

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > i586 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > d5c6203c9eae0855e00f03174d273cc0 > files > 8


                  Copter Commander Implementation Notes.
0.    Environment Overview
      A. C at runtime
      B. External data compiles into C
         1. oo compiler (lisp) -LISP-> sobjects (C)
         2. tiff compiler (tiff) -C-> raster structs (C)
      C. External data loaded dynamically:
         1. Sounds (.wav)
         2. Levels (.ccl)
         3. Not so fast at loading as the bake-ins, but there are fewer 
            of them.
I.    Network Architecture
      A. Client-Server
         1. Client is the window the user interacts with.
         2. Server never opens a window, and is command line only.  
            a) Sticks around until all players leave a game, then 
      B. Single Executable
         1. This is an artifact of an early design goal to have
            the install process be "put the executable in your $PATH".
            a) you still can if you don't care about sounds and you
               specify the path to the level as --level argument.
         2. Client can always find path to server by looking at argv[0].
      C. Network Transmissions
         0. reliable versus unreliable
            a) UDP gives low-latency transmissions.  From testing, I
               discovered that the smaller the packet size the bigger
               the chance of a packet getting through.
            b) TCP is reliable but higher latency.
         1. drawing data --  UDP server -> client
            a) Only bare minimum to render a screen.  
         2. device data -- UDP client -> server
            a) Sent continuously, but more redundantly after the
               user generates new input.
         3. message system -- TCP full duplex
            a) used for negotiating game connection and bootstrapping 
            b) Also non-speed sensitive data such as user<->user talk.
         4. How did it turn out?
            a) for LANs its fine
            b) for phone modem its untested.
            c) for cable-modem to cable-modem link, with the server
               a 500 Mhz Pentium III running Mesa and the client
               simultaneously, I recall it being good most of the time,
               but when lots of explosions etc were being rendered
               on the server machine, I, (the remote client) lost a
               frame or ten.  Haven't tried it recently though.
      D. Security concerns
         1. Client has very limited information
         2. Server must be trusted by all
         3. Spoofing
            a) Don't defend against client to client jamming, etc.
         4. Cheesy attacks
            a) A hacked client could decide not to render clouds, 
               making them useless as cover.
            b) Someone could start multiple clients on the same team and
               therefore get lots of funds.  But imagine if those unmanned
               copters got shot down, all the money the other side would 
II.   Object System
      A. oo-compiler.lisp
         0. Why not just use C++?
            a) Main reason: I don't know it as well as C.
            b) Problems with binary compatibility across compilers
            c) This system requires clisp be installed on the developer's
               system, but not on joe-system-administrator's.  It generates
               ansi C, which everyone can compile anywhere.
         1. creates c "classes",  "instances", and "generic functions".  
            a) Classes are structs with per-class slots and method slots.
            b) Instances are unions of all their superclasses' slots.
               They have a pointer to their class, e.g.
               COCO_SOBJECT_CL( instance ).
            c) To keep some indirection, both class and instance slots
               are accessed through reader/writer macros, e.g.
               COCO_SOBJECT_X( instance ) gets an sobject's x, and
               COCO_SOBJECT_DX( instance ) = 5 sets it to 5.
            d) Generic functions aka's C++'s virtual functions.
               i)   not as fast as it could be, but WAY fast enough.
               ii)  calling G.F.s requires some minor contortionism, see
                    comment at beginning of oo-compiler.lisp
            e) Methods are just standard c functions.  There is a
               protocol for calling the next method, search for
               "call-next-method" in sobject.lisp.
         2. Various handy features probably only useful for sobjects:
            a) subclasses of a certain root class (*cough* sobject) may
               be autmatically numbered.  Unlike an address, this number
               can be sent over the network.
            b) COCO_SOBJECT_NAME( instance ) gets the char * name of 
               its class
         3. oo-compiler has the concept of a root class, where it likes
            to pile a lot of extra info.
      B. sobject.lisp
         1. File defines the only root class, sobject, and all its
         2. Method declarations go in methods.h.
         3. Method definitions go in methods.c.
      C. cobjects and sobjects
         1. sobject stands for server-object.  These are big fat unions
            sitting on the server side.
         2. To efficiently send data to the client, something smaller is
            needed, a cobject: client object.
         3. Cobject only about 6 bytes long each.
         4. One piece of data a cobject has is its class index.  This
            identifies the related sobject's class.
         5. I think they all also have an x coordinate.
         6. The class index is the tag that tells how to read the union.
         7. Have to worry about network byte order and byte swapping.
         8. Through jury-rigging, cobjects have a few generic-function-
            like-guys stowed away as sobject per-class variables.
            a) draw function
            b) byte swapping function.
      D. Was all this worth the complexity cost?
         1. Maintaining oo-compiler by hand would be impossibly
            error prone.
         2. By authoring the object system in-house, handy back doors
            can be easily introduced.  E.g. class index.
         3. File sizes: for copter-commander 1.0, oo-compiler was 1000
            lines of lisp, sobject.lisp was another 1000.  Together
            these generate 6000 lines of C, or 28% of the total C code.
         4. The system is more shabbily documented and harder to learn 
            than C++.  
         5. Never had any trouble with the generated code.
III.  Graphics
      A. OpenGL has all the needed features and way more besides
         1. Its popular
         2. Its cross platform
         3. Currently on Linux, it has a slow software implementation, 
            and fast, hard to install, and buggier hardware ones.
	    a) ha ha, I wrote that like 2 years ago.  Now its actually
	       easier to install, but still not always automatic
         4. Maybe X would have been better.
            a) no texture mapping, but that's hardly essential
            b) certainly faster than Mesa for raster drawing, 
               since it can store rasters in X-server side pixmaps.
            c) I fess up, I don't know it as well as GL.
            d) X is not expanding to new graphics technologies.  But 
               this game only needs 1990 level technology right now.
         5. Some games use DGA - Direct Graphics Access.
            a) its not too stable an api on Linux at the moment.
      B. Rasters
         1. Static C arrays
         2. drawn by glDrawPixels or glBitmap
         3. built by tiff compiler
         4. Dimensions available at compile time for known image
            (e.g. COCO_COBRA_GREEN_E_RASTER_W) or run time for
            variable image (e.g. raster.w).
         5. Alpha blending brings Mesa to its knees, so its command
            line switchable, and by default is on if GL_RENDERER 
            is not Mesa.
      C. Textures implement sprite rotation.
         1. Used for copters only
         2. Also use tiff compiler, but are 2^n wide by 2^m high to
            satisfy OpenGL.
         3. Speed hit under Mesa OpenGL implementation
      D. Other primitives
         1. Rotatable missiles are drawn as polygons.
            a) predates adoption of textures for copter drawing.
         2. Other lines and rectangles are drawn specially:
            a) copter blades
            b) tank barrels
            c) the ground
            d) bullets
            e) starscape
            f) the sky
IV.   Sound
      A. Multiple backends.
         1. api is defined in sound.h
         2. mute-sound.c, esd-sound.c, or openal-sound.c is statically
            linked with executable.
         3. Sounds are sent over the wire as cobjects, just like
            things to draw.  However, their "draw" functions
            call sound.h functions instead of graphics ones.
      B. Mute is the no-op backend.
      C. ESD just uses gnome convenience functions, designed
         for GUIs not games.  Does not spatially scale sounds.
         1. Mixing multiple sounds slows game.
      D. OpenAL does everything one could want, esp theoretically
         1. Mixing multiple sounds still hangs renderer.
         2. could an openal thread be given a lower priority,
            to keep it from usurping rendering thread?
         3. OpenAL sound scaling is left to chance.
	 4. OpenAL api drift is a problem.
V.    Input Devices
      A. Mouse and Keyboard driven the traditional way: X events.
         1. Performance problems under heavy load.
         2. Polling was tried, but made no difference.
         3. Under gnome, really use gdk events, but the struct
            layout is identical to X events.
      B. Other options
         1. DGA mouse?  Quake supports it.
         2. Joystick would be nice.  Plenty of buttons.
            Probably pollable directly by application.
      C. New for 1.7: GII (generic input interface) support
	 for mouse and keyboard.  Theoretically this is faster
         than X events; however, its such a titanic pain in
	 the behind to set up, even I haven't gotten it to work
	 yet, so the support is pretty much theoretical.
VI.   User Interface
      A. Game screen domination protocol not settled on Linux.
         1. Either set video mode and grab mouse is the Quake way.
            a) mouse doesn't run off edge of window
            b) user doesn't have to worry about video mode -- until
               system crashes in the wrong one.
         2. Or Run in window is the Xbill way.
            a) Mouse runs of edge of window -- loosing focus = ouch!
            b) window doesn't take up full screen
         3. Decided for the Xbill way.
            a) mouse is grabbed and clipped to window.  Flashing 
               help reminds user how to undo it, without being
               too obnoxious during regular play.
            b) XF86 user can set video mode manually using 
               C-A-Keypad-+.  Window content is conveniently 640x480.
            c) Does this method suck?
      B. Graphical User Interface serves to:
         1. Negotiate network connection to server, and spawn it if
         2. Convey administrative content: keybindings, non-warranty, etc.
      C. Rudimentary Window API defined in "window.c" section of coco.h
         1. gnome-window.c implements the api, and adds help menus
            and other goodies.
            a) It doesn't shut down cleanly, but so what?
            b) gnome-kennel is borrowed code from BEAST for laying
               out implicit grids of widgets.
         2. glx-window.c implements the api, barely.  
            a) it came before gnome-window.c
            b) its much shorter and simpler
            c) its still very useful for porting to marginally 
               supported systems, e.g. debian stable, RedHat5.1.
            d) its currently incompatible with esd-sound.c.
         3. Leaves room for a microsoft-window.c backend.
VII.  Level Parser
      A. Levels look like lisp definitions.
      B. Its really just a junky hand written parser.
      C. There are levels that are installed with the distro, or
         the user can specify his or her own.
      D. Where are the operators (*,+,random) documented?  Mostly
         its learn-by-example from the distributed .ccl files.
      E. When the gui chooses a level it parses it twice.
         1) first time is in client process, to check for egregious
            syntax problems.  Returns prettier error message in that
         2) second time is in server process, where it really creates
            the sobjects.
      F. Level parser is implemented in "ccl.c".
      G. Much more likely to call malloc than the rest of coco, but 
         who cares?  Its run once.
VIII. System Construction
      A. Its a dumb makefile, with hand-edited variables.
      B. Why not use autoconf and automake?
         Its documentation sucks.  Its hard to guess.
         How come everyone else can figure it out?
         Beats me.  I think they might not use it right, and just
            copy other's configurations.  Or maybe I'm stupid.  Or maybe I
            can't find some key documentation that everyone else uses.  
            Bleh.  I'm bitter.
      C. Some compile time tests are run on a host system.
         4. Really coco_u32, coco_i32, coco_u16, coco_i16 are the base 
            types.  If the system finds that sizeof( short ) != 16 bits
            it panics and asks for assitance.  Similarly for ints.
IX.   Computer Player AI
      A. It is dumb as sand.
         1. but its still fun :)
      B. coco_comp_think() looks down a prioritized list for a situation
         it should react to.  When it finds a match, it does it.
      C. Currently (1.1) its a "Copter" without a "Commander":
         It never spends its money.
X.    History and Scale
      A. Version 1.0 took about 15 months of real time to create.  Probably
         2-4 man months of 40 hour weeks were spent developing it.
         1. Version 2.0 is well on its way to taking 3 man months.
         2. Moved to Sourceforge around the start of 1.1.
      B. The first prototype was in Allegro Common Lisp, and wasn't 
         client-server.  It was mostly to get a grasp of what was needed
         for the oo-compiler.  It took under a week and had only copters,
         bullets, bombs, guns and missiles.
      C. If I'd known how damn good cmucl was back then, I mighta written
         the whole thing in that, instead of C.
         1. Then again, there are no easy good rpms of it
         2. And writing gnome, OpenGL, OpenAL, etc bindings woulda been
            a pain...
         3. No modern cmucl for Alpha or Windows2Krash.
         4. So maybe I stand by this C descision after all.
      D. The basic game seemed to be done after only 35% of the programmer 
         time through.  Everything else was boring packaging trying to
         make it tractable to new users.  E.g. GUI, website, bugfix, chat
         mode.  That's chewed down my coding enthusiasm.
      E. Not counting machine generated code, copter-commander 1.0 is
         20,000 lines of code.  That's 100-300 lines of finished code per
         8 hour day.  Keep in mind that much time was spent using non-code
         editors, e.g. GIMP and Digatal Audio Processor (DAP).
      F. The 1.7 version was released 15 months later, after sporadic
         work.  The tarball is actually smaller this time around, due
         to fixing some bugs in the distribution system and not
         including incredibly anti-compressed
	 1. 1.7 is a preview release for the hopefully stable 2.0.
XI.   Web Presence
      A. reserved, but waiting to get DNS set up.
      B. Primary user page is
      C. Primary devo page is
         1. We use the bug tracker.
	 2. We use the mailing list.
      D. There is also a freshmeat page, as the primary advertising.
	 2. Increasing number of releases leads to
         3. ... more front page listings on freshmeat
	 4. ... which means more users
	 5. ... which means more project health.
	 6. So we should release often!