

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > i586 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > e27e301144242a99c72a1ac3c0113399 > files > 11


#                                                                             #
#              - Copyright Zach Karpinski                                     #
#              - Distributed under the GPL terms - see the docs for info      #
#              -                                     #
#                                                                             #
# CVS $Id: README,v 1.9 2001/03/21 02:52:00 smccrory Exp $

NOTE:  This is a README file.  It is meant to help you understand how to
       install this program on your machine.  If you do not read this file
       you will not understand how to install this on your machine.  If
       you come looking for help, and have not read this file, you will 
       probably be ridiculed, told to Read.The.Friggin.Manual (rtfm) and
       get on my bad side for not being cooperative. As some would say
       <insert deity of choice here> helps those who help themselves.
       I'm trying to help you.  Help me help you, as Rod Tidwell would say.
       Help me, help you!  

NOTEII: If you are upgrading, please see the CHANGELOG file for details.

	This file will help you install halfStats on a linux, freebsd or
Windows based machine.  halfStats is now being released in beta form.  It
is extremely important that you take note of what beta you currently have.
Often when admins experience problems or note bugs, it makes a difference
what version you are using, due to the most current releases fixing as many
bugs as possible and adding new features as well.

[ SECTION I: Preparing ]

	There are two directories in each beta release.  One for program 
files and one for files that go into a web directory.  Placement of these
files will be covered in two steps.  Eachs step will try to address both the
unix and windows conventions.  First lets begin with what is required before
we even try to install halfStats:

1. Half-life dedicated server (listen servers work poorly)
2. Perl
3. A web server
4. The latest halfStats beta

How to get each of the above..
1. If you dont have half-life installed, get that up and running first.
It is preferred you run a dedicated server, but I have reluctantly added
listen server support (<barf>).  Be sure to add mp_logfile 1 and log on
into your autoexec.cfg file (in the valve or cstrike directory).

2. If you are running a linux or freebsd based system, you already have
perl installed.  To check this type 'ls -al /usr/bin/perl' at a command

If you are running windows, you probably need to download perl.
The best place to do this is at

3. If you are running linux or freebsd, you have an rpm or port of apache
available to you.  Apache is what halfStats is internally tested on. If
Apache is not already installed please find the appropriate port or rpm
that was included on your installation disks.  For linux, something along
the lines of 'rpm -i apache-1.3.XXX.rpm' should work.  For freebsd, try
'cd /usr/ports/www/apache13;make install'

If you are running windows, you probably need to install IIS or PWS
(personal web server, this comes with windows 98).  For IIS, you must
purchase the server, or use what comes included with some versions of
NT and 2K.  To install PWS, click:
start->settings->control panel->add/remove programs->Windows Setup [tab]
->Internet tools->Personal web server [check]
You may also wish to try Apache for windows.  You can get this from

4.  Finally, make sure you have the latest beta of halfStats.  As 
previously stated, the latest version addresses bugs and features in
the versions that preceeded it.  Click to and
follow the "download" link.

[ SECTION II: Installing ]

	Now that you have everything you need installed and you have a 
copy of the latest halfStats beta lets discuss moving some files around.

1.	First lets install the program files.  You'll need to make a
directory for halfStats.  Its important  you don't install the program
files in the same directory as where your web server will provide stats.
If you are in windows, make a directory like c:\halfStats or for linux
and freebsd users, try /usr/local/halfStats.  
	Once you've made the dir, you'll want to move the contents of the 
program dir into your the halfStats directory (the c:\halfStats or 
/usr/local/halfStats). This directory should now contain three files and 
one directory.  The three files are "", "default.cfg" and 
"".  The one directory is "data".  After you've completed 
the move, go back to the directory where the www files are.

2.	halfStats comes with a www directory.  We'll need some space
in your web server's root directory.  Some common locations for a web
server to have its root directory is "c:\inetpub\www" for windows or
"/var/www/htdocs" for redhat 7.0 or "/usr/local/Apache/htdocs" for 
some versions of freebsd.  This can often be different for any variety
of installation, so make sure you know where it is before expecting
halfStats to work.  
	If you dont understand what a "web root" is, consider the it 
to be "where the webserver starts serving content". Now make a directory 
called "stats" or "cstats" or something similar. This is where you will 
want halfStats to write the stats pages to.  Much like moving the 
program files, we need to move the contents of the www directory into 
your stats directory [under your web root].  You should have moved six 
files and two directories.  The six files should be .css files and the 
directories are "images" and "players".  
	The images directory has nine image files (five .gif and 
four .jpg) in addition to three other directories, "help","maps" and 
"weapons". It is important to note that in both the weapons and maps 
directories you need a sub directory for whatever game_type you specify 
in your config file [we'll cover the config later]. If you do not create
the right directory (defaults are "dm" and "cstrike") the images you 
place there will not show up.  A directory is required for each game_type 
you have, as many games have the same weapon, but the images should be 
different.  For instance: you don't want the dm grenade used for cs

[ SECTION III: Configuring ]

	In your halfStats directory, you'll find a file called 
"default.cfg".  Open this file up in your favorite text editor and read
through it.  You'll want to edit each variable as explained within
that file.  If you have any questions, you should consult the 
admin-faq.txt file, which addresses some common issues while editting
the config file.  
	It is very important that you correctly read and set all
variables. If you do not set a variable correctly, halfStats will not
be able to do certain things.
	When you are done, it is important that you save the editted
config file with a name other than default.cfg, common names are cstrike.cfg
or dm.cfg.  It really doesnt matter what name you choose.

[ SECTION IV: Installing Images ]

	Only the images needed to properly display the halfStats pages
are released with the program itself.  All other map and weapon images
can be downloaded, if you wish to use them.  halfStats is written in
such a way that if you dont have a particular image, it wont display a
broken image, it will instead just display the name of the item it was
trying to create an image for.  You dont need to download the extra
images, but they add some extra color to the pages.
	Each game_type (dm or cstrike) must have a directory in the 
maps and weapons directory [which are in the images directory].  This 
may seem confusing at first.  This tree should help:

/stats/images <- halfStats images
/stats/images/maps/dm <- deathmatch map images
/stats/images/maps/cstrike <- counter-strike map images
/stats/images/weapons/dm <- deathmatch weapon images
/stats/images/weapons/cstrike <- weapon images

[ SECTION V: Running ]

	Ok, so you've got a half-life server up and logging, some kids are
playing, perl is installed, you've got your webserver up and halfStats is 
configured.  Its time to run the program for first time! <fingers crossed>
	If you are in windows, change to your halfStats directory and
type "perl config.cfg" where config.cfg is what you renamed
the default.cfg to.  
	If you are in linux, change to your halfStats directory and
type "./ config.cfg" where config.cfg is what you renamed
the default.cfg to.
	During the beta stages, halfStats spits a lot of stuff to the 
screen.  You may even some WARNINGS and other complaints.  Why? Sometimes,
half-life servers dont log right.  Sometimes they crash, sometimes the files
get jumbled, its really hit or miss with logs.  Maybe its even a bug?  
The bottom line is that so far, warnings are normal.  This program isn't 
perfect and neither is half-life.  If halfStats is giving you a fatal error 
[where the program doesnt finish running and dies too early] thats a 
problem.  Sometimes, if you've skipped a step in the README, you'll
see errors like this.  If halfStats cant find a directory, open a file
or otherwise interface with the operating system, you'll want to review
your .cfg file and make sure all your paths are right.
	If halfStats completes 100%, you should see files fill into your
web space and you should be able to call up your http://url/rel_html_dir

[ SECTION VI: Something is Wrong!? ]

	If you have read over this file at least two times and need more
help getting something working, please refer to the admin-faq.txt located 
in the same directory as this README file.  I'm serious, if you don't 
read the documentation I spent so much time creating, you are a moron.
These documents exist to help you understand and install the program.  They
also you understand what to expect and when to report abnormal behavoir.
	If you have read over both files, and are still stumped, head over 
to our help message board at this URL: