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<title>ploticus: proc boxplot</title>
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<table cellpadding=2 bgcolor=FFFFFF width=550><tr>
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  <td><br><h2>proc boxplot</h2></td>
  <td align=right>
  <a href="../doc/welcome.html"><img src="../doc/ploticus.gif" border=0></a><br>
  Version 2.41 Mar2009
     </small><br><a href="../doc/scripthome.html">Scripts</a>

<title>Manual page for proc_boxplot(PL)</title>
<center><a href="../gallery/boxplot1.htm"><img src="../gallery/boxplot1.gif" border=0></a>

<b>proc boxplot</b> renders boxplots also known as box-and-whisker plots in the
<a href="areadef.html">
 current plotting area.<tt> </tt>
By default it produces <b>median-based</b> boxplots which use median and interquartile range, but it can also produce
<b>mean-based</b> boxplots using mean and SD.<tt> </tt>
Recommended method is to use proc getdata to read in raw data, then use proc processdata (action: summaryplus) to 
compute the necessary summary statistics, then invoke this proc to render boxplots.<tt> </tt>
Prior to version 2.40 this proc was called proc rangebar, and it rendered one boxplot (including computation of the 
necessary statistics).  In version 2.40 proc processdata's summaryplus action was implemented.  
Correspondingly this proc's operation changed.. it now renders a series of boxplots and has a tighter coupling with proc processdata.<tt> </tt>
Some previously available functionality was removed out of necessity 
or where deemed obscure, including options for display of outlier data points, 
1.5 IQR tails, log transform, setting of variables such as RANGEBARMIN, and output of computed stats.<tt> </tt>


Rangebars may be vertical (the default) or horizontal (see <tt>orientation</tt> below);
to make things easier to explain in this document, vertical boxplots are assumed.<tt> </tt>

&nbsp; &nbsp;

&nbsp; &nbsp;
<tt>median | mean</tt>
<dt> <dd>
If <tt>median</tt> (the default) median-based boxplots are produced (using median, 5th, 25th, 75th, and 95th percentiles).<tt> </tt>
If <tt>mean</tt>, then mean-based boxplots are produced (using mean, +/- sd, min, max ).<tt> </tt>


&nbsp; &nbsp;
<tt>5/95 | minmax </tt>
<dt> <dd>
Used only with median-based boxplots.<tt> </tt>
Specifies whether the rangebar tails are to extend to the 5th and 95th percentile, to the min and max.<tt> </tt>
Default is <tt>5/95</tt>.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>tailmode: minmax</tt>


&nbsp; &nbsp;
<a href="attributetypes.html#dfield">
<dt> <dd>
The data field indicating boxplot location in X (or location in Y with <tt>orientation: horizontal</tt>).<tt> </tt>
If not given, boxplots will be rendered at X=1, X=2, X=3 .. X=N.<tt> </tt>


&nbsp; &nbsp;
<a href="attributetypes.html#dfield">
<dt> <dd>
If you're using proc processdata (action: summaryplus) first, this attribute should not be set (it will be automatic).<tt> </tt>
If you computed statistics externally, you will need to provide a list of the data fields holding your statistics, using
the exact order shown here.<tt> </tt>
For median-based boxplots specify the fields for #observations, 5thpercentile, 25thpercentile, median, 75thpercentile, 95thpercentile, and
optionally the mean (if you're doing min/max tails then substitute min for 5thpercentile and max for 95thpercentile).<tt> </tt>
For mean-based boxplots specify the fields for #observations, mean,  sd, min, max.<tt> </tt>


&nbsp; &nbsp;
<tt>vertical | horizontal</tt>
<dt> <dd>
Orientation of the boxplots.  Default is <tt>vertical</tt>.<tt> </tt>
<a href="../gallery/boxplot2.htm">
 Click here for an example of horizontally-oriented boxplots


<h2>Bar appearance details</h2>

&nbsp; &nbsp;
<dt> <dd>
The width of the box portion of the rangebar in 
<a href="attributetypes.html#positionunits">
 absolute units.<tt> </tt>
Default is 0.12 inches.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>barwidth: 0.1</tt>


&nbsp; &nbsp;
<a href="color.html">
<dt> <dd>
Specifies the color of the box area.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>color: yellow</tt>


&nbsp; &nbsp;
<a href="symboldetails.html">
<tt> | dot | line </tt>
<dt> <dd>
Specifies the symbol that will be displayed to show the median (or the mean with <tt>basis: mean</tt>).<tt> </tt>
May be a symbol specification (to get dots, etc.) or <tt>line</tt> which
is the default.  <tt>dot</tt> or <tt>yes</tt> gives a small black dot.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>mediansym: shape=diamond</tt>


&nbsp; &nbsp;
<tt>yes | no</tt>
<dt> <dd>
If <tt>yes</tt>, box is outlined with a line.<tt> </tt>


&nbsp; &nbsp;
<a href="linedetails.html">
<dt> <dd>
Controls color, linewidth, etc. of tail lines.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>taildetails: color=blue width=1.8</tt>

&nbsp; &nbsp;
<a href="linedetails.html">
<dt> <dd>
Controls color, linewidth, etc. of box outline and tics.<tt> </tt>


&nbsp; &nbsp;
<tt>yes | no</tt>
<dt> <dd>
If <tt>yes</tt>, bars are truncated to plotting area.<tt> </tt>
Default is <tt>yes</tt>.<tt> </tt>


&nbsp; &nbsp;
<dt> <dd>
Length, in 
<a href="attributetypes.html#positionunits">
 absolute units
, of the tics which appear at the end of the tails.<tt> </tt>
Default is 70% of the width of the bar.<tt> </tt>


&nbsp; &nbsp;
<tt>yes | no</tt>
<dt> <dd>
On median-based boxplots using <tt>tailmode: minmax</tt>, this option allows display of 5th and 95th percentile by adding tics.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>95tics: yes</tt>


&nbsp; &nbsp;
<tt>yes | dot | </tt>
<a href="symboldetails.html">
<dt> <dd>
With median-based boxplots, this option causes a second data point symbol to be placed at the mean.  
The result will be two symbols, one at the median, and another at the mean.<tt> </tt>
If <tt>yes</tt> or <tt>dot</tt>, a default symbol (a small black dot) will be placed at the mean.<tt> </tt>
Other symbols may be rendered by giving
other symboldetails specifications.  If <tt>no</tt>, a mean symbol will not
be rendered.  Default is <tt>no</tt>.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>meansym: shape=circle style=filled fillcolor=black radius=0.04</tt>


<h2>Selecting data rows</h2>

&nbsp; &nbsp;
<a href="select.html">
 select expresion
<dt> <dd>
Allows cases to be selected for inclusion using a selection expression.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>select: @2 = B</tt>



&nbsp; &nbsp;
<a href="attributetypes.html#text">
<dt> <dd>
A label to be associated with the current set of bars, in a legend to be rendered later (proc legend).<tt> </tt>
The <tt>\n</tt> construct can be used to force a line break,
or the label can be wordwrapped using proc legend wraplen attribute.<tt> </tt>


&nbsp; &nbsp;
<tt>color | symbol</tt>
<dt> <dd>
Legend sample can be the boxplot color or the data point symbol used for the median or mean.<tt> </tt>
Default is <tt>color</tt>.<tt> </tt>


<h2>N= annotation</h2>
&nbsp; &nbsp;
<tt>yes | no</tt>
<dt> <dd>
If <tt>yes</tt>, a label showing N (the number of observations) is produced.  Default is <tt>yes</tt>.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>printn: no</tt>


&nbsp; &nbsp;
<a href="attributetypes.html#locvalue">
<dt> <dd>
Where to position the N label.  The label will be aligned with the rangebar.<tt> </tt>
For vertical rangebars <tt>location</tt> indicates where to place the label
in Y; for horizontal, X.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>nlocation: -4</tt>


&nbsp; &nbsp;
<a href="textdetails.html">
<dt> <dd>
Details for the N= text.<tt> </tt>

<td align=right>
<a href="../doc/welcome.html">
<img src="../doc/ploticus.gif" border=0></a><br><small>data display engine &nbsp; <br>
<a href="../doc/Copyright.html">Copyright Steve Grubb</a>
<img src="../gallery/all.gif"> 
Ploticus is hosted at</td><td> &nbsp; </td><td>
<a href=""><img src="" 
width="120" height="30" border="0" 
alt="Get ploticus data display engine at Fast, secure and Free Open Source software downloads" /></a>

Markup created by <em>unroff</em> 1.0,&#160;<tt> </tt>&#160;<tt> </tt>March 11, 2009.