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Copyright (c) 2008, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Code licensed under the BSD License:
version: 2.5.0
 * SWFObject v1.5: Flash Player detection and embed -
 * SWFObject is (c) 2007 Geoff Stearns and is released under the MIT License:
var deconcept = deconcept || {};

if(typeof deconcept.util == "undefined" || !deconcept.util)
	deconcept.util = {};

if(typeof deconcept.SWFObjectUtil == "undefined" || !deconcept.SWFObjectUtil)
	deconcept.SWFObjectUtil = {};

deconcept.SWFObject = function(swf, id, w, h, ver, c, quality, xiRedirectUrl, redirectUrl, detectKey)
	if(!document.getElementById) { return; }
	this.DETECT_KEY = detectKey ? detectKey : 'detectflash';
	this.skipDetect = deconcept.util.getRequestParameter(this.DETECT_KEY);
	this.params = {};
	this.variables = {};
	this.attributes = [];
	if(swf) { this.setAttribute('swf', swf); }
	if(id) { this.setAttribute('id', id); }
	if(w) { this.setAttribute('width', w); }
	if(h) { this.setAttribute('height', h); }
	if(ver) { this.setAttribute('version', new deconcept.PlayerVersion(ver.toString().split("."))); }
	this.installedVer = deconcept.SWFObjectUtil.getPlayerVersion();
	if (!window.opera && document.all && this.installedVer.major > 7)
		// only add the onunload cleanup if the Flash Player version supports External Interface and we are in IE
		deconcept.SWFObject.doPrepUnload = true;
		this.addParam('bgcolor', c);
	var q = quality ? quality : 'high';
	this.addParam('quality', q);
	this.setAttribute('useExpressInstall', false);
	this.setAttribute('doExpressInstall', false);
	var xir = (xiRedirectUrl) ? xiRedirectUrl : window.location;
	this.setAttribute('xiRedirectUrl', xir);
	this.setAttribute('redirectUrl', '');
		this.setAttribute('redirectUrl', redirectUrl);

deconcept.SWFObject.prototype =
	useExpressInstall: function(path)
		this.xiSWFPath = !path ? "expressinstall.swf" : path;
		this.setAttribute('useExpressInstall', true);
	setAttribute: function(name, value){
		this.attributes[name] = value;
	getAttribute: function(name){
		return this.attributes[name];
	addParam: function(name, value){
		this.params[name] = value;
	getParams: function(){
		return this.params;
	addVariable: function(name, value){
		this.variables[name] = value;
	getVariable: function(name){
		return this.variables[name];
	getVariables: function(){
		return this.variables;
	getVariablePairs: function(){
		var variablePairs = [];
		var key;
		var variables = this.getVariables();
		for(key in variables){
			variablePairs[variablePairs.length] = key +"="+ variables[key];
		return variablePairs;
	getSWFHTML: function() {
		var swfNode = "";
		var params = {};
		var key = "";
		var pairs = "";
		if (navigator.plugins && navigator.mimeTypes && navigator.mimeTypes.length) { // netscape plugin architecture
			if (this.getAttribute("doExpressInstall")) {
				this.addVariable("MMplayerType", "PlugIn");
				this.setAttribute('swf', this.xiSWFPath);
			swfNode = '<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="'+ this.getAttribute('swf') +'" width="'+ this.getAttribute('width') +'" height="'+ this.getAttribute('height') +'" style="'+ this.getAttribute('style') +'"';
			swfNode += ' id="'+ this.getAttribute('id') +'" name="'+ this.getAttribute('id') +'" ';
			params = this.getParams();
			for(key in params){ swfNode += [key] +'="'+ params[key] +'" '; }
			pairs = this.getVariablePairs().join("&");
			if (pairs.length > 0){ swfNode += 'flashvars="'+ pairs +'"'; }
			swfNode += '/>';
		} else { // PC IE
			if (this.getAttribute("doExpressInstall")) {
				this.addVariable("MMplayerType", "ActiveX");
				this.setAttribute('swf', this.xiSWFPath);
			swfNode = '<object id="'+ this.getAttribute('id') +'" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="'+ this.getAttribute('width') +'" height="'+ this.getAttribute('height') +'" style="'+ this.getAttribute('style') +'">';
			swfNode += '<param name="movie" value="'+ this.getAttribute('swf') +'" />';
			params = this.getParams();
			for(key in params) {
			 swfNode += '<param name="'+ key +'" value="'+ params[key] +'" />';
			pairs = this.getVariablePairs().join("&");
			if(pairs.length > 0) {swfNode += '<param name="flashvars" value="'+ pairs +'" />';}
			swfNode += "</object>";
		return swfNode;
	write: function(elementId)
		if(this.getAttribute('useExpressInstall')) {
			// check to see if we need to do an express install
			var expressInstallReqVer = new deconcept.PlayerVersion([6,0,65]);
			if (this.installedVer.versionIsValid(expressInstallReqVer) && !this.installedVer.versionIsValid(this.getAttribute('version'))) {
				this.setAttribute('doExpressInstall', true);
				this.addVariable("MMredirectURL", escape(this.getAttribute('xiRedirectUrl')));
				document.title = document.title.slice(0, 47) + " - Flash Player Installation";
				this.addVariable("MMdoctitle", document.title);
		if(this.skipDetect || this.getAttribute('doExpressInstall') || this.installedVer.versionIsValid(this.getAttribute('version')))
			var n = (typeof elementId == 'string') ? document.getElementById(elementId) : elementId;
			n.innerHTML = this.getSWFHTML();
			return true;
			if(this.getAttribute('redirectUrl') !== "")
		return false;

/* ---- detection functions ---- */
deconcept.SWFObjectUtil.getPlayerVersion = function()
	var axo = null;
	var PlayerVersion = new deconcept.PlayerVersion([0,0,0]);
	if(navigator.plugins && navigator.mimeTypes.length)
		var x = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"];
		if(x && x.description)
			PlayerVersion = new deconcept.PlayerVersion(x.description.replace(/([a-zA-Z]|\s)+/, "").replace(/(\s+r|\s+b[0-9]+)/, ".").split("."));
	else if (navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Windows CE") >= 0)
	{ // if Windows CE
		var counter = 3;
				axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash."+ counter);
//				document.write("player v: "+ counter);
				PlayerVersion = new deconcept.PlayerVersion([counter,0,0]);
				axo = null;
	{ // Win IE (non mobile)
		// do minor version lookup in IE, but avoid fp6 crashing issues
		// see
			axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.7");
				axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6");
				PlayerVersion = new deconcept.PlayerVersion([6,0,21]);
				axo.AllowScriptAccess = "always"; // error if player version < 6.0.47 (thanks to Michael Williams @ Adobe for this code)
				if(PlayerVersion.major == 6)
					return PlayerVersion;
				axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash");
			catch(e) {}
		if(axo !== null)
			PlayerVersion = new deconcept.PlayerVersion(axo.GetVariable("$version").split(" ")[1].split(","));
	return PlayerVersion;

deconcept.PlayerVersion = function(arrVersion)
	this.major = arrVersion[0] !== null ? parseInt(arrVersion[0], 0) : 0;
	this.minor = arrVersion[1] !== null ? parseInt(arrVersion[1], 0) : 0;
	this.rev = arrVersion[2] !== null ? parseInt(arrVersion[2], 0) : 0;

deconcept.PlayerVersion.prototype.versionIsValid = function(fv)
	if(this.major < fv.major)
		return false;
	if(this.major > fv.major)
		return true;
	if(this.minor < fv.minor)
		return false;
	if(this.minor > fv.minor)
		return true;
	if(this.rev < fv.rev)
		return false;
	return true;

/* ---- get value of query string param ---- */
deconcept.util =
	getRequestParameter: function(param)
		var q = || document.location.hash;
		if(param === null) { return q; }
			var pairs = q.substring(1).split("&");
			for(var i=0; i < pairs.length; i++)
				if (pairs[i].substring(0, pairs[i].indexOf("=")) == param)
					return pairs[i].substring((pairs[i].indexOf("=") + 1));
		return "";

/* fix for video streaming bug */
deconcept.SWFObjectUtil.cleanupSWFs = function()
	var objects = document.getElementsByTagName("OBJECT");
	for(var i = objects.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
		objects[i].style.display = 'none';
		for(var x in objects[i])
			if(typeof objects[i][x] == 'function')
				objects[i][x] = function(){};

// fixes bug in some fp9 versions see
		deconcept.SWFObjectUtil.prepUnload = function()
			__flash_unloadHandler = function(){};
			__flash_savedUnloadHandler = function(){};
			window.attachEvent("onunload", deconcept.SWFObjectUtil.cleanupSWFs);
		window.attachEvent("onbeforeunload", deconcept.SWFObjectUtil.prepUnload);
		deconcept.unloadSet = true;

/* add document.getElementById if needed (mobile IE < 5) */
if(!document.getElementById && document.all)
	document.getElementById = function(id) { return document.all[id]; };

/* add some aliases for ease of use/backwards compatibility */
var getQueryParamValue = deconcept.util.getRequestParameter;
var FlashObject = deconcept.SWFObject; // for legacy support
var SWFObject = deconcept.SWFObject;

 * Wraps Flash embedding functionality and allows communication with SWF through
 * attributes.
 * @namespace YAHOO.widget
 * @class FlashAdapter
 * @uses YAHOO.util.AttributeProvider
YAHOO.widget.FlashAdapter = function(swfURL, containerID, attributes)
	// set up the initial events and attributes stuff
	this._queue = this._queue || [];
	this._events = this._events || {};
	this._configs = this._configs || {};
	attributes = attributes || {};
	//the Flash Player external interface code from Adobe doesn't play nicely
	//with the default value, yui-gen, in IE
	this._id = = || YAHOO.util.Dom.generateId(null, "yuigen");
	attributes.version = attributes.version || "9.0.45";
	attributes.backgroundColor = attributes.backgroundColor || "#ffffff";
	//we can't use the initial attributes right away
	//so save them for once the SWF finishes loading
	this._attributes = attributes;
	this._swfURL = swfURL;
	//embed the SWF file in the page
	this._embedSWF(this._swfURL, containerID,, attributes.version,
		attributes.backgroundColor, attributes.expressInstall, attributes.wmode);
	 * Fires when the SWF is initialized and communication is possible.
	 * @event contentReady

YAHOO.extend(YAHOO.widget.FlashAdapter, YAHOO.util.AttributeProvider,
	 * The URL of the SWF file.
	 * @property _swfURL
	 * @type String
	 * @private
	_swfURL: null,

	 * A reference to the embedded SWF file.
	 * @property _swf
	 * @private
	_swf: null,

	 * The id of this instance.
	 * @property _id
	 * @type String
	 * @private
	_id: null,
	 * The initializing attributes are stored here until the SWF is ready.
	 * @property _attributes
	 * @type Object
	 * @private
	_attributes: null, //the intializing attributes

	 * Public accessor to the unique name of the FlashAdapter instance.
	 * @method toString
	 * @return {String} Unique name of the FlashAdapter instance.
	toString: function()
		return "FlashAdapter " + this._id;

	 * Embeds the SWF in the page and associates it with this instance.
	 * @method _embedSWF
	 * @private
	_embedSWF: function(swfURL, containerID, swfID, version, backgroundColor, expressInstall, wmode)
		//standard SWFObject embed
		var swfObj = new deconcept.SWFObject(swfURL, swfID, "100%", "100%", version, backgroundColor);


		//make sure we can communicate with ExternalInterface
		swfObj.addParam("allowScriptAccess", "always");
		if(wmode !== null)
			swfObj.addParam("wmode", wmode);
		//again, a useful ExternalInterface trick
		swfObj.addVariable("allowedDomain", document.location.hostname);

		//tell the SWF which HTML element it is in
		swfObj.addVariable("elementID", swfID);

		// set the name of the function to call when the swf has an event
		swfObj.addVariable("eventHandler", "YAHOO.widget.FlashAdapter.eventHandler");

		var container = YAHOO.util.Dom.get(containerID);
		var result = swfObj.write(container);
			this._swf = YAHOO.util.Dom.get(swfID);
			//if successful, let's add an owner property to the SWF reference
			//this will allow the event handler to communicate with a YAHOO.widget.FlashAdapter
			this._swf.owner = this;
			YAHOO.log("Unable to load SWF " + swfURL);

	 * Handles or re-dispatches events received from the SWF.
	 * @method _eventHandler
	 * @private
	_eventHandler: function(event)
		var type = event.type;
			case "swfReady":
			case "log":
				YAHOO.log(event.message, event.category, this.toString());
		//be sure to return after your case or the event will automatically fire!
		this.fireEvent(type, event);

	 * Called when the SWF has been initialized.
	 * @method _loadHandler
	 * @private
	_loadHandler: function()
		this.setAttributes(this._attributes, true);
		this._attributes = null;
	 * Initializes the attributes.
	 * @method _initAttributes
	 * @private
	_initAttributes: function(attributes)
		//should be overridden if other attributes need to be set up
		 * @attribute swfURL
		 * @description Absolute or relative URL to the SWF displayed by the FlashAdapter.
		 * @type String
			method: this._getSWFURL
	 * Getter for swfURL attribute.
	 * @method _getSWFURL
	 * @private
	_getSWFURL: function()
		return this._swfURL;

 * Receives event messages from SWF and passes them to the correct instance
 * of FlashAdapter.
 * @method YAHOO.widget.FlashAdapter.eventHandler
 * @static
 * @private
YAHOO.widget.FlashAdapter.eventHandler = function(elementID, event)
	var loadedSWF = YAHOO.util.Dom.get(elementID);
		//fix for ie: if owner doesn't exist yet, try again in a moment
		setTimeout(function() { YAHOO.widget.FlashAdapter.eventHandler( elementID, event ); }, 0);

 * The Charts widget provides a Flash control for displaying data
 * graphically by series across A-grade browsers with Flash Player installed.
 * @module charts
 * @requires yahoo, dom, event, datasource
 * @title Charts Widget
 * @beta

 * Chart class for the YUI Charts widget.
 * @namespace YAHOO.widget
 * @class Chart
 * @uses YAHOO.util.FlashAdapter
 * @constructor
 * @param type {String} The char type. May be "line", "column", "bar", or "pie"
 * @param containerId {HTMLElement} Container element for the Flash Player instance.
 * @param dataSource {YAHOO.util.DataSource} DataSource instance.
 * @param attributes {object} (optional) Object literal of configuration values.
YAHOO.widget.Chart = function(type, containerId, dataSource, attributes)
{, YAHOO.widget.Chart.SWFURL, containerId, attributes);
	this._type = type;
	this._dataSource = dataSource;
	 * Fires when the user moves the mouse over the bounds of an item renderer in the chart.
	 * @event itemMouseOverEvent
	 * @param event.type {String} The event type
	 * @param event.item {Object} The data displayed by the renderer
	 * @param event.index {Number} The position within the series that the item appears.
	 * @param event.seriesIndex {Number} The position within the series definition that the series appears.
	 * @param event.x {Number} The horizontal position of the mouse, relative to the SWF.
	 * @param event.y {Number} The vertical position of the mouse, relative to the SWF.
	 * Fires when the user moves the mouse out of the bounds of an item renderer in the chart.
	 * @event itemMouseOutEvent
	 * @param event.type {String} The event type
	 * @param event.item {Object} The data displayed by the renderer
	 * @param event.index {Number} The position within the series that the item appears.
	 * @param event.seriesIndex {Number} The position within the series definition that the series appears.
	 * @param event.x {Number} The horizontal position of the mouse, relative to the SWF.
	 * @param event.y {Number} The vertical position of the mouse, relative to the SWF.
	 * Fires when the user clicks an item renderer in the chart with the mouse.
	 * @event itemClickEvent
	 * @param event.type {String} The event type
	 * @param event.item {Object} The data displayed by the renderer
	 * @param event.index {Number} The position within the series that the item appears.
	 * @param event.seriesIndex {Number} The position within the series definition that the series appears.
	 * @param event.x {Number} The horizontal position of the mouse, relative to the SWF.
	 * @param event.y {Number} The vertical position of the mouse, relative to the SWF.
	 * Fires when the user double-clicks an item renderer in the chart with the mouse.
	 * @event itemDoubleClickEvent
	 * @param event.type {String} The event type
	 * @param event.item {Object} The data displayed by the renderer
	 * @param event.index {Number} The position within the series that the item appears.
	 * @param event.seriesIndex {Number} The position within the series definition that the series appears.
	 * @param event.x {Number} The horizontal position of the mouse, relative to the SWF.
	 * @param event.y {Number} The vertical position of the mouse, relative to the SWF.
	 * Fires when the user presses the mouse down on an item to initiate a drag action.
	 * @event itemDragStartEvent
	 * @param event.type {String} The event type
	 * @param event.item {Object} The data displayed by the renderer
	 * @param event.index {Number} The position within the series that the item appears.
	 * @param event.seriesIndex {Number} The position within the series definition that the series appears.
	 * @param event.x {Number} The horizontal position of the mouse, relative to the SWF.
	 * @param event.y {Number} The vertical position of the mouse, relative to the SWF.
	 * Fires when the user moves the mouse during a drag action.
	 * @event itemDragEvent
	 * @param event.type {String} The event type
	 * @param event.item {Object} The data displayed by the renderer
	 * @param event.index {Number} The position within the series that the item appears.
	 * @param event.seriesIndex {Number} The position within the series definition that the series appears.
	 * @param event.x {Number} The horizontal position of the mouse, relative to the SWF.
	 * @param event.y {Number} The vertical position of the mouse, relative to the SWF.

	 * Fires when the user releases the mouse during a drag action.
	 * @event itemDragEndEvent
	 * @param event.type {String} The event type
	 * @param event.item {Object} The data displayed by the renderer
	 * @param event.index {Number} The position within the series that the item appears.
	 * @param event.seriesIndex {Number} The position within the series definition that the series appears.
	 * @param event.x {Number} The horizontal position of the mouse, relative to the SWF.
	 * @param event.y {Number} The vertical position of the mouse, relative to the SWF.

YAHOO.extend(YAHOO.widget.Chart, YAHOO.widget.FlashAdapter,
	 * The type of this chart instance.
	 * @property _type
	 * @type String
	 * @private
	_type: null,

	 * The id returned from the DataSource's setInterval function.
	 * @property _pollingID
	 * @type Number
	 * @private
	_pollingID: null,

	 * The time, in ms, between requests for data.
	 * @property _pollingInterval
	 * @type Number
	 * @private
	_pollingInterval: null,
	 * Indicates whether all attributes have been set and
	 * the dataSource may be passed to the SWF.
	 * @property _initialized
	 * @type Boolean
	 * @private
	_initialized: false,

	 * Public accessor to the unique name of the Chart instance.
	 * @method toString
	 * @return {String} Unique name of the Chart instance.
	toString: function()
		return "Chart " + this._id;
	 * Sets a single style value on the Chart instance.
	 * @method setStyle
	 * @param name {String} Name of the Chart style value to change.
	 * @param value {Object} New value to pass to the Chart style.
	setStyle: function(name, value)
		//we must jsonify this because Flash Player versions below 9.0.60 don't handle
		//complex ExternalInterface parsing correctly
		value = YAHOO.lang.JSON.stringify(value);
		this._swf.setStyle(name, value);
	 * Resets all styles on the Chart instance.
	 * @method setStyles
	 * @param styles {Object} Initializer for all Chart styles.
	setStyles: function(styles)
		//we must jsonify this because Flash Player versions below 9.0.60 don't handle
		//complex ExternalInterface parsing correctly
		styles = YAHOO.lang.JSON.stringify(styles);
	 * Sets the styles on all series in the Chart.
	 * @method setSeriesStyles
	 * @param styles {Array} Initializer for all Chart series styles.
	setSeriesStyles: function(styles)
		//we must jsonify this because Flash Player versions below 9.0.60 don't handle
		//complex ExternalInterface parsing correctly
		for(var i = 0; i < styles.length; i++)
			styles[i] = YAHOO.lang.JSON.stringify(styles[i]);	
	 * Initializes the attributes.
	 * @method _initAttributes
	 * @private
	_initAttributes: function(attributes)
	{, attributes);

		 * @attribute request
		 * @description Request to be sent to the Chart's DataSource.
		 * @type String
			method: this._getRequest
			method: this._setRequest
		 * @attribute dataSource
		 * @description The DataSource instance to display in the Chart.
		 * @type DataSource
			method: this._getDataSource
			method: this._setDataSource
		 * @attribute series
		 * @description Defines the series to be displayed by the Chart.
		 * @type Array
			method: this._getSeriesDefs
			method: this._setSeriesDefs
		 * @attribute categoryNames
		 * @description Defines the names of the categories to be displayed in the Chart..
		 * @type Array
			method: this._getCategoryNames
			validator: YAHOO.lang.isArray,
			method: this._setCategoryNames
		 * @attribute dataTipFunction
		 * @description The string representation of a globally-accessible function
		 * that may be called by the SWF to generate the datatip text for a Chart's item.
		 * @type String
			method: this._getDataTipFunction
			method: this._setDataTipFunction

		 * @attribute polling
		 * @description A numeric value indicating the number of milliseconds between
		 * polling requests to the DataSource.
		 * @type Number
			method: this._getPolling

			method: this._setPolling
	 * Called when the SWF is ready for communication. Sets the type, initializes
	 * the styles, and sets the DataSource.
	 * @method _loadHandler
	 * @private
	_loadHandler: function()
		//set initial styles
			var style =;
		this._initialized = true;
			this.set("dataSource", this._dataSource);

	 * Sends the request to the DataSource.
	 * @method _refreshData
	 * @private
	_refreshData: function()
		if(this._dataSource !== null)
			if(this._pollingID !== null)
				this._pollingID = null;
			if(this._pollingInterval > 0)
				this._pollingID = this._dataSource.setInterval(this._pollingInterval, this._request, this._loadDataHandler, this);
				this._dataSource.sendRequest(this._request, this._loadDataHandler, this);

	 * Called when the DataSource receives new data. The series definitions are used
	 * to build a data provider for the SWF chart.
	 * @method _loadDataHandler
	 * @private
	_loadDataHandler: function(request, response, error)
			YAHOO.log("Unable to load data.", "error");
			var styleChanged = false;
			//make a copy of the series definitions so that we aren't
			//editing them directly.
			var dataProvider = [];	
			var seriesCount = 0;
			var currentSeries = null;
			var i = 0;
			if(this._seriesDefs !== null)
				seriesCount = this._seriesDefs.length;
				for(i = 0; i < seriesCount; i++)
					currentSeries = this._seriesDefs[i];
					var clonedSeries = {};
					for(var prop in currentSeries)
						if(prop == "style" && !== null)
						{ = YAHOO.lang.JSON.stringify(;
							styleChanged = true;
							//we don't want to modify the styles again next time
							//so null out the style property. = null;
							clonedSeries[prop] = currentSeries[prop];
			if(seriesCount > 0)
				for(i = 0; i < seriesCount; i++)
					currentSeries = dataProvider[i];
						currentSeries.type = this._type;
					currentSeries.dataProvider = response.results;
				var series = {type: this._type, dataProvider: response.results};
			this._swf.setDataProvider(dataProvider, styleChanged);

	 * Storage for the request attribute.
	 * @property _request
	 * @private
	_request: "",
	 * Getter for the request attribute.
	 * @method _getRequest
	 * @private
	_getRequest: function()
		return this._request;
	 * Setter for the request attribute.
	 * @method _setRequest
	 * @private
	_setRequest: function(value)
		this._request = value;

	 * Storage for the dataSource attribute.
	 * @property _dataSource
	 * @private
	_dataSource: null,
	 * Getter for the dataSource attribute.
	 * @method _getDataSource
	 * @private
	_getDataSource: function()
		return this._dataSource;

	 * Setter for the dataSource attribute.
	 * @method _setDataSource
	 * @private
	_setDataSource: function(value)
		this._dataSource = value;
	 * Storage for the series attribute.
	 * @property _seriesDefs
	 * @private
	_seriesDefs: null,
	 * Getter for the series attribute.
	 * @method _getSeriesDefs
	 * @private
	_getSeriesDefs: function()
		return this._seriesDefs;
	 * Setter for the series attribute.
	 * @method _setSeriesDefs
	 * @private
	_setSeriesDefs: function(value)
		this._seriesDefs = value;

	 * Getter for the categoryNames attribute.
	 * @method _getCategoryNames
	 * @private
	_getCategoryNames: function()
		return this._swf.getCategoryNames();

	 * Setter for the categoryNames attribute.
	 * @method _setCategoryNames
	 * @private
	_setCategoryNames: function(value)
	 * Storage for the dataTipFunction attribute.
	 * @property _dataTipFunction
	 * @private
	_dataTipFunction: null,
	 * Getter for the dataTipFunction attribute.
	 * @method _getDataTipFunction
	 * @private
	_getDataTipFunction: function()
		return this._dataTipFunction;
	 * Setter for the dataTipFunction attribute.
	 * @method _setDataTipFunction
	 * @private
	_setDataTipFunction: function(value)
		this._dataTipFunction = value;

	 * Getter for the polling attribute.
	 * @method _getPolling
	 * @private
	_getPolling: function()
		return this._pollingInterval;

	 * Setter for the polling attribute.
	 * @method _setPolling
	 * @private
	_setPolling: function(value)
		this._pollingInterval = value;

 * Storage for the dataTipFunction attribute.
 * @property Chart.SWFURL
 * @private
 * @static
 * @final
 * @default "assets/charts.swf"
YAHOO.widget.Chart.SWFURL = "assets/charts.swf";

 * PieChart class for the YUI Charts widget.
 * @namespace YAHOO.widget
 * @class PieChart
 * @uses YAHOO.widget.CartesianChart
 * @constructor
 * @param containerId {HTMLElement} Container element for the Flash Player instance.
 * @param dataSource {YAHOO.util.DataSource} DataSource instance.
 * @param attributes {object} (optional) Object literal of configuration values.
YAHOO.widget.PieChart = function(containerId, dataSource, attributes)
{, "pie", containerId, dataSource, attributes);

YAHOO.lang.extend(YAHOO.widget.PieChart, YAHOO.widget.Chart,
	 * Initializes the attributes.
	 * @method _initAttributes
	 * @private
	_initAttributes: function(attributes)
	{, attributes);
		 * @attribute dataField
		 * @description The field in each item that corresponds to the data value.
		 * @type String
			method: this._getDataField
			validator: YAHOO.lang.isString,
			method: this._setDataField
		 * @attribute categoryField
		 * @description The field in each item that corresponds to the category value.
		 * @type String
			method: this._getCategoryField
			validator: YAHOO.lang.isString,
			method: this._setCategoryField

	 * Getter for the dataField attribute.
	 * @method _getDataField
	 * @private
	_getDataField: function()
		return this._swf.getDataField();

	 * Setter for the dataField attribute.
	 * @method _setDataField
	 * @private
	_setDataField: function(value)

	 * Getter for the categoryField attribute.
	 * @method _getCategoryField
	 * @private
	_getCategoryField: function()
		return this._swf.getCategoryField();

	 * Setter for the categoryField attribute.
	 * @method _setCategoryField
	 * @private
	_setCategoryField: function(value)

 * CartesianChart class for the YUI Charts widget.
 * @namespace YAHOO.widget
 * @class CartesianChart
 * @uses YAHOO.widget.Charts
 * @constructor
 * @param type {String} The char type. May be "line", "column", or "bar"
 * @param containerId {HTMLElement} Container element for the Flash Player instance.
 * @param dataSource {YAHOO.util.DataSource} DataSource instance.
 * @param attributes {object} (optional) Object literal of configuration values.
 YAHOO.widget.CartesianChart = function(type, containerId, dataSource, attributes)
{, type, containerId, dataSource, attributes);

YAHOO.lang.extend(YAHOO.widget.CartesianChart, YAHOO.widget.Chart,
	 * Initializes the attributes.
	 * @method _initAttributes
	 * @private
	_initAttributes: function(attributes)
	{, attributes);

		 * @attribute xField
		 * @description The field in each item that corresponds to a value on the x axis.
		 * @type String
			method: this._getXField

			validator: YAHOO.lang.isString,
			method: this._setXField

		 * @attribute yField
		 * @description The field in each item that corresponds to a value on the x axis.
		 * @type String
			method: this._getYField

			validator: YAHOO.lang.isString,
			method: this._setYField

		 * @attribute xAxis
		 * @description A custom configuration for the horizontal x axis.
		 * @type Axis
			method: this._setXAxis

		 * @attribute yAxis
		 * @description A custom configuration for the vertical y axis.
		 * @type Axis
			method: this._setYAxis

	 * Getter for the xField attribute.
	 * @method _getXField
	 * @private
	_getXField: function()
		return this._swf.getHorizontalField();

	 * Setter for the xField attribute.
	 * @method _setXField
	 * @private
	_setXField: function(value)

	 * Getter for the yField attribute.
	 * @method _getYField
	 * @private
	_getYField: function()
		return this._swf.getVerticalField();

	 * Setter for the yField attribute.
	 * @method _setYField
	 * @private
	_setYField: function(value)
	 * Setter for the xAxis attribute.
	 * @method _setXAxis
	 * @private
	_setXAxis: function(value)

	 * Getter for the yAxis attribute.
	 * @method _setYAxis
	 * @private
	_setYAxis: function(value)

 * LineChart class for the YUI Charts widget.
 * @namespace YAHOO.widget
 * @class LineChart
 * @uses YAHOO.widget.CartesianChart
 * @constructor
 * @param containerId {HTMLElement} Container element for the Flash Player instance.
 * @param dataSource {YAHOO.util.DataSource} DataSource instance.
 * @param attributes {object} (optional) Object literal of configuration values.
YAHOO.widget.LineChart = function(containerId, dataSource, attributes)
{, "line", containerId, dataSource, attributes);

YAHOO.lang.extend(YAHOO.widget.LineChart, YAHOO.widget.CartesianChart);

 * ColumnChart class for the YUI Charts widget.
 * @namespace YAHOO.widget
 * @class ColumnChart
 * @uses YAHOO.widget.CartesianChart
 * @constructor
 * @param containerId {HTMLElement} Container element for the Flash Player instance.
 * @param dataSource {YAHOO.util.DataSource} DataSource instance.
 * @param attributes {object} (optional) Object literal of configuration values.
YAHOO.widget.ColumnChart = function(containerId, dataSource, attributes)
{, "column", containerId, dataSource, attributes);

YAHOO.lang.extend(YAHOO.widget.ColumnChart, YAHOO.widget.CartesianChart);

 * BarChart class for the YUI Charts widget.
 * @namespace YAHOO.widget
 * @class BarChart
 * @uses YAHOO.widget.CartesianChart
 * @constructor
 * @param containerId {HTMLElement} Container element for the Flash Player instance.
 * @param dataSource {YAHOO.util.DataSource} DataSource instance.
 * @param attributes {object} (optional) Object literal of configuration values.
YAHOO.widget.BarChart = function(containerId, dataSource, attributes)
{, "bar", containerId, dataSource, attributes);

YAHOO.lang.extend(YAHOO.widget.BarChart, YAHOO.widget.CartesianChart);

 * Defines a CartesianChart's vertical or horizontal axis.
 * @namespace YAHOO.widget
 * @class Axis
 * @constructor
YAHOO.widget.Axis = function()

YAHOO.widget.Axis.prototype = 
	 * The type of axis.
	 * @property type
	 * @type String
	type: null,
	 * The direction in which the axis is drawn. May be "horizontal" or "vertical".
	 * @property orientation
	 * @type String
	orientation: "horizontal",
	 * If true, the items on the axis will be drawn in opposite direction.
	 * @property reverse
	 * @type Boolean
	reverse: false,
	 * A string reference to the globally-accessible function that may be called to
	 * determine each of the label values for this axis.
	 * @property labelFunction
	 * @type String
	labelFunction: null,
	 * If true, labels that overlap previously drawn labels on the axis will be hidden.
	 * @property hideOverlappingLabels
	 * @type Boolean
	hideOverlappingLabels: true

 * A type of axis whose units are measured in numeric values.
 * @namespace YAHOO.widget
 * @class NumericAxis
 * @constructor
YAHOO.widget.NumericAxis = function()

YAHOO.lang.extend(YAHOO.widget.NumericAxis, YAHOO.widget.Axis,
	type: "numeric",
	 * The minimum value drawn by the axis. If not set explicitly, the axis minimum
	 * will be calculated automatically.
	 * @property minimum
	 * @type Number
	minimum: NaN,
	 * The maximum value drawn by the axis. If not set explicitly, the axis maximum
	 * will be calculated automatically.
	 * @property maximum
	 * @type Number
	maximum: NaN,
	 * The spacing between major intervals on this axis.
	 * @property majorUnit
	 * @type Number
	majorUnit: NaN,

	 * The spacing between minor intervals on this axis.
	 * @property minorUnit
	 * @type Number
	minorUnit: NaN,
	 * If true, the labels, ticks, gridlines, and other objects will snap to
	 * the nearest major or minor unit. If false, their position will be based
	 * on the minimum value.
	 * @property snapToUnits
	 * @type Boolean
	snapToUnits: true,

	 * If true, and the bounds are calculated automatically, either the minimum or
	 * maximum will be set to zero.
	 * @property alwaysShowZero
	 * @type Boolean
	alwaysShowZero: true,

	 * The scaling algorithm to use on this axis. May be "linear" or "logarithmic".
	 * @property scale
	 * @type String
	scale: "linear"

 * A type of axis whose units are measured in time-based values.
 * @namespace YAHOO.widget
 * @class TimeAxis
 * @constructor
YAHOO.widget.TimeAxis = function()

YAHOO.lang.extend(YAHOO.widget.TimeAxis, YAHOO.widget.Axis,
	type: "time",
	 * The minimum value drawn by the axis. If not set explicitly, the axis minimum
	 * will be calculated automatically.
	 * @property minimum
	 * @type Date
	minimum: null,

	 * The maximum value drawn by the axis. If not set explicitly, the axis maximum
	 * will be calculated automatically.
	 * @property maximum
	 * @type Number
	maximum: null,
	 * The spacing between major intervals on this axis.
	 * @property majorUnit
	 * @type Number
	majorUnit: NaN,
	 * The time unit used by the majorUnit.
	 * @property majorTimeUnit
	 * @type String
	majorTimeUnit: null,
	 * The spacing between minor intervals on this axis.
	 * @property majorUnit
	 * @type Number
	minorUnit: NaN,
	 * The time unit used by the minorUnit.
	 * @property majorTimeUnit
	 * @type String
	minorTimeUnit: null,

	 * If true, the labels, ticks, gridlines, and other objects will snap to
	 * the nearest major or minor unit. If false, their position will be based
	 * on the minimum value.
	 * @property snapToUnits
	 * @type Boolean
	snapToUnits: true

 * A type of axis that displays items in categories.
 * @namespace YAHOO.widget
 * @class CategoryAxis
 * @constructor
YAHOO.widget.CategoryAxis = function()

YAHOO.lang.extend(YAHOO.widget.CategoryAxis, YAHOO.widget.Axis,
	type: "category",
	 * A list of category names to display along this axis.
	 * @property categoryNames
	 * @type Array
	categoryNames: null

 * Series class for the YUI Charts widget.
 * @namespace YAHOO.widget
 * @class Series
 * @constructor
YAHOO.widget.Series = function() {};

YAHOO.widget.Series.prototype = 
	 * The type of series.
	 * @property type
	 * @type String
	type: null,
	 * The human-readable name of the series.
	 * @property displayName
	 * @type String
	displayName: null

 * CartesianSeries class for the YUI Charts widget.
 * @namespace YAHOO.widget
 * @class CartesianSeries
 * @constructor
YAHOO.widget.CartesianSeries = function() 

YAHOO.lang.extend(YAHOO.widget.CartesianSeries, YAHOO.widget.Series,
	 * The field used to access the x-axis value from the items from the data source.
	 * @property xField
	 * @type String
	xField: null,
	 * The field used to access the y-axis value from the items from the data source.
	 * @property yField
	 * @type String
	yField: null

 * ColumnSeries class for the YUI Charts widget.
 * @namespace YAHOO.widget
 * @class ColumnSeries
 * @constructor
YAHOO.widget.ColumnSeries = function() 

YAHOO.lang.extend(YAHOO.widget.ColumnSeries, YAHOO.widget.CartesianSeries,
	type: "column"

 * LineSeries class for the YUI Charts widget.
 * @namespace YAHOO.widget
 * @class LineSeries
 * @constructor
YAHOO.widget.LineSeries = function() 

YAHOO.lang.extend(YAHOO.widget.LineSeries, YAHOO.widget.CartesianSeries,
	type: "line"

 * BarSeries class for the YUI Charts widget.
 * @namespace YAHOO.widget
 * @class BarSeries
 * @constructor
YAHOO.widget.BarSeries = function() 

YAHOO.lang.extend(YAHOO.widget.BarSeries, YAHOO.widget.CartesianSeries,
	type: "bar"

 * PieSeries class for the YUI Charts widget.
 * @namespace YAHOO.widget
 * @class PieSeries
 * @constructor
YAHOO.widget.PieSeries = function() 

YAHOO.lang.extend(YAHOO.widget.PieSeries, YAHOO.widget.Series,
	type: "pie",
	dataField: null,
	categoryField: null

YAHOO.register("charts", YAHOO.widget.Chart, {version: "2.5.0", build: "895"});