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  <td class="file-title"><span class="file-title-prefix">Class</span><br />SQLite3::Translator</td>
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<a href="../../files/lib/sqlite3/translator_rb.html">lib/sqlite3/translator.rb</a>
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  <div class="description"><p>
The <a href="Translator.html">Translator</a> class encapsulates the logic
and callbacks necessary for converting string data to a value of some
specified type. Every <a href="Database.html">Database</a> instance may
have a <a href="Translator.html">Translator</a> instance, in order to
assist in type translation (Database#type_translation).
Further, applications may define their own custom type translation logic by
registering translator blocks with the corresponding database&#8216;s
translator instance (<a

  <div class="sectiontitle">Methods</div>
  <li><a href="#M000072">add_translator</a></li>
  <li><a href="#M000071">new</a></li>
  <li><a href="#M000073">translate</a></li>

<div class="sectiontitle">Public Class methods</div>
<div class="method">
  <div class="title">
    <a name="M000071"></a><b>new</b>()
  <div class="description">
Create a <a href="Translator.html#M000071">new</a> <a
href="Translator.html">Translator</a> instance. It will be preinitialized
with default translators for most SQL data types.
<div class="sourcecode">
  <p class="source-link">[ <a href="javascript:toggleSource('M000071_source')" id="l_M000071_source">show source</a> ]</p>
  <div id="M000071_source" class="dyn-source">
    <span class="ruby-comment cmt"># File lib/sqlite3/translator.rb, line 18</span>
18:     <span class="ruby-keyword kw">def</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">initialize</span>
19:       <span class="ruby-ivar">@translators</span> = <span class="ruby-constant">Hash</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">new</span>( <span class="ruby-identifier">proc</span> { <span class="ruby-operator">|</span><span class="ruby-identifier">type</span>,<span class="ruby-identifier">value</span><span class="ruby-operator">|</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">value</span> } )
20:       <span class="ruby-ivar">@type_name_cache</span> = {}
21:       <span class="ruby-identifier">register_default_translators</span>
22:     <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
<div class="sectiontitle">Public Instance methods</div>
<div class="method">
  <div class="title">
    <a name="M000072"></a><b>add_translator</b>( type ) {|type, value| ...}
  <div class="description">
Add a <a href="Translator.html#M000071">new</a> translator block, which
will be invoked to process type translations to the given type. The type
should be an SQL datatype, and may include parentheses (i.e.,
&quot;VARCHAR(30)&quot;). However, any parenthetical information is
stripped off and discarded, so type translation decisions are made solely
on the &quot;base&quot; type name.
The translator block itself should accept two parameters, &quot;type&quot;
and &quot;value&quot;. In this case, the &quot;type&quot; is the full type
name (including parentheses), so the block itself may include logic for
changing how a type is translated based on the additional data. The
&quot;value&quot; parameter is the (string) data to convert.
The block should return the translated value.
<div class="sourcecode">
  <p class="source-link">[ <a href="javascript:toggleSource('M000072_source')" id="l_M000072_source">show source</a> ]</p>
  <div id="M000072_source" class="dyn-source">
    <span class="ruby-comment cmt"># File lib/sqlite3/translator.rb, line 37</span>
37:     <span class="ruby-keyword kw">def</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">add_translator</span>( <span class="ruby-identifier">type</span>, <span class="ruby-operator">&amp;</span><span class="ruby-identifier">block</span> ) <span class="ruby-comment cmt"># :yields: type, value</span>
38:       <span class="ruby-ivar">@translators</span>[ <span class="ruby-identifier">type_name</span>( <span class="ruby-identifier">type</span> ) ] = <span class="ruby-identifier">block</span>
39:     <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
<div class="method">
  <div class="title">
    <a name="M000073"></a><b>translate</b>( type, value )
  <div class="description">
Translate the given string value to a value of the given type. In the
absense of an installed translator block for the given type, the value
itself is always returned. Further, <tt>nil</tt> values are never
translated, and are always passed straight through regardless of the type
<div class="sourcecode">
  <p class="source-link">[ <a href="javascript:toggleSource('M000073_source')" id="l_M000073_source">show source</a> ]</p>
  <div id="M000073_source" class="dyn-source">
    <span class="ruby-comment cmt"># File lib/sqlite3/translator.rb, line 45</span>
45:     <span class="ruby-keyword kw">def</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">translate</span>( <span class="ruby-identifier">type</span>, <span class="ruby-identifier">value</span> )
46:       <span class="ruby-keyword kw">unless</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">value</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">nil?</span>
47:         <span class="ruby-ivar">@translators</span>[ <span class="ruby-identifier">type_name</span>( <span class="ruby-identifier">type</span> ) ].<span class="ruby-identifier">call</span>( <span class="ruby-identifier">type</span>, <span class="ruby-identifier">value</span> )
48:       <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
49:     <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>

