

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > i586 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > cd14cddf3b3ceaf1193157472227757a > files > 763


# Copyright (C) 2005-2009, Parrot Foundation.
# $Id: sudoku.pir 40200 2009-07-21 21:51:54Z bacek $


=head1 TITLE

Sudoku - A sudoku solver


This program implements scanning and blocked rows or columns invalidation.
It does not consider all effects of multiple number blocking, where a
combination of invalid numbers blocks a row or column. In such cases a
simple backtracking algorithm continues to solve the sudoku.


  parrot -Ot sudoku.pir [--options] [file]

If no file is given a builtin game is run.

Valid options are:

=over 4

=item --version

Print version information and exit.

=item --help

Print help hint and exit.

=item --debug

Print debug output and game progress to stdout.

=item --inv=n..

Print additionally invalid state of given number(s).

=item --pairs

Print additionally fields with uniqe pairs of numbers.

=item --builtin=name

Run builtin game. If no name is given a list of builtins is printed.

=item --nc

Use ncurses for display and single step through progress. Press any key
for next display.



The game state is held in multiple views which share one Integer PMC
per common position. Thus updating a row sets also the column or square
information. These three views are list of lists.


Game files may contain comments (hash sign in the first column)
digits, and dots for empty fields. E.g:

  # std020.sud
  # der standard 020 - leicht

=head1 PARROT

=head2 Parrot features used

=over 4

=item Parrot OO

The solver is an object as well as the display.

=item Freeze/thaw

For deep copying the game state for backtracking.

=item Multi Method Dispatch

The display classes define multiple methods with the name I<print>,
which take different types and amounts of arguments.

=item Libraries

The program uses Getopt/Obj and the ncurses library.

=item Exception handling

To turn off ncurses just in case.


=head2 Variable indices

Column, rows, and sqares have zero-based indices. Squares are
numbered from top left to bottom right.

=head2 Sudoku Class attributes

=over 4

=item I<rows, cols, sqrs>

LoL of 0 = free, 1..9 = number

=item I<i_rows, i_cols, i_sqrs>

LoL of a bitmask of invalid numbers per field. Bits are starting at bit
one not zero.

=item I<all>

Hash referencing these 6 items - used for backtracking.

=item I<opt>

The option hash.

=item I<disp>

Holds an instance of the display class (I<Dummy>, I<NCurses>) to use.


=head1 AUTHOR

Leopold Toetsch


Same as parrot.


.const string VERSION="0.2.3"

.sub _main :main
    .param pmc argv
    .local int argc
    .local string raw_given
    .local pmc opt
    opt = parse_options(argv)
    argc = elements argv
    dec argc
    if argc < 0 goto get_default
    $I0 = defined opt["builtin"]
    if $I0 goto get_default
    $S0 = argv[argc]
    raw_given = read_given($S0)
    goto done_input
    raw_given = builtin_game(opt)
    run_game(raw_given, opt)

# create game class, object, display, and run
.sub run_game
    .param string raw_given
    .param pmc opt

    .local pmc ar
    ar = verify_input(raw_given)
    .local pmc cl, self, disp
    cl = newclass "Sudoku"
    addattribute cl, "orig"
    addattribute cl, "all"
    addattribute cl, "cols"
    addattribute cl, "rows"
    addattribute cl, "sqrs"
    addattribute cl, "i_cols"
    addattribute cl, "i_rows"
    addattribute cl, "i_sqrs"
    addattribute cl, "opt"
    addattribute cl, "disp"
    self = new "Sudoku"
    setattribute self, "opt", opt
    disp = self."new_display"()
    ##push_eh nc_stop

    $I0 = self."verify"()
    unless $I0 goto err
    if $I0 == 1 goto ok
    if $I0 == 2 goto fin
    disp."print"("init ok\n")
    $I0 = self."solve"()
    if $I0 == 1 goto nok
    if $I0 == 0 goto nc_stop
    # need backtracking
    .local pmc tries, all
    tries = new 'ResizablePMCArray'
    all = getattribute self, "all"
    push tries, all
    $I0 = self."back_track"(tries)
    if $I0 == 2 goto fin
    goto nc_stop
    printerr "inconsistent start\n"
    die 3, 100

# read game from file
#  - ignore comment lines w/ hash sign in first col
#  - valid chars are dots (empty) and digits 1..9
.sub read_given
    .param string file_name
    .local pmc io
    .local string line, result, c
    .local int i, len
    result = ""
    io = open file_name, 'r'
    $I0 = defined io
    unless $I0 goto err
    line = readline io
    unless io goto done
    substr c, line, 0, 1
    if c == '#' goto loop
    len = length line
    i = 0
    substr c, line, i, 1
    if c != '.' goto no_dot
    result .= c
    if c < '1' goto no_num
    if c > '9' goto no_num
    result .= c
    inc i
    if i < len goto lp2
    goto loop
    printerr "read '"
    printerr file_name
    printerr "' failed\n"
    die 3, 100

# get commandline options
.sub parse_options
    .param pmc argv

    load_bytecode "Getopt/Obj.pbc"

    .local string prog
    prog = shift argv

    # Specification of command line arguments.
    # --version, --debug, --inv=nnn, --builtin=name, --nc, --help
    .local pmc getopts
    getopts = new "Getopt::Obj"
    push getopts, "version"
    push getopts, "debug"
    push getopts, "pairs"
    push getopts, "inv=s"
    push getopts, "builtin:s"   # optional
    push getopts, "nc"
    push getopts, "help"

    .local pmc opt
    opt = getopts."get_options"(argv)

    $I0 = defined opt['version']
    unless $I0 goto n_ver
    print prog
    print " "
    print VERSION
    print "\n"
    $I0 = defined opt['help']
    unless $I0 goto n_help
    print "usage: "
    print prog
    print " [options...] [file]\n"
    print "see\n\tperldoc -F "
    print prog
    print "\nfor more\n"

    $I0 = defined opt['debug']
    unless $I0 goto n_deb
    print "debugging on\n"
    .return (opt)

.include "iterator.pasm"

# return one of the builtin games
.sub builtin_game
    .param pmc opt

    .local string raw_given, name
    .local pmc b, it

    b = get_builtins()
    $I0 = exists opt["builtin"]
    if $I0 goto some
    $S0 = b['wikipedia']
    .return ($S0)
    name = opt["builtin"]
    if name == "1" goto list_names
    if name goto sel_name

    it = iter b
    unless it goto fin
    $S0 = shift it
    print $S0
    print " "
    goto loop
    say ''

    $I0 = exists b[name]
    if $I0 goto ok
    printerr "no such builtin: '"
    printerr name
    printerr "'\n"
    die 3, 100
    $S0 = b[name]
    .return ($S0)

.sub get_builtins
    .local pmc b
    .local string raw_given
    b = new 'Hash'

    # sudokusan malicious 26.6
    raw_given  = "..9...8.."
    raw_given .= "....85..."
    raw_given .= "4..23...1"
    raw_given .= ".4....9.."
    raw_given .= ".75...34."
    raw_given .= "..2....8."
    raw_given .= "1...59..4"
    raw_given .= "...17...."
    raw_given .= "..3...6.."
    b["san_m0626"] = raw_given

    # sudokusan atrocious 20.6
    raw_given  = "..2.1..5."
    raw_given .= "95...736."
    raw_given .= ".3......8"
    raw_given .= ".8.6.1..."
    raw_given .= "5...2...3"
    raw_given .= "...7.5.1."
    raw_given .= "8......3."
    raw_given .= ".451...29"
    raw_given .= ".1..6.4.."
    b["san_a0620"] = raw_given

    # sudokusan atrocious 24.6
    raw_given  = ".83......"
    raw_given .= "....4...3"
    raw_given .= "..79..8.6"
    raw_given .= "....2.3.."
    raw_given .= "."
    raw_given .= "..5.6...."
    raw_given .= "4.6..97.."
    raw_given .= "3...8...."
    raw_given .= "......12."
    b["san_a0624"] = raw_given

    # sudokusan atrocious 26.6
    raw_given  = "5.93....7"
    raw_given .= "....9...."
    raw_given .= "....64..1"
    raw_given .= "..6.....5"
    raw_given .= ".58...27."
    raw_given .= "2.....4.."
    raw_given .= "7..51...."
    raw_given .= "....4...."
    raw_given .= "8....61.9"
    b["san_a0626"] = raw_given

    # sudoku-san 4th aug 2006 - atrocious  - Y-WING
    raw_given  = ".....1..."
    raw_given .= "6..7....5"
    raw_given .= ".82..49.."
    raw_given .= ".734...8."
    raw_given .= "........."
    raw_given .= ".5...736."
    raw_given .= "..16..23."
    raw_given .= "9....5..1"
    raw_given .= "...8....."
    b["san_a0804"] = raw_given

    # wikipedia - (one of ) the smallest (17 clues) known sudoku
    raw_given  = "1........"
    raw_given .= "..274...."
    raw_given .= "...5....4"
    raw_given .= ".3......."
    raw_given .= "75......."
    raw_given .= ".....96.."
    raw_given .= ".4...6..."
    raw_given .= ".......71"
    raw_given .= ".....1.3."
    b["wikipedia"] = raw_given

    # derstandard 019 schwer
    raw_given  = "....8..5."
    raw_given .= ".123....6"
    raw_given .= ".456....."
    raw_given .= ".789....."
    raw_given .= "5.......4"
    raw_given .= ".....123."
    raw_given .= ".....456."
    raw_given .= "3....789."
    raw_given .= ".5..3...."
    b["std019"] = raw_given

    # derstandard 018 mittel
    raw_given  = "....247.."
    raw_given .= ".1.....5."
    raw_given .= "..8.....3"
    raw_given .= "..25....7"
    raw_given .= ".4..3..8."
    raw_given .= "6....91.."
    raw_given .= "7.....9.."
    raw_given .= ".3.....6."
    raw_given .= "..581...."
    b["std018"] = raw_given

    # "unsolvable" 3 - Y-Wing
    raw_given  = "...8....6"
    raw_given .= "..162.43."
    raw_given .= "4...71..2"
    raw_given .= "..72...8."
    raw_given .= "....1...."
    raw_given .= ".1...62.."
    raw_given .= "1..73...4"
    raw_given .= ".26.481.."
    raw_given .= "3....5..."
    b["uns3"] = raw_given

    .return (b)

# count zero bits
.sub bits0
    .param int c
    .local int i, n, b

    i = 0
    n = 0
    c >>= 1        # bits start at 1
    b = c & 1
    if b goto is_set
    inc n
    inc i
    if i < 9 goto loop
    .return (n)

# count one bits (3 max - zero based)
.sub bits1
    .param int c
    .local int i, n, b

    i = 0
    n = 0
    b = c & 1
    c >>= 1
    unless b goto not_set
    inc n
    inc i
    if i < 3 goto loop
    .return (n)

# make sure the game is valid
.sub verify_input
    .param string raw
    .local int i, c
    i = length raw
    if i != 81 goto len_err
    .local pmc ar
    ar = new 'FixedIntegerArray'
    ar = 81
    i = 0
    $I0 = ord raw, i
    if $I0 != 0x2e goto not_dot
    c =  0
    goto set_it
    if $I0 < 0x30 goto err
    if $I0 > 0x39 goto err
    c = $I0 - 0x30
    ar[i] = c
    inc i
    if i < 81 goto loop
    .return (ar)
    printerr "ill char: '"
    substr $S0, raw, i, 1
    printerr $S0
    printerr "\n"
    die 3, 100

    printerr "length != 81 found : "
    printerr i
    printerr "\n"
    die 3, 100

# game methods

.namespace ["Sudoku"]

# return true if we single-step
.sub "step" :method
    .local pmc opt
    opt = getattribute self, "opt"
    $I0 = defined opt['debug']
    unless $I0 goto check_nc
    .return ($I0)
    $I0 = defined opt['nc']
    .return ($I0)

# return true if debugging is on
.sub "debug" :method
    .local pmc opt
    opt = getattribute self, "opt"
    $I0 = defined opt['debug']
    .return ($I0)

# create 9x9 LoL
.sub create_1 :method
    .param string what
    .local pmc rcss, rcs, all

    rcss = new 'FixedPMCArray'
    rcss = 9
    setattribute self, what, rcss
    all = getattribute self, "all"
    all[what] = rcss

    .local int y
    # create arrays
    y = 0
    rcs = new 'FixedPMCArray'
    rcs = 9
    rcss[y] = rcs
    inc y
    if y < 9 goto ly1

# create all arrays
.sub create :method
    .param pmc ar
    .local int x, y, p, c

    .local pmc cols, rows, sqrs, e, col, row, sqr, all
    .local pmc i_cols, i_rows, i_sqrs, i_col, i_row, i_sqr, inv
    setattribute self, "orig", ar
    all = new 'Hash'
    setattribute self, "all", all

    rows = getattribute self, "rows"
    cols = getattribute self, "cols"
    sqrs = getattribute self, "sqrs"
    i_rows = getattribute self, "i_rows"
    i_cols = getattribute self, "i_cols"
    i_sqrs = getattribute self, "i_sqrs"

    # now fill em
    y = 0
    x = 0
    p = y * 9
    p += x
    c = ar[p]

    # the entries 'e' and 'inv' are common to all 3 views of the sudoku
    e = new 'Integer'
    e = c
    inv = new 'Integer'

    # set row
    row = rows[y]
    i_row = i_rows[y]
    row[x] = e
    i_row[x] = inv

    # set col
    col = cols[x]
    i_col = i_cols[x]
    col[y] = e
    i_col[y] = inv

    # set square
    $I2 = square_of(x, y)
    sqr = sqrs[$I2]
    i_sqr = i_sqrs[$I2]
    $I0 = x % 3
    $I1 = y % 3
    $I1 *= 3
    $I2 = $I0 + $I1
    sqr[$I2] = e
    i_sqr[$I2] = inv

    inc x
    if x < 9 goto lx2
    inc y
    if y < 9 goto ly2

# display
# TODO disp 2nd in different color, use curses or shell escapes
.sub display :method
    .local pmc ar, rows, row, opt, disp
    .local string s, c
    .local int i, x, y, c1, c2, r, deb_pairs
    .local string deb_n
    deb_n = ""  # print inv for that
    opt = getattribute self, "opt"
    disp = getattribute self, "disp"
    $I0 = defined opt["inv"]
    unless $I0 goto no_deb
    deb_n = opt["inv"]
    deb_pairs = defined opt["pairs"]
    i = 0
    y = 0
    s = ""
    r = 0
    # orig is a linear array 0..80
    ar = getattribute self, "orig"
    rows = getattribute self, "rows"
    $I0 = y % 3
    if $I0 goto no_line
    inc r
    row = rows[y]
    x = 0
    c1 = ar[i]
    c2 = row[x]
    if c1 == 0 goto ok
    if c2 == 0 goto ok
    if c1 != c2 goto intern_err
    c = "."
    if c1 == 0 goto nxt
        $I0 = c1 + 0x30
    c = chr $I0
    goto set
    if c2 == 0 goto set
        $I0 = c2 + 0x30
    c = chr $I0
    $I0 = i % 3
    if $I0 goto sp1
    s .= '| '
    goto sp2
    s .= ' '
    s .= c
    s .= ' '
    inc i
    inc x
    if x < 9 goto loop_x
    s .= '|'
    disp."print"(r,0, s)
    unless deb_n goto not_deb_n
    self."deb_inv"(y, deb_n)
    unless deb_pairs goto not_deb_pairs
    inc r
    s = ""
    inc y
    if y < 9 goto loop_y
    inc r
    printerr "diff between ar and try\n"
    die 3, 100

# print invalid for given row and number(s)
.sub deb_inv :method
    .param int y
    .param string ns

    .local pmc invs, inv
    .local int b, x, c, i, len, n
    i = 0
    len = length ns
    substr $S0, ns, i, 1
    n = $S0
    print "   "
    invs = getattribute self, "i_rows"
    inv = invs[y]
    x = 0
    $I0 = x % 3
    if $I0 goto nosp
    print " "
    c = inv[x]
    b = 1 << n
    $I0 = c & b
    if $I0 goto is_set
        print "."
    goto nxt
    print n
    inc x
    if x < 9 goto loop
    inc i
    if i < len goto lp_inv

# print pairs for given row
.sub deb_pairs :method
    .param int y

    .local pmc invs, inv
    .local int x
    print "   "
    invs = getattribute self, "i_rows"
    inv = invs[y]
    x = 0
    $I0 = x % 3
    if $I0 goto nosp
    print "   "
    .local int el, bits, i, b
    el = inv[x]
    bits = bits0(el)
    if bits == 2 goto isa_pair
    print ".."
    goto nxt_x
    i = 1
    el >>= 1        # bits start at 1
    b = el & 1
    if b goto is_set
    $I0 = i + 0x30
    $S0 = chr $I0
    print $S0
    inc i
    if i <= 9 goto bit_loop
    inc x
    print " "
    if x < 9 goto loop

# verify numbers
# returns:
#   0 ... failure
#   1 ... ok
#   2 ... finished

.sub verify :method
    .local pmc rcss
    .local int r, done
    done = 2
    rcss = getattribute self, "rows"
    r = self."verify_1"(rcss)
    unless r goto err
    if r == 2 goto fin1
    done = 1
    rcss = getattribute self, "cols"
    r = self."verify_1"(rcss)
    unless r goto err
    if r == 2 goto fin2
    done = 1
    rcss = getattribute self, "sqrs"
    r = self."verify_1"(rcss)
    unless r goto err
    if r == 2 goto fin3
    done = 1
    .return (done)
    .return (0)

# verify rows, cols, or sqrs
.sub verify_1 :method
    .param pmc rcss

    .local int x, y, result
    .local pmc one, e, seen, s
    result = 2         # finished
    y = 0
    one = rcss[y]
    seen = new 'Hash'
    x = 0
    e = one[x]
    unless e goto nxtx
    $I0 = exists seen[e]
    unless $I0 goto not_seen
    s = seen[e]
    inc s
    goto nxtx
    seen[e] = 1
    inc x
    if x < 9 goto lpx

    $I0 = elements seen
    if $I0 == 9 goto done
        result = 1
    $I0 = check_seen(seen)
    unless $I0 goto ret_0
    inc y
    if y < 9 goto lpy
    .return (result)
    .return (0)

# count seen in one
.sub check_seen
    .param pmc seen
    .local pmc it
    it = iter seen
    unless it goto ok
    $S0 = shift it
    $I0 = seen[$S0]
    if $I0 > 1 goto err
    goto loop

# create invalid bits
.sub create_inv :method
    .local pmc rcss, i_rcss
    rcss = getattribute self, "rows"
    i_rcss =  getattribute self, "i_rows"
    self."create_inv_1"(rcss, i_rcss, "row")
    rcss = getattribute self, "cols"
    i_rcss =  getattribute self, "i_cols"
    self."create_inv_1"(rcss, i_rcss, "col")
    rcss = getattribute self, "sqrs"
    i_rcss =  getattribute self, "i_sqrs"
    self."create_inv_1"(rcss, i_rcss, "sqr")

# create row, cols, or sqrs of invalid numbers
# one bit per invalid

.sub create_inv_1 :method
    .param pmc ars
    .param pmc invs
    .param string what

    .local int x, y, n, i, c
    .local pmc ar, inv

    y = 0
    ar = ars[y]
    inv = invs[y]
    x = 0
    c = ar[x]
    unless c goto nxt_x
    $P0 = inv[x]
    $P0 |= 0b1111111110
    inc x
    if x < 9 goto lpx
    n = 1
    $I0 = self."contains"(ar, n)
    unless $I0 goto nxt_n
        i = 0
    $I0 = 1 << n
    $P1 = inv[i]
    $P1 |= $I0
    inc i
    if i < 9 goto fill
    inc n
    if n <= 9 goto lpn
    self."create_inv_n"(ar, inv, y, what)
    inc y
    if y < 9 goto lpy

# if inv contains 2 identical entries and exactly 2 nums are
# allowed these 2 positions are invalid for all other digits
.sub create_inv_n :method
    .param pmc ar
    .param pmc inv
    .param int y
    .param string what

    .local int x, x1, x2, n, m, msk
    .local pmc d, e1, e2, empty_2, digs

    # transpose into a digit-base array with positions as bits
    # this should simplify the test for 2 empty squares with
    # same digit
    digs = new 'FixedPMCArray'
    digs = 9
    n = 0
    msk = 2 << n
    d = new 'Integer'
    digs[n] = d
    x = 0
    # don't bother looking further if n is already set
    $I1 = n + 1
    $I0 = self."contains"(ar, $I1)
    if $I0 goto nxt_n
    e1 = inv[x]
    $I0 = e1
    $I0 &= msk
    unless $I0 goto nxt_x
    $I1 = 2 << x
    d |= $I1
    inc x
    if x < 9 goto lpx
    inc n
    if n < 9 goto lpn

    x1 = 0
    empty_2 = new 'ResizablePMCArray'
    e1 = digs[x1]
    n = bits0(e1)
    if n != 2 goto nxt_x1
    m = 1
    x2 = x1 + 1
    e2 = digs[x2]
    if e1 != e2 goto nxt_x2
    inc m
    if m > 2 goto nxt_x1
    push empty_2, e1
    push empty_2, x1
    push empty_2, x2
    inc x2
    if x2 < 9 goto lpx2
    $I0 = elements empty_2
    unless $I0 goto nxt_x1
    if m != 2 goto nxt_x1
    goto done
    inc x1
    if x1 < 8 goto lpx1

    $I0 = elements empty_2
    unless $I0 goto ret
    .local int d1, d2, pos_msk, changed
    pos_msk = empty_2[0]   # positions 1 based
    d1 =      empty_2[1]   # 0 based
    d2 =      empty_2[2]   # 0 based
    x = 0
    changed = 0
    $I0 = 2 << x
    $I0 &= pos_msk
    if $I0 goto nxt_x3
       e1 = inv[x]
       n = 0
       if n == d1 goto nxt_n3
       if n == d2 goto nxt_n3
       # invalidate all but d1, d2 at the 2 positions
       $I0 = 2 << n
       $I1 = e1
       $I1 &= $I0
       if $I1 goto no_c
       e1 |= $I0
       changed = 1
       inc n
       if n < 9 goto lpn3
    inc x
    if x < 9 goto lpx3
    $I0 = self."debug"()
    unless $I0 goto ret

    unless changed goto ret
    # reuse array for debug reports
    unshift empty_2, y
    unshift empty_2, what
    $S0 = sprintf "*** found inv_2 %s %d: %#b %d %d\n", empty_2
    print $S0

# return 1 if row/col/sqr contains num n
.sub contains :method
    .param pmc ar
    .param int n

    .local int i, c
    i = 0
    c = ar[i]
    if c == n goto ret_1
    inc i
    if i < 9 goto lp
    .return (0)
    .return (1)

# main solver method
# returns
#   0 ... err
#   1 ... incomplete
#   2 ... finito
.sub solve :method
    .local int r
    r = self."scan"()
    if r == -1 goto err
    unless r goto done
    $I0 = self."step"()
    unless $I0 goto loop
    goto loop
    $I0 = self."verify"()
    # if yet unfished, try advanced methods before back_tracking starts
    unless $I0 == 1 goto no_adv
    r = self."adv_scan"()
    # if changes, start over with "normal" stuff
    if r == 1 goto loop
    .return ($I0)
    print "mismatch\n"
    .return (0)

# scan for forced numbers
# returns
# -1 ... err
# 0  ... no change
# 1  ... changes
.sub scan :method
    .local int any, y, x, m
    any = 0
    .local pmc rcss, i_rcss
    rcss = getattribute self, "rows"
    i_rcss = getattribute self, "i_rows"
    $I0 = self."scan_1"(rcss, i_rcss, "rows")
    if $I0 == -1 goto err
    any |= $I0
    $I0 = self."scan_dbl"(rcss, i_rcss, "rows")
    any |= $I0

    rcss = getattribute self, "cols"
    i_rcss = getattribute self, "i_cols"
    $I0 = self."scan_1"(rcss, i_rcss, "cols")
    if $I0 == -1 goto err
    any |= $I0
    $I0 = self."scan_dbl"(rcss, i_rcss, "cols")
    any |= $I0

    rcss = getattribute self, "sqrs"
    i_rcss = getattribute self, "i_sqrs"
    $I0 = self."scan_1"(rcss, i_rcss, "sqrs")
    if $I0 == -1 goto err
    any |= $I0
    $I0 = self."step"()
    unless $I0 goto nd2
    $I0 = self."scan_blocked"(rcss, i_rcss, "sqrs")
    any |= $I0
    (y, x, m) = self."best_pos"()
    if m != 1 goto not_uniq
        self."set_uniq"(y, x)
    any = 1
    .return (any)
    .return (-1)

# scan for advanced methods
# returns
# -1 ... err
# 0  ... no change
# 1  ... changes
.sub adv_scan :method
    $I0 = self."y_wing"()
    # TODO try more stuff
    .return ($I0)

.sub "y_wing" :method
    # scan for pairs all over
    .local int x, y, bits, el, res
    .local pmc i_rows, i_row
    res = 0
    y = 0
    i_rows = getattribute self, "i_rows"
    x = 0
    i_row = i_rows[y]
    el = i_row[x]
    bits = bits0(el)
    if bits != 2 goto nxt_x
    $I0 = self."check_y_wing"(x, y, el)
    res |= $I0
    inc x
    if x < 9 goto loop_x
    inc y
    if y < 9 goto loop_y
    .return (res)

.sub pair_vals
    .param int el
    .local int i, b, A, B
    A = 0
    i = 1       # A, B are 1-based
    el >>= 1        # bits start at 1
    b = el & 1
    if b goto next
    if A goto A_is_set
    A = i
    goto next
    B = i
    .return (A, B)
    inc i
    if i <= 9 goto loop
    printerr "failed to fined pair"
    exit 1

# get the square # of coors (x,y) TODO reuse
.sub square_of
    .param int x
    .param int y
    x /= 3
    y /= 3
    y *= 3
    $I0 = x + y
    .return ($I0)

# given the square # and idx inside, return coors (x,y) TODO reuse
.sub square_to_xy
    .param int sq
    .param int idx
    .local int x, y
    x = sq % 3
    x *= 3
    $I0 = idx % 3
    x += $I0
    y = sq / 3
    y *= 3
    $I1 = idx / 3
    y += $I1
    .return (x, y)

# look for another pair AC (A,C != B)
# return C and the position in i_rcs
.sub "y_wing-pair" :method
    .param pmc i_rcs
    .param int A
    .param int not_B
    .local int x, el, bits, p1, p2
    x = 0
    el = i_rcs[x]
    bits = bits0(el)
    if bits != 2 goto next
    (p1, p2) = pair_vals(el)
    if p1 == not_B goto next
    if p2 == not_B goto next
    if p1 != A goto check_p2
    .return (p2, x)
    if p2 != A goto next
    .return (p1, x)
    inc x
    if x < 9 goto loop
    .return (0,0)

# look for another pair BC
# return 0/1 and the position in i_rcs
.sub "y_wing-pair_BC" :method
    .param pmc i_rcs
    .param int B
    .param int C
    .local int x, el, bits, p1, p2
    x = 0
    el = i_rcs[x]
    bits = bits0(el)
    if bits != 2 goto next
    (p1, p2) = pair_vals(el)
    if p1 == B goto ok1
    if p2 == B goto ok2
    goto next
    if p2 != C goto next
    .return (1, x)
    if p1 != C goto next
    .return (1, x)
    inc x
    if x < 9 goto loop
    .return (0,0)

# invalidate C from the given [start,end] range#
# return 1 if something changed
.sub "y_wing_inv" :method
    .param pmc i_rcs
    .param int C
    .param int start
    .param int end

    .local int changed, b
    .local pmc el
    changed = 0
    b = 1 << C
    el = i_rcs[start]
    $I0 = el
    $I1 = $I0 & b
    if $I1 goto next
    el |= b
    changed = 1
    inc start
    if start <= end goto loop
    .return (changed)

# find C for A B
# and invalidate C if found
.sub "find_C_y_wing_1" :method
    .param int x
    .param int y
    .param int A
    .param int B
    # check same row, col, or sqr for a pair with A and not B
    .local pmc i_rcss, i_rcs
    i_rcss = getattribute self, "i_sqrs"
    .local int sq, changed
    changed = 0
    sq = square_of(x, y)    # TODO reuse this func
    .local int C, c
    i_rcs = i_rcss[sq]
    (C, c) = self."y_wing-pair"(i_rcs, A, B)
    unless C goto check_row # TODO row, col
    # convert the square coordinate to (x, y)
    .local int cx, cy, bx, by, has_bc
    (cx, cy) = square_to_xy(sq, c)  # AC
    if x == cx goto try_row
    # check col and row at AB for a BC pair
    i_rcss = getattribute self, "i_cols"
    i_rcs  = i_rcss[x]
    (has_bc, c) = self."y_wing-pair_BC"(i_rcs, B, C)
    unless has_bc goto try_row
    bx = x
    by = c
    # but B have to be in a different square too
    $I0 = square_of(bx, by)
    if sq == $I0 goto try_row
    .local int start, end
    # invalidate col x in sqr(x,y)
    sq = square_of(x, y)
    ($I0, start) = square_to_xy(sq, 0)
    end = start + 2
    changed = self."y_wing_inv"(i_rcs, C, start, end)
    # invalidate col x at BC
    i_rcs  = i_rcss[cx]
    sq = square_of(bx, by)
    ($I0, start) = square_to_xy(sq, 0)
    end = start + 2
    $I0 = self."y_wing_inv"(i_rcs, C, start, end)
    changed |= $I0
    goto show_debug
    if y == cy goto nope
    i_rcss = getattribute self, "i_rows"
    i_rcs  = i_rcss[y]
    (has_bc, c) = self."y_wing-pair_BC"(i_rcs, B, C)
    unless has_bc goto nope
    bx = c
    by = y
    .local int start, end
    # TODO invalidate row y too
    i_rcs  = i_rcss[cx]
    sq = square_of(bx, by)
    ($I0, start) = square_to_xy(sq, 0)
    end = start + 2
    changed = self."y_wing_inv"(i_rcs, C, start, end)
    $I0 = self."debug"()
    unless $I0 goto ex
        $S0 = "CHG"
        if changed goto chg_ok
        $S0 = "noC"
        print $S0
        print " Y-WING A "
        print A
        print " B "
        print B
        print " C "
        print C
        print " at x "
        print x
        print " y "
        print y
        print " cx "
        print cx
        print " cy "
        print cy
        print " bx "
        print bx
        print " by "
        say by
        goto ex

    i_rcss = getattribute self, "i_rows"
    i_rcs = i_rcss[y]
    # XXX TODO check that A is in a forced pair
    (C, c) = self."y_wing-pair"(i_rcs, A, B)
    cx = c
    cy = y
    unless C goto check_col
    i_rcss = getattribute self, "i_cols"
    i_rcs  = i_rcss[x]
    # XXX TODO check that B is in a forced pair
    (has_bc, by) = self."y_wing-pair_BC"(i_rcs, B, C)
    bx = cx
    unless has_bc goto check_col
    i_rcs  = i_rcss[cx]
    changed = self."y_wing_inv"(i_rcs, C, by, by)
    if changed goto show_debug

    # TODO
    .return (changed)

# find C for A, or B
.sub "find_C_y_wing" :method
    .param int x
    .param int y
    .param int A
    .param int B

    .local int changed
    changed = self."find_C_y_wing_1"(x, y, A, B)
    unless changed goto not_A
    .return (changed)
    .tailcall self."find_C_y_wing_1"(x, y, B, A)

# check, if we find another pair with 1 digit in common with el
.sub "check_y_wing" :method
    .param int x
    .param int y
    .param int el
    # ok - we have a pair at col/row (x,y) with inv_bits el
    # assume, we are at the corner of the Y
    # let one number be A, the other B
    .local int A, B, C
    #trace 1
    (A, B) = pair_vals(el)
    # now find another pair in
    # - another *this* row, col, or square
    # - AC or BC giving another unique element C
    .tailcall self."find_C_y_wing"(x, y, A, B)

# the quare y has a uniq digit at x - set it
.sub set_uniq :method
    .param int y
    .param int x
    .local pmc sqrs, sqr, e
    .local int n, b
    sqrs = getattribute self, "i_sqrs"
    sqr = sqrs[y]
    b = sqr[x]
    n = 1
    $I0 = 1 << n
    $I1 = b & $I0
    if $I1 goto nxt
    sqrs = getattribute self, "sqrs"
    sqr = sqrs[y]
    e = sqr[x]
    e = n
    $I0 = self."debug"()
    unless $I0 goto nd
        print "uniq sqr="
        print y
        print " x="
        print x
        print " n="
        print n
        print "\n"
    inc n
    if n <= 9 goto loop

# check inv of rows,cols,sqrs for forced numbers
# returns
# -1 ... err
# 0  ... no change
# 1  ... changes
.sub scan_1 :method
    .param pmc rcss
    .param pmc i_rcss
    .param string what

    .local int x, y, c, m, n, b, xx, any
    .local pmc one, inv, e
    any = 0
    y = 0
    one = rcss[y]
    inv = i_rcss[y]
    n = 1
    x = 0
    b = 0
    c = inv[x]
    $I0 = 1 << n
    $I1 = c & $I0
    if $I1 goto nxt_x
    inc b
    xx = x
    inc x
    if x < 9 goto lpx

    if b != 1 goto nxt_n
    any = 1
    $P0 = one[xx]
    unless $P0 goto ok
    if $P0 != n goto err
    goto nxt_n
    $P0 = n
    $I0 = self."debug"()
    unless $I0 goto nxt_n
    print "found "
    print what
    print " y="
    print y
    print " x="
    print xx
    print " n="
    say n
    inc n
    if n <= 9 goto lpn
    inc y
    if y < 9 goto lpy
    .return (any)
    .return (-1)

# check double invs of rows,cols for forced rows/cols
# returns
# 0  ... no change
# 1  ... changes
# this implements half of TODO item 1 (digit '7' ...)
# scan_dbl finds both occurrences of the blocked '7' but needs more testing still

.sub scan_dbl :method
    .param pmc rcss
    .param pmc i_rcss
    .param string what

    .local pmc inv, bits
    .local int n, y, x, sx, sy, el, retval
    retval = 0
    n = 1
    # for all digits
    sx = 0
    # when scanning cols, sx is horizontal
    # need 3 cols at a time
    bits = new 'FixedIntegerArray'
    bits = 3
    x = 0
    $I0 = sx * 3
    $I0 += x
    inv = i_rcss[$I0]
    sy = 0
    y = 0
    $I1 = sy * 3
    $I1 += y
    el = inv[$I1]
    # if n is allowed, set a bit in bits
    $I2 = 1 << n
    $I2 &= el
    if $I2 goto blocked
    $I6 = bits[sy]
    $I5 = 1 << x
    $I6 |= $I5
    bits[sy] = $I6
    inc y
    if y < 3 goto lpy
    inc sy
    if sy < 3 goto lpsy
    inc x
    if x < 3 goto lpx
    $I3 = 0
    $I4 = bits[$I3]
    if $I4 == 0 goto no_check
    inc $I3
    if $I3 < 3 goto lp_c
    #$S1 = sprintf "bits %x %x %x\n", bits
    #print $S1
    $I10 = self."check_dbl"(i_rcss, bits, sx, n, what)
    retval |= $I10
    inc sx
    if sx < 3 goto lpsx
    inc n
    if n <= 9 goto lpn
    .return (retval)

# check if this is validly dbl blocking
.sub check_dbl :method
    .param pmc i_rcss
    .param pmc bits
    .param int sx
    .param int n
    .param string what
    # we must have 2 masks with the same 2 bits set and another one
    # where the clear one is also set e.g. 3 7 3
    .local int m0, m1, m2, b
    #trace 1
    m0 = bits[0]
    m1 = bits[1]
    m2 = bits[2]
    if m0 != m1 goto m02
    # m0 == m1
    b = bits1(m0)
    if b != 2 goto m02
    $I0 = bits1(m2)
    if $I0 != 3 goto m02
    .tailcall self.'inv_dbl'(i_rcss, n, m0, sx, 2, what)
    if m0 != m2 goto m12
    # m0 == m2
    b = bits1(m0)
    if b != 2 goto m12
    $I0 = bits1(m1)
    if $I0 != 3 goto m12
    .tailcall self.'inv_dbl'(i_rcss, n, m0, sx, 1, what)
    if m1 != m2 goto ret
    # m1 == m2
    b = bits1(m1)
    if b != 2 goto ret
    $I0 = bits1(m0)
    if $I0 != 3 goto ret
    .tailcall self.'inv_dbl'(i_rcss, n, m1, sx, 0, what)
    .return (0)

# invalidate results found from check_dbl
.sub inv_dbl :method
    .param pmc i_rcss
    .param int n
    .param int msk
    .param int sx
    .param int sy
    .param string what

    .local int x, y, b
    .local pmc inv, el
    x = sx * 3
    b = 0
    $I0 = 1 << b
    $I0 &= msk
    unless $I0 goto not_set
    $I2 = x + b
    inv = i_rcss[$I2]
    y = 0
    $I1 = sy * 3
    $I1 += y
    el = inv[$I1]
    $I3 = 1 << n
    el |= $I3
    inc y
    if y < 3 goto lpy
    inc b
    if b < 3 goto lpb
    $I0 = self."debug"()
    unless $I0 goto nd
    print "inv_dbl "
    print what
    print " n "
    print n
    print " msk "
    print msk
    print " sx "
    print sx
    print " sy "
    say sy
    .return (1)

# check for blocked rows or colums
# returns
# 0  ... no change
# 1  ... changes
.sub scan_blocked :method
    .param pmc sqrs
    .param pmc i_sqrs
    .param string what

    .local int x, y, c, m, n, b, sh, any
    .local pmc one, inv, e
    .local int sr, sc, cbl, rbl, nulb, nulc
    any = 0
    y = 0
    one = sqrs[y]
    inv = i_sqrs[y]
    n = 1
    x = 0
    b = 0
    rbl = 7         # blocked is reset per square row/col
    cbl = 7
    nulb = 0        # empty are set
    nulc = 0
    sc = x % 3      # square col and row
    sr = x / 3
    c = inv[x]
    $I0 = 1 << n
    $I1 = c & $I0
    if $I1 goto nxt_x
       $I0 = 1 << sr
       nulb |= $I0
       $I1 = bnot $I0
       rbl &= $I1
       $I0 = 1 << sc
       nulc |= $I0
       $I1 = bnot $I0
       cbl &= $I1
    inc x
    if x < 9 goto lpx

    b = 0
    sh = 1 << b
    $I0 = rbl ~ 7
    $I0 &= 7
    # need to have 2 blocked and one not-filled
    if $I0 != sh goto nbr
    if nulb != sh goto nbr
    $I0 = self."inv_row"(y, b, n)
    any |= $I0
    $I0 = cbl ~ 7
    $I0 &= 7
    if $I0 != sh goto nbc
    if nulc != sh goto nbc
    $I0 = self."inv_col"(y, b, n)
    any |= $I0
    inc b
    if b < 3 goto loop_br
    inc n
    if n <= 9 goto lpn
    inc y
    if y < 9 goto lpy
    .return (any)

# set rest of row invalid due to blocked square
# skip the square itself
.sub "inv_row" :method
    .param int y
    .param int b
    .param int n
    .local pmc rows
    .local int r, sx
    rows = getattribute self, "i_rows"
    r = y / 3       # row of square y
    r *= 3
    r += b
    sx = y % 3      # skip / 3
    $I0 = self."inv_rc"(rows, r, sx, n, "row")
    .return ($I0)

# set rest of col invalid due to blocked square
.sub "inv_col" :method
    .param int y
    .param int b
    .param int n
    .local pmc cols
    .local int r, sx
    cols = getattribute self, "i_cols"
    r = y % 3       # col of square y
    r *= 3
    r += b
    sx = y / 3
    $I0 = self."inv_rc"(cols, r, sx, n, "col")
    .return ($I0)

# set rest of row/col invalid due to blocked square
.sub "inv_rc" :method
    .param pmc rcs
    .param int r
    .param int sx
    .param int n
    .param string what

    .local pmc rc
    .local int r, x, bb, any

    rc = rcs[r]

    bb = 1 << n
    any = 0
    x = 0
    $I0 = x / 3     # skip this square
    if $I0 == sx goto nxt
    $P0 = rc[x]
    $I0 = $P0
    $I1 = $I0 & bb
    if $I1 goto nxt
    any = 1
    $P0 |= bb
    inc x
    if x < 9 goto loop
    unless any goto ret
    $I0 = self."debug"()
    unless $I0 goto ret
    print "found blocked "
    print what
    print "="
    print r
    print " n="
    say n
    .return (any)

# check that pmcs in rows, cols and sqrs are the same
.sub sanity_check :method
    .local pmc rows, cols
    rows = getattribute self, "rows"
    cols = getattribute self, "cols"
    self."sanity_check_rc"(rows, cols)
    rows = getattribute self, "i_rows"
    cols = getattribute self, "i_cols"
    self."sanity_check_rc"(rows, cols)

.sub sanity_check_rc :method
    .param pmc rows
    .param pmc cols
    .param string what

    .local pmc row, col, e1, e2
    .local int x, y
    y = 0
    row = rows[y]
    x = 0
    col = cols[x]
    e1 = row[x]
    e2 = col[y]
    eq_addr e1, e2, ok
    printerr "pmc borken rc y="
    printerr y
    printerr " x="
    printerr x
    printerr "\n"
    die 3, 100
    inc x
    if x < 9 goto lpx
    inc y
    if y < 9 goto lpy

# backtrack progress
.sub progress :method
    .param int size
    .param int y
    .param int x
    .param int n
    .param int m
    print "back_tracking "
    print size
    print " y="
    print y
    print " x="
    print x
    print " n="
    print n
    print " m="
    print m
    print "\n"

# back_track tries
.sub back_track :method
    .param pmc tries

    .local pmc tos, all, sqrs, sqr, e
    .local int r, size, x, y, n, m
    .local string state

    size = elements tries
    dec size
    tos = tries[size]
    state = freeze tos
    (y, x, m) = self."best_pos"()
    if y >= 0 goto start
    # this shouldn't happen
    self."progress"(size, y, x, -1)
    .return (0)
    n = 1                       # try all numbers at best pos
    all = thaw state        # restore state
    self.'set_attrs'(all)         # set attributes to this state
    sqrs = getattribute self, "sqrs"
    sqr = sqrs[y]
    e = sqr[x]
    e = n
    r = self."verify"()
    unless r goto nxt
    self."progress"(size, y, x, n, m)
    $I0 = self."step"()
    unless $I0 goto nd
    r = self."solve"()
    if r == 0 goto nxt
    if r == 2 goto fin
    push tries, all
    r = self."back_track"(tries)
    if r == 2 goto fin
    $P0 = pop tries
    inc n
    if n <= 9 goto loop
    $I0 = self."debug"()
    unless $I0 goto nd2
    print "back "
    print size
    print "\n"
    .return (0)
    .return (r)

# return the square coors of the minimum freedom
# used for backtracking
# if m == 1 this is a forced uniq position
.sub best_pos :method
    .local pmc sqrs, sqr
    .local int x, y, n, c, mx, my, mb

    sqrs = getattribute self, "i_sqrs"
    y = 0
    mb = 10
    mx = -1
    my = -1
    sqr = sqrs[y]
    x = 0
    c = sqr[x]
    n = bits0(c)
    unless n goto no_min
    if n >= mb goto no_min
        mb = n
    mx = x
    my = y
    inc x
    if x < 9 goto lpx
    inc y
    if y < 9 goto lpy
    .return (my, mx, mb)

.sub set_attrs :method
    .param pmc all
    .local pmc e

    e = all["rows"]
    setattribute self, "rows", e
    e = all["cols"]
    setattribute self, "cols", e
    e = all["sqrs"]
    setattribute self, "sqrs", e
    e = all["i_rows"]
    setattribute self, "i_rows", e
    e = all["i_cols"]
    setattribute self, "i_cols", e
    e = all["i_sqrs"]
    setattribute self, "i_sqrs", e

# display support
.sub new_display :method
    .local pmc stdscr, opt, cl, p, s, it, f, gl
    opt = getattribute self, "opt"
    $I0 = defined opt["nc"]
    unless $I0 goto out
    stdscr = nc_start()
    cl = newclass "NCurses"
    addattribute cl, "win"
    p = new "NCurses"
    setattribute p, "win", stdscr

    setattribute self, "disp", p
    cl = newclass "Dummy"
    p = new "Dummy"
    setattribute self, "disp", p

.sub end_display :method
    .local pmc opt
    opt = getattribute self, "opt"
    $I0 = defined opt["nc"]
    unless $I0 goto out

.namespace ["Dummy"]

.sub "print" :multi(_, int, int, string) :method
    .param int r
    .param int c
    .param string s
    print s

.sub "print" :multi(_, string) :method
    .param string s
    print s

.sub "print" :multi(_, int) :method
    .param int s
    print s

.sub "wait" :method

.namespace ["NCurses"]

# TODO remember last position, parse newlines to increment row
# this should better be all in a new library

.sub "print" :multi(_, int, int, string) :method
    .param int r
    .param int c
    .param string s
    .local pmc win, f

    win = getattribute self, "win"
    f = get_global "ncurses::mvwaddstr"
    f(win, r, c, s)

.sub "print" :multi(_, string) :method
    .param string s
    .local pmc win, f

    win = getattribute self, "win"
    f = get_global "ncurses::waddstr"
    f(win, s)

.sub "print" :multi(_, int) :method
    .param int i
    .local string s
    .local pmc win, f

    s = i
    win = getattribute self, "win"
    f = get_global "ncurses::waddstr"
    f(win, s)

.sub "wait" :method
    .local pmc f
    .local int key
    f = get_global "ncurses::getch"
    key = f()

.namespace []
# ncurses support

.sub nc_start
    .local pmc stdscr
    load_bytecode 'ncurses.pbc'
    stdscr = _init_curses()

.sub nc_end
    .local pmc endwin, curs_set
    curs_set = get_global "ncurses::curs_set"
    endwin = get_global "ncurses::endwin"

.sub _init_curses
    .local pmc INITSCR
    .local pmc START_COLOR
    .local pmc INIT_PAIR
    .local pmc COLOR_PAIR
    .local pmc WATTRON
    .local pmc CURS_SET
    .local pmc NODELAY
    .local pmc KEYPAD
    .local pmc STDSCR
    INITSCR     = get_global "ncurses::initscr"
    START_COLOR = get_global "ncurses::start_color"
    INIT_PAIR   = get_global "ncurses::init_pair"
    COLOR_PAIR  = get_global "ncurses::COLOR_PAIR"
    WATTRON     = get_global "ncurses::wattron"
    CURS_SET    = get_global "ncurses::curs_set"
    NODELAY     = get_global "ncurses::nodelay"
    KEYPAD      = get_global "ncurses::keypad"
    # Color pair 1, dark green fg, black background
    INIT_PAIR(1, 2, 0)
    $I0 = COLOR_PAIR(1)
    # We pass what's returned from COLOR_PAIR straight on
    ## WATTRON($I0)
    CURS_SET(0)         # turn off cursor
    ## NODELAY(STDSCR, 1)   # set nodelay mode
    ## KEYPAD(STDSCR, 1)    # set keypad mode

=head1 Advanced checks

=head2 Double blocked rows/columns

Consider this one:

  # daily sudoku 16-nov-2005 very hard

It got solved until here, then backtracking began (and succeeded).

  | 4  5  6 | 8  3  . | 9  .  . |    777 77. 7..
  | .  3  9 | 4  .  . | 8  .  . |    .77 7.. 7..
  | .  .  8 | .  .  9 | 6  4  3 |    ..7 ..7 777
  | .  6  . | .  .  8 | 4  .  . |    .7. ..7 7..
  | 5  .  . | .  .  . | .  .  8 |    7.. ... 7.7
  | 8  .  1 | 9  .  . | .  2  6 |    7.7 7.. 777  <<<<<<<<<<
  | .  8  2 | 6  .  . | .  .  . |    .77 7.. 777
  | .  .  . | 2  8  5 | 7  6  . |    777 777 777
  | 6  .  5 | .  9  . | 2  8  . |    7.7 .7. 777

Have a look at the marked row 5. '3' and '5' can't be in col 1.
So '3' and '5' have to be at the right side of the row.

Now take a look at the '7' - invalid positions are shown above already
(dumped with the --inv=7 option).

In both squares 0 and 6 the '7' can only be in columns 0 or 1. This
implies that a '7' has to be in col 2, row 3 or 4. Looking at
square 5, the '7' is also in row 3 or 4. Therefore the '7' in the
middle square (4) has to be too in row 5.

Voila we have 3 numbers (3,5,7) which are somewhere on the right
side of row 5 and we get a unique number in row 5, col 1 - the '4'.

And then it's easy.

One part (the '7') is implemented in C<scan_dbl>, which
boils down this case to the other one below.

=head2 Blocking due to multiple others

Given this sudoku:

  # daily sudoku 16-nov-2005 very hard

Earlier sudoku.pir started backtracking at:

  | .  .  1 | 3  8  5 | .  .  . |
  | 6  8  7 | .  1  . | .  9  . |
  | 2  3  5 | 6  9  7 | .  .  1 |
  | 1  .  . | 9  7  3 | .  5  . |
  | .  7  6 | 5  .  8 | 1  3  . |
  | .  5  . | .  6  1 | .  .  . |
  | 7  1  . | 8  .  . | .  .  4 |
  | .  .  . | 7  .  . | .  1  8 |
  | .  .  . | 1  .  9 | 7  .  . |

In columns 7 the digits (9,5,3) are blocking this column in square 8
so that the digits (2,6) have to be in column 7 too. Which implies
that in square 2 we have a unique '7' at row 0, col 7:

  | .  .  1 | 3  8  5 | x  7  y |   (x,y) = (2|6)
  | 6  8  7 | .  1  . | .  9  . |
  | 2  3  5 | 6  9  7 | .  .  1 |
  | 1  .  . | 9  7  3 | .  5  . |
  | .  7  6 | 5  .  8 | 1  3  . |
  | .  5  . | .  6  1 | .  .  . |
  | 7  1  . | 8  .  . | a  .  4 |  (a,b,c) = (3|5|9)
  | .  .  . | 7  .  . | b  1  8 |
  | .  .  . | 1  .  9 | 7  .  c |

Now the tests in "create_inv_n" invalidate illegal positions
due to multiple-blocking and other tests are likely to proceed.

=head2 Y-WING

(This is partially still TODO)

Given this suduku:

# "unsolvable" 3 - Y-Wing
  . . . 8 . . . . 6
  . . 1 6 2 . 4 3 .
  4 . . . 7 1 . . 2
  . . 7 2 . . . 8 .
  . . . . 1 . . . .
  . 1 . . . 6 2 . .
  1 . . 7 3 . . . 4
  . 2 6 . 4 8 1 . .
  3 . . . . 5 . . .

It started backtracking at:

  | .  3  . | 8  5  4 | .  1  6 |      .. .. 29    .. .. ..    79 .. ..
  | .  .  1 | 6  2  9 | 4  3  . |      .. .. ..    .. .. ..    .. .. ..
  | 4  6  . | 3  7  1 | .  .  2 |      .. .. ..    .. .. ..    .. 59 ..
  | .  4  7 | 2  9  3 | .  8  1 |      56 .. ..    .. .. ..    56 .. ..
  | .  .  . | .  1  7 | 3  .  . |      .. .. ..    45 .. ..    .. .. 59
  | .  1  3 | .  8  6 | 2  .  . |      59 .. ..    45 .. ..    .. .. ..
  | 1  .  . | 7  3  2 | .  .  4 |      .. .. ..    .. .. ..    .. .. ..
  | .  2  6 | 9  4  8 | 1  .  3 |      57 .. ..    .. .. ..    .. 57 ..
  | 3  .  4 | 1  6  5 | .  2  . |      .. .. ..    .. .. ..    .. .. ..

The numbers on the right side are showing squares with unique pairs.
Having a look at the columns 7 and 8, we see these pairs (79, 59, and 57)

Let's label these numbers as A, B, and C:

  | .  3  . | 8  5  4 | AC 1  6 |
  | .  .  1 | 6  2  9 | 4  3  . |
  | 4  6  . | 3  7  1 | .  AB 2 |
  | .  4  7 | 2  9  3 | .  8  1 |
  | .  .  . | .  1  7 | 3  .  . |
  | .  1  3 | .  8  6 | 2  .  . |
  | 1  .  . | 7  3  2 | X  .  4 |
  | .  2  6 | 9  4  8 | 1  BC 3 |
  | 3  .  4 | 1  6  5 | X  2  . |

When we now try to fill row 2, column 7 with A or B, we see that at
positions X, a C can't be valid. Either it's blocked via the column
or directly via the last square. Thus we can eliminate digit 7 from
positions X.

=head2 TODO

  # daily sudoku wed 28-dec-2005, very hard
  # backtracking

This one starts backtracking early. The '6' is an 'X-Wing' like
configuration (col 1 and row 2 with a common corner have just 2
possible positions, just one is valid, when you try both).
The same happens a bit later with '9'.

  | .  7  . | 5  2  . | 6  3  . |    666 666 666
  | .  5  . | .  .  . | .  7  . |    .66 6.. 666
  | 9  .  . | .  .  8 | .  .  2 |    6.6 6.6 666
  | .  1  7 | .  .  4 | .  .  . |    .66 6.6 666
  | .  9  . | .  .  . | .  6  . |    666 666 666
  | .  .  . | 8  .  . | 3  1  . |    ..6 6.. 666
  | 1  .  9 | 6  .  . | .  .  5 |    666 666 666
  | .  4  . | .  .  . | .  9  6 |    666 666 666
  | .  8  6 | .  9  5 | .  .  3 |    666 666 666

Here is starts backtracking. A possible improvement would be:

  - detect such digit configuration
  - only backtrack try this digit ('6') above

=head2 TODO deadly square

See also std331.sud

=head2 TODO Generalization

A Sudoku has 2 dimensions and 3 connected views (row, column, and
square). There are 1-dim tests, which work for all views. 2-dim tests
are a bit more tricky to generalize and not yet done properly.

Basically: as only 2 views are independent, all these tests can
work on 2 of 3 views:

  square, row
  square, column
  row, columm

Now the problem is, how to generalize the possible other direction.
Let's call it the 'neighbour'. A neighbour is always 'towards' the
second view. A row has 9 column neighbours and 3
square neighbours. A square has 3 row and 3 column neighbours.
(Maybe neighbour is a bad term as it does contain itself).

C<scan_dbl> can now easily be reviewed and generalized:

For all neighbours (n): If in the view (v0) a digit is valid in only
one of (n)'s views: giving (v1), this digit is invalid in the
complement of the intersection (v0 & v1).

NB: it seems to be simpler to just hack the code as to utter the
idea in $human_lang.

This is trivial if these views are (row, column) as the intersection
is just one point, but it is the generalization of the 'inv_1' code.

Another example of a 2-dim test is of course Y-Wing.


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