

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > i586 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > cf7e9016cf87e4c8d8b4eeb14917641d > files > 4


#! $Id: //projects/empy/sample.em#50 $ $Date: 2003/10/27 $
@# Bangpaths are handled properly (the above line will not appear).
#! This line however will appear (not the first line in the script).
@# This is a comment.  This should not appear in the processed output.
This is text.  It should appear in the processed output. 
This is a literal at sign: @@.
This is a line continuation; @
this will appear on the same line.
Note that it will actually eat any white@ space (one word).
# The script has to be somewhere in sys.path!
import em

@# Escape codes.
This will appear on one line.@\nThis will appear on a separate line.
This is separated by a tab:@\tSee?
These are uppercase As (presuming ASCII): A, @\q1001, @\o101, @\d065, @\x41.
import sys
# This is just a normal Python comment.
print "This is more text."
@# Note the @{ ... }@ convention to suppress the newline following the }.
@# Also note that comments are completely tossed: This is not expanded: @(x).

@# The basics.
import sys, math, string
x = 4
s = 'alpha'
word = "book"
l = [3, 2, 1]
def square(n):
    return n**2
friends = ['Albert', 'Betty', 'Charles', 'Donald']
The basics: The square of @(x) is @(x**2), or @(square(x)).
Internal whitespace is fine: @( x ) squared is @( square(x) ).
Statements: @{sys.stdout.write("%d**2 = %d" % (x, square(x)))}.
Whitespace too: @{ sys.stdout.write("%d**2 = %d (still)" % (x, square(x))) }.
print "But only on single-line statement expansions."
if 1:
    print "Internal whitespace on multi-line statements is significant."
for i in range(2):
    print "Normal Python indentation rules must be followed here."
Simple expressions: x is @x, l is @l, s is "@s," and @x squared is @square(x).
Literals too: x is @x, but would be written @@x.
Trailing dots are ignored: The value of x is @x.
Quotes outside of expansions are also ignored: This is quoted: "x is @x."
@# Whitespace is important in simple expressions.
Array subscription: The first element of l is @l[0].
But this is not: The first element of l is not @l [0].
That was equivalent to: @(l) and then [0], not @l[0].
But whitespace can go inside the brackets: @l[0] is @l[ 0 ].
Same with functions: @square(x) is @square( x ).
The same applies to the other forms.
Involved: The legal digits are @string.digits.
More involved: The names of my friends are @string.join(friends, ', ').
Following expressions: Pluralize "@word" as "@(word)s," or maybe "@word@ s."
By default str is used (@s), but you can use repr if you want (@`s`).
Conditional expressions: @(x ? "x is true" ! "x is false").
Pluralization: How many words? @x word@(x != 1 ? 's').
Protected expressions: @(foo $ "foo is not defined").
Also here, whitespace isn't important: @(bar$"bar isn't defined either").
The math module has @(math ? "been imported" $ "not been imported").
The re module has @(re ? "been imported" $ "not been imported").
Division by zero is @(x/0 $ "illegal").
To swallow errors, use None: @(buh $ None) [two spaces].
This is self-expanding: @:2 + 2:(this will get replaced with 4):
You can expand multiple times: @
@empy.expand("@empy.expand('@:2 + 2:hugalugahglughalug:')")

@# More complex examples, including classes.
class C:
    def __init__(self, name): = name

    def greetString(self):
        return "Hello, %s" %

    def printGreeting(self):
        sys.stdout.write("Hello, %s" % # implicit None return

c = C("empy")
c's class is @c.__class__.__name__.
c's name is
Method call: @c.greetString().
Note that None is not expanded: @(None) [two spaces].
But the string 'None' is, of course, printed fine: @('None').
So a function can return None for side effects only: @c.printGreeting().

@# Control.
a = 5 # something positive
b = -3 # something negative
z = 0 # zero
If: a is @[if a > 0]positive@[end if].
If/else: b is @[if b > 0]positive@[else]negative@[end if].
If/elif/else: cmp(a, b) is @
@[if a < b]negative@[elif a > b]positive@[else]zero@[end if].
@[for i in range(10)] @i@[end for].
@[for i in range(10)]@[if i % 2 == 1]@[continue]@[end if] @i@[end for].
Integers less than 5:@
@[for i in range(10)]@[if i >= 5]@[break]@[end if] @i@[end for].
@{j = 10}@[while j >= 0] @j@{j = j - 1}@[end while].
While/else: @[while z]shouldn't get here@[else]works@[end while].
@[for i in range(3)] @i@[else] also works@[end for].
Tuple unpacking:@[for x in [1, 2, 3, 4]] <@x>@[end for].
Tuple unpacking:@[for x, in [[1], [2], [3], [4]]] <@x>@[end for].
Tuple unpacking:@[for (x,) in [[1], [2], [3], [4]]] <@x>@[end for].
Tuple unpacking:@[for x, y in [[1, 2], [3, 4]]] <@x, @y>@[end for].
Tuple unpacking:@[for (x), (y) in [[1, 2], [3, 4]]] <@x, @y>@[end for].
Tuple unpacking:@[for (x, y) in [[1, 2], [3, 4]]] <@x, @y>@[end for].
Tuple unpacking:@[for x, (y) in [[1, 2], [3, 4]]] <@x, @y>@[end for].
Tuple unpacking:@[for x, (y,) in [[1, [2]], [3, [4]]]] <@x, @y>@[end for].
Tuple unpacking:@[for (x), y in [[1, 2], [3, 4]]] <@x, @y>@[end for].
Tuple unpacking:@[for (x,), y in [[[1], 2], [[3], 4]]] <@x, @y>@[end for].
Tuple unpacking:@[for (x,), (y,) in [[[1], [2]], [[3], [4]]]] <@x, @y>@[end for].
More tuple unpacking:@[for (((x))), ((y),) in [[1, [2]], [3, [4]]]] <@x, @y>@[end for].
Garbage is @[try]@hglhagulahguha@[except NameError]not defined@[end try].
Division by zero is @[try]@(a/z)@[except ZeroDivisionError]illegal@[end try].
Catch all: @[try]@ghlaghlhagl@[except]something happened@[end try].
Finally works: @
@[try]@[try]@(1/0)@[finally]finally, @[end try]@[except]and caught@[end try].
@[def sign(x)]@x is @[if x > 0]positive@[elif x < 0]negative@[else]zero@[end if]@[end def]@
Define: @sign(a), @sign(b), @sign(z).

@# Diversions.  Again, a trailing @ is used to suppress the following newline.
A. This text is undiverted.
C. This text is diverted.
B. This text is also undiverted.
D. Again, this text is undiverted.
E. This text is diverted and then undiverted@
@empy.playDiversion('a') (this should appear twice).
F. This text is diverted and then cancelled.
G. This text is again undiverted.
X. This text will be purged and should not appear!
H. There should be one remaining diversion: @empy.getAllDiversions().
I. But not after purging it: @empy.getAllDiversions().
# Finally, make a manual diversion and manipulate it.
zDiversion = empy.retrieveDiversion('z')
zDiversion.write("J. This should be the final diversion, created manually.\n")

@# Parsing checks.
Blanks: @(''), @(""), @(''''''), @("""""").
Single quotes: @('\''), @("'"), @("""'""").
Double quotes: @("\""), @('"'), @('''"''').
Triple quotes: @("\"\"\""), @('"""'), @('\'\'\''), @("'''").
Quotes surrounded by spaces: @(""" " """), @(''' ' ''').
At signs: @('@'), @("@"), @('''@'''), @("""@""").
Close parentheses: @(')'), @(")"), @((")")), @((')')).
Close parentheses in quotes: @("')'"), @('\')\'').
Close braces with an intervening space: @
@{sys.stdout.write("}")} @{sys.stdout.write('}')}.
Repr of a backquote: @`'`'`.
Exes: @("?"?'x'), @(0?"!"!'x'), @(0?":":'x'), @("]"?'x'), @(1?"x"!"]").
Dollar signs: @("$"$None), @(asdf?"$"$"$"), @(1?asdf$"$").
These are strings:
@'single quoted string'
@"double quoted string"
@'single quoted string with escaped \'single quotes\''
@"double quoted string with escaped \"double quotes\""
@'''triple single quoted string'''
@"""triple double quoted string"""
@'single quoted string with "double quotes"'
@"double quoted string with 'single quotes'"
@'''triple single quoted continued \
@"""triple double quoted continued \
@'''triple single quoted
...multi-line string'''
@"""triple double quoted
... multi-line string"""

@# Significators.
@%c "x"
@%d "x" 
@%e "x y"
@%f "x y" 
Encountered significators:
a and b should be None: @`__a__`, @`__b__`
c and d should be 'x': @`__c__`, @`__d__`
e and f should be 'x y': @`__e__`, @`__f__`

@# Filters.
@{import string}@
This line should be in mixed case.
This line should be all lowercase.
This line should be all uppercase (how gauche).
@empy.setFilter([em.LineBufferedFilter(), lambda x: '[%s]\n' % x[:-1]])@
This line should be bracketed.
So should this line.
@empy.setFilter([em.SizeBufferedFilter(5), lambda x: '*' + x])@
There should be stars every five characters on this line.
This line should not appear at all!
This line should be back to mixed case.
@empy.attachFilter(lambda x: '[%s]\n' % x[:-1])@
This line should be all uppercase with brackets.
This line should be back to mixed case (again).

@# Contexts, metaoperations.
import StringIO
def context():
    return "%s:%d" % empy.identify()
stringFile = StringIO.StringIO("2 + 2 = @(2 + 2) [@context()].\n")
The new context is @context().
File inclusion [@context()]: @empy.include(stringFile)@
Expansion [@context()]: @
@empy.expand("This should be appear [@context()]") @
on the same line as this [@context()].
More expansion [@context()]: @
@{sys.stdout.write(empy.expand("Another expansion [@context()]"))}.
This is the next line [@context()].
Quoting: @empy.quote("x when quoted would be '@x' or @x").
More quoting: @empy.quote("This will be @doubled but '''@this is not'''").
Here's the last view of the old context: @context().
Creating a new context ...
The current context is: @context().
The context name should now be 'NewName': @context().
The line number should now be 1000: @context().
Back to the old context: @context().

@# Embedded interpreters and standalone expansion.
q = 1
Interpreter's q is @q.
    i = em.Interpreter()
    i.string("@{q = 10}")
    i.string("Embedded interpreter's q is @q.\n")
Interpreter's q is still @q; the embedded interpreter had no effect.
Standalone expansion: @em.expand("1 + 1 is @(1 + 1).")
With locals: @em.expand("@x + @y is @(x + y).", x=2, y=3)
g = {}
With globals: @em.expand("@{x = 10}g's x is @x.", g)
Still with globals: @em.expand("g's x + 1 is @(x + 1).", g)
g's x is still @g['x'].

@# Hooks.
class SampleHook(em.Hook):
    def null(self):
        self.interpreter.write('[SampleHook.null invoked]')

sampleHook = SampleHook()
Invoking the sample hook: @empy.invokeHook('null').

@# Custom.
def customCallback(contents, empy=empy):
    empy.write('[%s]' % contents)
Using a custom markup: @<This appears in brackets>.
Again: @<<There are angle brackets in this one>>.
Once more: @<This is a right angle bracket in quotes: ">">.

@# Finals; note these are evaluated in reverse order.
@empy.atExit(lambda: empy.string("Version: @empy.VERSION.\n"))@
@empy.atExit(lambda: empy.write("This is the penultimate line.\n"))@