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# Copyright (C) 2005-2007, Parrot Foundation.
# $Id: optable.pod 36833 2009-02-17 20:09:26Z allison $

=head1 ***** WARNING *****

This is an ALPHA pod! The contents herein may not reflect reality. :)

=head1 NAME

docs/optable.pod - PGE operator precedence table and parser

=head1 VERSION

$Revision: 36833 $


PGE::OPTable is the bottom up shift/reduce style parser component of the
Parrot Grammar Engine (PGE) suite. PGE is a Parrot implementation of Perl6


=over 4

=item - Shift reduce application to more general grammar productions than just

=item - Static state machine transition table generation.  (Optimization)

=item - tighter and looser should work even when their argument operator
hasn't been defined yet.



=head2 "operator"

An operator is a most often mathematical function usually taking one or two
arguments (operands, also called terms) and returning a calculated result.
Operators are often characterized as pure (no side effects).  Obvious
exceptions to this rule are increment (++) and decrement (--) operators and
assignment operators such as +=, *=, etc.

Operators which have one operand are called unary operators.  Unary operator
symbols may appear in the prefix position (in front of the term) or in the
postfix position (following the term).  Binary operators have two operators.
Binary operator symbols usually appear in the infix position between the two
operands. Ternary operators also exist, such as the C style ternary
conditional operator C< expression ? true case : false case>. See Synopsis 5
Rules for more information.

=head2 "expression"

An expression is a combination of operators, operands (terms such as variables
and values) and grouping symbols that describe a computation.  Expressions
return a result.

=head2 "term"

A term is the atomic unit on which an operator operates.  Operand is the more
formal mathematical term for term. :) In OPTable parsed expressions a term is
a variable or primitive value.

=head2 "precedence"

Precedence is the order in which operators are evaluated.  Higher precedence
operators are evaluated before lower precedence operators.

=head2 "precedence level"

Computer languages usually have a table of operator precedences.  Operators at
the top of the table have higher precedence than those below.  Operators at
the same vertical level in the table have equivalent or equal precedence.  An
operator's level in the table is called its precedence level.  OPTable uses
integers to signify precedence.  The greater the OPTable precedence integer
the higher the precedence level of the operator.  An operator with precedence
level 22 has higher precedence that an operator with precedence level 5 and
will be evaluated first.

=head2 "shift/reduce"


=head1 SYNTAX

  grammar NAMESPACE;


The C<grammar> statement at the top is the namespace in which the optable
will be generated.  Written in Perl6 style the C<grammar> statement is
translated by PGE into valid Parrot namespace syntax.

The C<proto> statement declares an operator to be added to the precedence table
and parser.  All operator attributes are defined using the Perl6 adverbial
style of C<is ADVERB()>.  Adverbial clauses are separated by white space.
Adverbs can have 0-arity in which case they can be written without
parentheses.  Adverbial arguments are written comma separated in parentheses.

=head2 "Adverbial Precedence Clauses"

=over 4

=item - is precedence(PRECEDENCE_LEVEL_STRING)

C<is precedence> takes a single string argument which contains the precedence
level for the current operator that C<is precedence> is modifying.  The C<is
precedence> argument string is formatted as a integer precedence level
followed by equals sign. e.g. '22='


C<is tighter> takes a B<previously> defined operator name as its single
argument.  The argument operator's precedence level plus 1 is then used as the
precedence level for the current operator that C<is tighter> is modifying.


C<is looser> takes a B<previously> defined operator name as its single
argument.  The argument operator's precedence level minus 1 is then used as
the precedence level for the current operator that C<is looser> is modifying.


C<is equiv> takes a B<previously> defined operator name as its single
argument.  The argument operator's precedence level is used as the precedence
level for the current operator that C<is equiv> is modifying.

=item - is assoc(DESCRIPTION)

DESCRIPTION can be one of 'list', 'left', 'right', 'non', or 'chain'.

C<is assoc> declares the associativity of the operator.  The absence of a C<is
assoc> adverb indicates that the operation is associative or that the order of
evaluation of two or more instances of an operator in an expression is
unimportant.  C<'left'> signifies left association; evaluation should occur
from the left.  Conversely, C<'right'> signifies right association; evaluation
should occur from the right.  C<'non'> declares that this operator doesn't
strongly associate to the left or right.  C<'list'> specifies that the
operator is associated as a list context.  C<'chain'> declares chained
association such as C<a = b = c = 10> or C< a < 10 < b>.


=head2 "Adverbial Clauses"

=over 4

=item - is parsed()

PGE::OPTable normally generates the parsing code for an operator based on the
operator name which usually consists of the operator's orientation followed by
a colon and then the operator symbol. In Perl6 'infix:*' is an example
operator name of the infix multiplication operator.  'infix:x' likewise
represents the Perl6 repeat operator.  The C<is parsed> adverb declares that
this particular operator is parsed using the Perl6 match conforming method
specified as the adverbs argument instead of auto-generated code based off of
the operator's name.

=item - is pastrule()

The C<is pastrule> adverb defines the pastrule attribute of an operator.
During later processing by the Tree Grammar Engine (TGE) compiler tool, the
pastrule attribute can be used to specify custom TGE processing.

TODO: needs concrete example

=item - is post()

The C<is post> adverb specifies the Parrot opcode that implements the
semantics of this particular operator. C<is post('add')> is used to annotate
the 'infix:+' operator in languages where the infix + symbol denotes addition.

=item - is expect()

The C<is expect> adverb used to specify the hexadecimal identifier of the next
token OPTable should expect???

=item - is returns()

The C<is returns> adverb specifies the type of the result for this operator.
TGE can use this attribute to construct correctly typed temporary to hold the
intermediate results of operations for later use or combination.

=item - is pir()

The C<is pir> adverb specifies a code generation emit string that can be used
during code generation.  Parrot assembly is emitted as Parrot Intermediate
Representation (PIR).  Hence the adverb name pir. The argument string is a
format string, after the C style printf format string. C<%r> represents the
result of the operation.  C<%0>, C<%1>, etc represent the operands of the
operator.  proto 'infix:~&' is equiv('infix:*') is pir(" %r = bands %0, %1") {
... }

=item - is nullterm

The C<is nullterm> adverb specifies that the operator is an 0-arity function
that doesn't take any operands.

=item - is stop()
TODO: needs help, stolen shamelessly from compilers/pge/PGE/OPTable.pir

The C<is stop> adverb declares a string to be matched directly or a sub(rule)
to be called to check for a match.



TODO: how it works inside :)












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