

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > i586 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > d16f2965138a4f3d1fbe1a8e740231a7 > files > 3


History of Changes

	What's new in version 6.7 - 22 July 2006
	* Updated to LafPlugin 0.2
	* Applied patch for threading issue in popupmenu animation
	* Attempt to reduce memory leak (

	What's new in version 6.2 - 11 February 2006
	* Fix for editable JComboBox
	* German resource file
	* Minor fix in NativeSkin, window was 1pixel wider.
	* Dropped JDK1.3 support in NativeSkin
	* Better JFileChooser implementation for JDK 1.4 and 1.5

	What's new in version 1.2.12 - 9 October 2005
	* Fixed an issue with the list renderer used by a ComboBox, background and foreground were not used, renderer was not replaced when switching skins or lookandfeels

	What's new in version 1.2.11 - 20 February 2005
	* Caching of the JFrame iconImage when frame is decorated
	* Added extra border to ToolTips using HTML
	* With two overlapping window it is possible to use 100%CPU, and effectively kill the application

	What's new in version 1.2.10 - 13 August 2004
	* Native Skin was broken with JDK 1.3.1

	What's new in version 1.2.9 - 29 July 2004
	* Potential for lockup when accessing skinlf due to synchronization issue
	* When using window decoration, the window title bar was not painted differently for inactive windows. The window buttons (close, minimize, maximize) were not using the "disabled" icon of kde themes
	* in the demo, a call to System.getProperties().put was leading to a SecurityException
	* If a color was set as the background of a component, it will be used to paint the component. Meaning you can finally change the background of buttons
	* New property to disable the "Shade" action menu. Use UIManager.put("TitlePane.disableShade", Boolean.TRUE) before applying SkinLF to remove the menu item
	* Now use native icons for JFileChooser (JDK 1.4 and later)

	What's new in version 1.2.8 - 7 May 2004
	* Removed SkinWindow, JDK1.4 provides better alternative
	* SkinLookAndFeel.getSkin() looks for the default themepack using "skinlf.themepack" property or ~/.skinlf/ or ~/skinlf/ or in the classpath.
	* Deprecated SkinLookAndFeel.enable()
	* JDialog was not resizable
	* JDialog window buttons were not correctly updated
	* JDialog window icon was not using its parent frame icon
	* JProgressBar has some painting glitches when current value was the minimum value

	What's new in version 1.2.7 - 23 November 2003
	* Added support for indeterminate mode of progress bar in JDK1.4
	* Fixed loading of themepacks through HTTPS

	What's new in version 1.2.6 - 16 November 2003
	* Alluminium Alloy Toxic themepack
	* One more resizing issue with JDK1.4 was left in the code
	* Dropped JDK1.2 support, SkinLF 1.2.5 is the last version supporting JDK1.2
	* Fixed one memory leak when switching skins at runtime (was visible on the demo)
	* Shaded frame was resizable via the border corners
	* Decorated frame was not supporting the "shading" feature
	* With JDK1.4, the InternalFrame buttons were visible even if they are was disabled, a not closable frame had the close button for example

	What's new in version 1.2.5 - 4 October 2003
	* Fix resizing issue with JDK1.4 window decoration
	* Fix window popup menu with JDK1.4 window decoration is used. Popup was going behind
	* Updated the demo to allow File open dialogs to be visible in JavaWebStart

	What's new in version 1.2.4 - 24 August 2003
	* Cell shaded themepack
	* Support for TextComponent, List and Table borders
	* Added Accelerator in tooltip text
	* Painting in JOptionPane not proper Fixes bug 600054.
	* separator image very large in macostheme Fixes bug 599547.
	* Frame buttons focusable Fixes bug 599365.
	* Solved : JComboBox arrow problem Fixes bug 544782.
	* Editable JComboBox has wrong picture Fixes bug 577433.
	* JSlider causes NullPointerException Fixes bug 602515.
	* Support for JDK1.4 Window Decoration (old SkinWindow)

	What's new in version 1.2.3 - 29 July 2002
	* NullPointerException after CTRL+SPACE Fixes bug 585981.
	* NativeSkin does not load for NT4.0 Fixes bug 575196.
	* opaque JPanel Fixes bug 567924.

	What's new in version 1.2.2 - 12 June 2002
	* JLayeredPane opacity bug Fixes bug 557004.
	* Shading of InternalFrame in JDK1.4 was resizing the window to 0 pixel in height.
	* JTable serialization was failing due to GtkPersonality not being serializable. The header renderer is now in its own class, same for GtkListCellRenderer. DefaultButton images have been made transient too Fixes bug 560277.
	* NativeSkin replaces SkinRegion, no only limited to irregular windows (library name changed too)
	* Ability to set windows to be always on top (Win32)
	* Transparency for windows (Win32)

	What's new in version 1.2.1 - 9 May 2002
	* Button rendering sometimes incoherent Fixes bug 511901.
	* A skinned JToggleButton problem... Fixes bug 511415.
	* JCheckBox and html Fixes bug 502869.
	* Buttons with focus don't look different Fixes bug 480094.
	* Different control for ToolBar/MenuBar Fixes bug 541118.
	* Problem with Jimi Fixes bug 545514.
	* Header Renderer Fixes bug 541112.
	* Scroll Bar handles missing. Fixes bug 541084.
	* JMenu Background problems Fixes bug 523899.
	* painting issues when jprogress bar was used as a renderer in table/list
	* support for SplitPane divider
	* applied JRefactory on all the code
	* finally support for JSeparators is there
	* enhanced themepack properties with integers, strings, borders
	* SkinRegion now supports JRE1.4 Fixes bug 518030.

	What's new in version 1.2 - 17 March 2002
	* themepacks are now loaded using a ZipResourceLoader. This will help developers load themepacks in applet or javawebstart applications
	* removed dependency on Jimi package. Now only Gif, JPeg and Png are supported.
	* alpha transparency for menus

	What's new in version 1.2beta - 15 November 2001
	* fixed table header rendering in JDK1.3
	* bottom tabs are calculated by flipping top tabs
	* improved fix for frame defaultCloseAction Fixes bug 463704.

	What's new in version 1.2alpha - 22 October 2001
	* major memory enhancements by using BufferedImage
	* fixed color handling for color definition like { 0.4, 0.5, 0.6 }
	* added space to left of jcombobox
	* the fix for JTextComponent key bindings was not working properly due to a typo in a classname loaded by Class.forName: Class.forName("javax.swing.UIDefaults.LazyInputMap") should be written as Class.forName("javax.swing.UIDefaults$LazyInputMap").
	* JMenu is now painted as a JMenuItem when selected Fixes bug 426708.
	* DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE was not correctly handled due to a bug in JDK1.2. A workaround has been included for JDK1.2/JDK1.3 in skin/ Fixes bug 463704.
	* If an InternalFrame action is not enabled, it will not be visible in the title bar Fixes bug 470059.

	What's new in version 1.1 - 14 August 2001
	* better support for KDE frameborder, internal frame icons and button layout
	* in this release, there is no more support for JDK1.1
	* gray filter applied to checkboxes and options if disable icons not provided
	* ability to specify a font in a theme pack
	* clip was not set in ImageUtils.paintTile resulting in painting glitches DefaultButton was aligning images with parent

	What's new in version 1.0.1 - 19 June 2001
	* re-enable painting of background. This shortcuts the setOpaque() method of a panel. if a user want to paint the background of its panel (with a picture or a plain color) he can override the paintComponent method and do the painting in this method.

	What's new in version 1.0 - 11 June 2001
	* version update, following the unreleased 0.3.2

	What's new in version 0.3.2 - 9 June 2001
	* ClassCastException in SkinInternalPaneUI (this solves problems with netbeans 3.2)
	* Update to Nanoxml 1.6.7
	* System.getProperty() must not be used (except for non-secure properties) if we want SkinLF to work in applet Fixes bug 415108.

	What's new in version 0.3.1 - 19 March 2001
	* not editable is not handled by BasicLaF, SkinLF uses TextFieldUI from MetalLaF Fixes bug 405017.
	* handled tab placement (TOP, LEFT, RIGHT, BOTTOM), the theme must provide at least the TOP select/unselected tab images
	* menu background was not correctly painted. Now all bitmaps use the gtk STRETCH = true or false if available with default to false Fixes bug 233407.
	* added getComboBoxInsets() in SkinPersonality, but aqua theme pack left border is 12, should be 4 or 5. Fixes bug 404971.
	* the LinuxLookAndFeel loads the default gtk theme Thanks to Nicholas Allen.
	* Slider's track and thumb were off from each other Thanks to Ngoc Pham. Fixes bug 133503.
	* the button focus was not correctly painted. The "focus" section in gtkrc is now used if available Fixes bug 133409.
	* ImageUtils may lead to an infinite loop in some race conditions

	What's new in version 0.3.1beta - 9 February 2001
	* gtkparser: a class may have several styles (see scrollbars: scrollbar and arrows) gtk: fix color handling
	* added theme pack support in SkinChooser
	* JPassword and JTextArea navigation failed if application look and feel was not initially set to SkinLF Thanks to Christopher R. Staley.
	* remove WindowsLookAndFeel related icons in SkinLookAndFeel
	* added classes precaching in SkinLookAndFeel. Fixes bug 125360.
	* new documentation (tutorials are included)
	* SkinRegion implementation for X11 including Solaris and Linux. Region created from Image Transparency Thanks to Herve Lemaitre.
	* fix border repaint bug in JInternalFrame (SwingSet runs better now) prevent a shaded JInternalFrame from being resized

	What's new in version 0.3.1alpha - 1 December 2000
	* here it is: Irregular Windows for the Java Platform !

	What's new in version 0.3 - 25 November 2000
	* introduced Skin Look And Feel Theme Packs GTK and KDE in one zip file customized icons for trees, filechoosers, internalframes, dialogs default whistler theme bundled with SkinLF
	* TabbedPane border
	* added WindowSnapping (see examples/
	* easily skin any application with Skinit (see Tutorial 2 at
	* SkinButtonUI, setRolloverEnabled(true) was missing
	* added SkinLookAndFeel.loadSkin(URL url)
	* added preview to SkinChooser
	* updated the scrollbar support (rollover on arrows and handle)
	* reduced package size again
	* removed KDE sound support => see README.SOUND
	* created a lightweight version with only GIF and JPG support (no Jimi)

	What's new in version 0.2.3a - 17 June 2000
	* Fix bug in KdeSkin.setSoundEnabled

	What's new in version 0.2.3 - 13 June 2000
	* Sound support preview (from KDE themes) for Window Events => see README.SOUND for more information
	* SkinWindowEvent to handle shade/unshade, maximize/unmaximize on SkinWindow

	What's new in version 0.2.3RC2 - 7 June 2000
	* JDK1.1 support (and about time too!)
	* added ScrollBar.alternateLayout property to enable grouping of scrollbar buttons: UIManager.put("ScrollBar.alternateLayout", Boolean.TRUE); com.l2fprod.gui.plaf.xtra.XTraScrollBarUI can be used without SkinLF
	* improved SkinWindow moving and resizing by using a ghostWindow
	* added Shade/Unshade feature to SkinWindow/JInternalFrame
	* reduced package size by removing Jimi encoders and using -O flag and some unused images in bundled themes
	* better color handling from gtk and kde themes
	* JSlider support (still buggy) 
	* created SkinChooser to easily add support for SkinLF in your app

	What's new in version 0.2.3RC1 - 29 May 2000
	* changes in TableHeaderUI => custom column header renderers were overriden by SkinLF, now SkinLF only installs its renderer in installUI 
	* added JDesktopPane.backgroundEnabled client property to JDesktopPane to enable the desktop background (supported by KDE skins)
	* improved SkinWindow (move and resize), SkinWindow is now usable
	* added WindowList and WindowManager
	* added examples (applets, skinwindow, demo)

	What's new in version 0.2.2a - 13 May 2000
	* JDK1.3 support

	What's new in version 0.2.2 - 12 May 2000
	* allowed loading of Skins from instead of => SkinLF can now be used in an applet
	* begin merge with xWindow (com.l2fprod.gui.SkinWindow)
	* bug fixes
	* moved gtk and kde packages to

	What's new in version 0.2.1 - 9 April 2000
	* added missing tokens in GtkParser 
	* fixed scrollbar preferred size 
	* added window border support to KDE theme
	* improved color support
	* added getDefaultSkinLocation() to GTK

	What's new in version 0.2 - 19 March 2000
	* gtk and kde theme support is new
	* new components added
	* removed uis (windowBlinds) skin support due to copyright statements

	What's new in version 0.1 - 3 March 2000
	* everything is new !