also available:
<dl compact="compact">
<dt> <code>CS_GET_CHILD_OBJECT(object,Interface)</code></dt>
<dd><p>Get the first child object that implements the given interface.
<dt> <code>CS_GET_NAMED_CHILD_OBJECT(object,Interface,name)</code></dt>
<dd><p>Get the first child object with the given name that implements the given
interface. This will continue to search through the objects if an object
with the right name but not the right interface was found, i.e. it handles
multiple objects with the same name correctly.
<dt> <code>CS_GET_FIRST_NAMED_CHILD_OBJECT(object,Interface,name)</code></dt>
<dd><p>Same as the above but stops at the first object with the given name, even if
it does not implement the requested interface (in that case, <code>0</code> is
returned). This is slightly faster.

<p>Note that all these macros increase the reference count of the returned
object by 1.
<p>Note that there are a few HOWTO's describing possible uses for the
<samp>&lsquo;csObject&rsquo;</samp> system (see section <a href="User-Objects.html#0">Attaching User Objects to CS Objects</a> and
see section <a href="User-Objects-in-Maps.html#0">Attaching User Objects to CS Objects in a map file</a>).

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