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<title>ploticus: functions</title>
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  <a href="../doc/welcome.html"><img src="../doc/ploticus.gif" border=0></a><br>
  Version 2.41 Mar2009
     </small><br><a href="../doc/scripthome.html">Scripts</a>

<title>Manual page for functions(PL)</title>

Categories of available functions:
<a href="functions.html#ploticus">
<a href="functions.html#arithmetic">
<a href="functions.html#strings">
<a href="functions.html#commalists">
<a href="shell.html">
<a href="sql.html">
<a href="functions.html#dates">
<a href="functions.html#times">
<a href="functions.html#misc">


A number of functions are available for use in 
<a href="scripts.html">
 ploticus scripts
<a href="getdata.html">
 proc getdata filters
, for a wide range of purposes including processing of arithmetic, strings
dates, times, 
<a href="commalist.html">
, and so on.  
Functions usually take one or more arguments and return a value.<tt> </tt>

Functions may be used with
<a href="scriptsyntax.html#set">
<a href="scriptsyntax.html#call">
  or as operands in
<a href="scriptsyntax.html#if">

<a href="condex.html">
 conditional expressions

Custom functions may be coded and added to the file <tt>custom.c</tt>,
and accessed like any of the built in functions, except that the
names of custom functions should begin with a
double dollar sign ($$) when invoked from scripts.<tt> </tt>


Function names always start with a dollar sign (<b>$</b>).<tt> </tt>
Function arguments are enclosed by parentheses and if more than one
argument, separated by commas (,).  For example:
<dt> <dd>
<tt>$formatfloat( @NUM, "%7.2f" )</tt>
Function calls may not be nested, ie. function arguments may not be functions.<tt> </tt>


In the following summaries, the function name appears along with a
template for arguments that must be supplied.<tt> </tt>

<a name=ploticus></a>
Note: the functions in this section may be used with a double dollar sign ($$)
for faster function name search.<tt> </tt>
Because of the way ploticus script files are parsed,
<tt>#endproc</tt> should be used to terminate any #proc previous to these function calls,
so that the proc executes before the function call.<tt> </tt>
<b>$inrange( value, axis )</b>   or
<b>$inrange( value, axis, min, max )</b>
<dt> <dd>
Return 1 if <i>value</i> within a range on the given <i>axis</i>.<tt> </tt>
<i>min</i> and <i>max</i> are optional; if given they determine the range.<tt> </tt>
If they are not given the range is the range of the axis within the
plotting area.<tt> </tt>


<b>$icolor( i )</b>
<dt> <dd>
Return one of 20 preselected colors.  The color sequence was
selected to give good contrast between nearby entries.<tt> </tt>
<i>i</i> allowable range is 1 to 20; values out of this range
are modulo into range.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#set COLOR = $icolor( 2 )


<b>$fieldname( n )</b>
<dt> <dd>
Return the field name assigned to field <i>n</i>.  First is 1.<tt> </tt>
If no field name was defined, <tt>noname</tt> is returned.<tt> </tt>


<b>$dataitem( row, field )</b>
<dt> <dd>
Return the contents of the item in <i>row</i> and <i>field</i> of
the current data set.  <i>row</i> is a number, first is 1.<tt> </tt>
<i>field</i> is either a number or an assigned name.<tt> </tt>


<b>$defaultinc( min, max )</b>
<dt> <dd>
Return a reasonable increment given numeric <i>min</i> and <i>max</i>,
using the same algorithm used with axis stub increments.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#set inc = $defaultinc( 0, 200 )</tt>


<b>$changeunits( axis, newunitspec )</b>
<dt> <dd>
Change the scaling units associated with an existing axis.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#call $changeunits( x, "date nqyy" )</tt>


<b>$squelch_display( mode )</b>
<dt> <dd>
  #call $squelch_display( 1 ) .. will squelch all drawing activity.  
  #call $squelch_display( 0 ) .. will resume drawing activity.  
Note that <tt>#endproc</tt> must terminate any #proc previous to these function calls.  (version 2.30+)

<b>$boundingbox( mode )</b>
<dt> <dd>
  #call $boundingbox( 0 )  .. subsequent drawing does not influence the bounding box and hence the crop
  #call $boundingbox( 1 )  .. restore to normal mode of operation.<tt> </tt>
Note that <tt>#endproc</tt> must terminate any #proc previous to these function calls. (version 2.30+)


<b>$data_to_absolute( axis, val )</b>
<dt> <dd>
Given a data location <i>va</i> in either X or Y space (specified by
<i>axis</i>), return the absolute location.<tt> </tt>


<b>$sleep( n )</b>
<dt> <dd>
Delay for <i>n</i> seconds.  
Occasionally useful when viewing plots interactively.<tt> </tt>


<dt> <dd>
Produce a "More.." button and wait for user to click on it.<tt> </tt>
Upon the click, return.<tt> </tt>
Occasionally useful when viewing plots interactively.<tt> </tt>


<b>$errmsgpre( tag )</b>
<dt> <dd>
Allows developer to set the first portion of all ploticus error messages to <tt>tag</tt>
(it will stay in effect until explicitly set again).<tt> </tt>
For example, where a web page generates multiple plots it may be useful in identifying
which plot had the error.<tt> </tt>

<b>$textwidth( text, font, size)</b>
<dt> <dd>
Return horizontal width of freetype bounding box.<tt> </tt>
Useful only with freetype fonts, otherwise it returns 0.  Suggested/contributed by Erik Zachte.<tt> </tt>

<b>$rewritenums( f )</b>
<dt> <dd>
takes a numeric quantity <i>f</i> and
returns it rewritten for display purposes, applying 
numbernotation (as specified in your proc settings or config file).<tt> </tt>


<a name=arithmetic></a>


<b>$arith( exp, format )</b> 
<dt> <dd>
Simplistic arithmetic expression evaluator. 
<i>exp</i> is an expression made up of numbers and the arithmetic operators
<tt>+ - * /</tt>.<tt> </tt>
No embedded spaces nor parentheses are allowed within the expression.<tt> </tt>
Evaluation is strictly left to right.<tt> </tt>
Unary plus/minus are allowed.<tt> </tt>
In versions 2.30+ scientific notation eg. <tt>3.74e-07</tt> is supported.<tt> </tt>
<i>format</i> is an optional printf(3) display format specifier controlling
the format of the result,
eg. <tt>%.0f</tt>.  Default format is <tt>%g</tt>, which should suffice for all but very
large or very small values.  For more on format specifiers see your manual page on printf(3).<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#set RESULT = $arith(2+8/5)</tt>  (result: 2)
Example: <tt>#set RESULT = $arith(2+-8)</tt>  (result: -6)
Example: <tt>#set RESULT = $arith( 18*1000000000 , "%.f" )
Example: </tt><tt>#set RESULT = $arith( 18*.0000001 , "%.9f" )

<dt> <dd>
Same as <b>$arith()</b> except 
lazy, i.e. non-numeric operands 
are accepted and treated as if they were 0.  

<dt> <dd>
Returns 1 if <i>s</i> is a valid number, 0 if not.<tt> </tt>
In versions 2.30+ scientific notation is supported.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#set RESULT = $isnumber(-0.24)</tt>  (result: 1)
Example: <tt>#set RESULT = $isnumber(=)</tt>  (result: 0)

<dt> <dd>
Format <i>x</i> using printf-style format string <i>fmt</i>.<tt> </tt>
May also be used to format integers by using a <i>fmt</i> such as <tt>%03.0f</tt>.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#set RESULT = $formatfloat( 3.4425, "%3.2f" )</tt> (result: 3.44)

<dt> <dd>
See if <i>n</i> is within the numeric range of <i>lo</i>
to <i>hi</i>.  Returns 1 if so, 0 if not.  Non-numeric <i>n</i> always returns 0.<tt> </tt>

<b>$numgroup( val, h, mode )</b>
<dt> <dd>
Convert <i>val</i> to a nearby multiple of <i>h</i>.<tt> </tt>
Useful in grouping a set of numbers into bins.<tt> </tt>
<i>mode</i> may be either <tt>low</tt>, <tt>mid</tt>, or <tt>high</tt>.   
For example, if f is 73 and h is 10, function returns 70, 75, or 80 for modes 
<tt>low</tt>, <tt>mid</tt>, <tt>high</tt> respectively.<tt> </tt>

<dt> <dd>
Round <i>val</i> to a reasonable precision.<tt> </tt>
Use a value of 0 for <i>d</i> for normal behavior.  Increase <i>d</i> to
get more precision, reduce <i>d</i> to get less precision.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#set X = $autoround( @X, 0 )</tt>

<dt> <dd>
Various mathematical functions.  <i>a</i> and <i>b</i> can be integer or floating point 
unless otherwise noted below.<tt> </tt>
what	returns
----    -------
abs	absolute value of <i>a</i> 
mod	<i>a</i> modulo <i>b</i> 
div	integer division <i>a</i> / <i>b</i> (<i>a</i> and <i>b</i> must be integers)
pow	<i>a</i> raised to <i>b</i> 
mag	<i>a</i> multiplied by 10 to the <i>b</i>
log+1	the natural log of <i>a</i>, plus 1.0
exp-1	the exponential of <i>a</i>, minus 1.0
sqrt	the square root of <i>a</i>
Example: <tt>#set X = $math(abs,-57)</tt> would return <tt>57</tt>.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#set X = $math(mod,10,6)</tt> would return <tt>4</tt>.<tt> </tt>

<dt> <dd>
Returns a random number between 0.0 and 1.0.<tt> </tt>

<b>$ranger( rangespec )</b>
Convert an integer range specification to an enumerated list of all integers covered.  
Range specifications can contain integers separated by commas or dashes, with no embedded spaces.<tt> </tt>
   #set RANGE = "5,8,11-15"
   #set LIST = $ranger( @RANGE )
LIST would then contain <tt> 5,8,11,12,13,14,15 </tt>

<a name=strings></a>


<dt> <dd>
Return the length of <i>s</i>.<tt> </tt>

<dt> <dd>
Change all occurances of <i>s1</i> to <i>s2</i> in string.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#set T = $change( "&lt;", "&lt;sup&gt;", @T )</tt>

<b>$expand( s )</b>
<dt> <dd>
Expand all @variables present in <i>s</i>.<tt> </tt>
 #set B = "@A world"
 #set A = hello
 #set C = $expand( @B )
Variable C would then contain <tt>hello world</tt>.<tt> </tt>

<dt> <dd>
Return a substring of <i>s</i>.  Substring begins at character <i>n</i> (first is 1)
for a maximum length of <i>len</i>.<tt> </tt>
This function may also be used to count back from the end of the string and take
a substring-- to do this, specify a negative <i>n</i> (see 2nd example below).<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>$substring( "abcde", 3, 99 )</tt> would give <tt>cde</tt>
Example: <tt>$substring( "abcde", -2, 99 )</tt> would give <tt>de</tt>

<dt> <dd>
If string <i>s</i> contains any of chars in <i>clist</i>, change that
character to <i>newchar</i>.  
<b>clist</b> may be passed as the word <tt>comma</tt> to represent a comma (,).<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#set RESULT = $changechars("*'", @S, "_" )</tt>

<dt> <dd>
If string <i>s</i> contains any of chars in <i>clist</i>, delete that character.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#set RESULT = $deletechars("*'",@S)</tt>

<b>$stripws( s, mode )</b>
<dt> <dd>
Remove whitespace characters from <i>s</i>.<tt> </tt>
If mode is "any", all whitespace characters are removed.<tt> </tt>
Otherwise only leading and trailing whitespace is stripped off.<tt> </tt>

<dt> <dd>
If string <i>s</i> contains any of chars in <i>clist</i>, return position
(first=1) of the first occurance.  Return 0 if none found.  
<i>clist</i> may be passed as the word <tt>comma</tt> to represent a comma (,).<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#set RESULT = $contains( "*'", @S )</tt>
Example: <tt>#set RESULT = $contains( ",", @S )</tt>

<dt> <dd>
Return the lower-case equivalent of <i>string</i>.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#set RESULT = $lowerc(HELLO)</tt> (result: <tt>hello</tt>)

<dt> <dd>
Return the upper-case equivalent of <i>string</i>
Example: <tt>#set RESULT = $upperc(Hello)</tt> (result: <tt>HELLO</tt>)

<dt> <dd>
Return the <i>string</i> with first letter capitalized.  (added 5/15/08).<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#set RESULT = $upperc(hello)</tt> (result: <tt>Hello</tt>)

<dt> <dd>
Return an integer representation of the difference in magnitude of <i>s</i> and <i>t</i>,
using ascii order.  
Note: don't use this for #if statement equality comparisons; simple <tt>=</tt> and <tt>!=</tt> should
be used instead.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#set RESULT = $strcmp(ABC,XY)</tt>  (result will be a negative integer)
Example: <tt>#set RESULT = $strcmp(XY,ABC)</tt>  (result will be a positive integer)

<dt> <dd>
Return the concatenatation of strings <i>s</i> and <i>t</i>
Example: <tt>#set RESULT = $strcat(ABC,XY)</tt>  (result: <tt>ABCXY</tt>)

<b>$ntoken( n, s [,c] )</b>
<dt> <dd>
Return the <i>n</i>th whitespace-delimited token in <i>s</i>.<tt> </tt>
Or if <i>c</i> is specified as a single character, it is used as the delimiter... return the <i>n</i>th field in <i>s</i> (added 3/28/08).<tt> </tt>

<b>$counttokens( s [,c] )</b>
<dt> <dd>
Return the number of whitespace-delimited tokens in <i>s</i>.<tt> </tt>
Or if <i>c</i> is specified as a single character, it is used as the delimiter... return the <i>n</i>th field in <i>s</i> (added 5/15/08).<tt> </tt>

<b>$extractnum( s )</b>
<dt> <dd>
Extract the first numeric entity embedded anywhere in <i>s</i> and return it.<tt> </tt>

<b>$wildcmp( s1, s2 )</b>
<dt> <dd>
Return the result of a wildcard-enabled match s1 vs. s2.  s2 can contain wild cards.<tt> </tt>
Return value is 0 on a match, -1 if s1 is "less than" s2, and 1 if s1 is "greater than" s2.<tt> </tt>

<b>$encrypt( s, salt )</b>
<dt> <dd>
Returns the result of one-way encryption of s.  Uses crypt(3C).  
salt is optional 2 character perturbation string.<tt> </tt>

<b>$urlencode( s )</b>
<dt> <dd>
Returns the url-encoded version of s.<tt> </tt>

<b>$urldecode( s )</b>
<dt> <dd>
Returns the url-decoded version of s.<tt> </tt>

<a name=commalists></a>

These functions operate on a string which is in the form of a 
<a href="commalist.html">
 .<tt> </tt>

<dt> <dd>
Count the number of times <i>str</i> appears in 
<i>list</i>.  If <i>str</i> is passed as <tt>*</tt> then this function
will count the number of members in the list.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#if $count( "*", "a,b,c" ) = 3</tt>  (true)
Example: <tt>#set RESULT = $count( "hello", "aba,gabba,jabba" )</tt> (result: 0)
Example: <tt>#set RESULT = $count( "x", "x,y,x,y,y,z,x" )</tt> (result: 3)

<dt> <dd>
Append a new member <i>newmem</i> to end of <i>list</i>.<tt> </tt>
If <i>list</i> is empty before call, result will have one member.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#set RESULT = $addmember( "red", @MYLIST )</tt>

<dt> <dd>
Remove a member <i>mem</i> from <i>list</i>.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#set RESULT = $deletemember( "red", @MYLIST )</tt>

<dt> <dd>
Get the <i>n</i>th member of <i>list</i>.  
Example: <tt>#set RESULT = $nmember( 2, "a,b,c,d,e" )</tt> (result: <tt>b</tt><b>)

<b>$commonmembers( list1, list2, mode )
<dt> <dd>
Detect if <i>list1</i> and <i>list2</i> have any members in common.<tt> </tt>
Returns 0 if no members in common.<tt> </tt>
If <i>mode</i> is <tt>"count"</tt>, then the number in common is returned
(for a,b,c vs. c,d,e this would be 1; for a,a,a vs a,b,c it would be 3).<tt> </tt>
Otherwise, when a match is found 1 is returned immediately.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#set MATCH = $commonmembers( "a,b,c,d,e", "c,d,ee", "count" )</tt>  (result: <tt>2</tt>)

<b>$homogenous( list )</b>
<dt> <dd>
Return 1 if all members of list are the same, 0 if there are any differences
among members.<tt> </tt>
If <i>list</i> has only 1 member, 1 is returned.  
If <i>list</i> is empty, 0 is returned.<tt> </tt>

<b>$makelist( s )</b>
<dt> <dd>
Convert <i>s</i>, a list of items separated by commas and/or whitespace, 
and return a commalist.<tt> </tt>
Useful for building commalists from user input.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#set LIST = $makelist( "1101   1102 1103" )</tt>  (result: <tt>1101,1102,1103</tt>)
Example: <tt>#set LIST = $makelist( "1101,  1102, 1103" )</tt>  (result: <tt>1101,1102,1103</tt>)

<a name=shell></a>

Functions related to the shell interface are described on the
<a href="shell.html">
 #shell manual page
 .<tt> </tt>

<a name=sql></a>

Functions related to SQL interface are described on the
<a href="sql.html">
 #sql manual page
 .<tt> </tt>

<a name=dates></a>

These functions work with 
<a href="dates.html">
 dates in various notations.<tt> </tt>
The default date format is <tt>mmddyy</tt>.<tt> </tt>
Unless otherwise specified, these functions expect date arguments
to be in the "current date format".<tt> </tt>

<dt> <dd>
Set the current date format.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#call $setdatefmt( "yyyymmdd" )</tt>

<dt> <dd>
Return <i>date</i>, formatted to <i>newformat</i>.<tt> </tt>
Use to convert dates to different notations, to extract year, month, day
components, or to get weekday equivalent.<tt> </tt>
Available formats are described 
<a href="dates.html">
Example: <tt>#set RESULT = $formatdate( @D, "yyyymmmdd" )</tt>

<dt> <dd>
Return 1 if <i>date</i> is a valid one in the current date format;
return 0 if it is not.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#if $datevalid(@apptdate) != 1</tt>

<dt> <dd>
Return the current date.  It will be in the date format currently in effect.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#set RESULT = $todaysdate()</tt>

<dt> <dd>
Return the difference in days between <i>date1</i> and <i>date2</i>.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#set RESULT = $daysdiff( 011298, 010198 )</tt> (result: 11)

<dt> <dd>
Return the julian (number of days since Jan 1, 1970) equivalent of <i>date</i>.<tt> </tt>
<i>date</i> should be a date in current format, or the special symbol <tt>today</tt>.<tt> </tt>

<dt> <dd>
Return the date (in current format) that is equivalent to julian value <i>jul</i>.<tt> </tt>

<dt> <dd>
Return the date resulting when <i>ndays</i> are added to <i>date</i>.  
Example: <tt>#set RESULT = $dateadd( 010198, 11 )</tt> (result: 011298)

<b>$dategroup( interval, mode, input )</b>
<dt> <dd>
Take date, datetime, or time <i>input</i> value, and adjust it for 
grouping purposes.  For example, after a set of dates
are processed using <tt>$dategroup( week, mid, .. )</tt>, the result can be tabulated to
get a weekly distribution.  
Allowable <i>interval</i> values are <tt>week  month  quarter  year  day  hour</tt>.<tt> </tt>
Allowable <i>mode</i> values are <tt>mid</tt> and <tt>first</tt>.<tt> </tt>
First character is sufficient for these two args.<tt> </tt>

<dt> <dd>
Return the integer age in years as of 
<i>testdate</i> of a person born on <i>birthdate</i>.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#set RESULT = $yearsold( 062661, 022098 )</tt> (result: 36)

<dt> <dd>
Set a date parameter.  
You can set the 
<b>pivotyear</b>, <b>strictdatelengths</b>, or <b>lazydates</b> attributes.<tt> </tt>
See the
<a href="config.html">
 config file documentation
for descriptions of these parameters.<tt> </tt>
Example of setting the pivot year: <tt>#set STATUS = $setdateparms(Pivotyear,90)</tt>
Example of allowing lazy days: <tt>#set STATUS = $setdateparms(Lazydates,days)</tt>
Example of allowing lazy days and months: <tt>#set STATUS = $setdateparms(Lazydates,both)</tt>

<a name=times></a>

These functions work with 
<a href="times.html">
 time values
in various notations.<tt> </tt>

<dt> <dd>
Set the current time notation to <i>fmt</i>.<tt> </tt>
Available notations are <tt>HH:MM:SS</tt>, <tt>HH:MM</tt>, and <tt>MM:SS</tt>.<tt> </tt>
(A leading HH can handle single digit hour values; a leading MM
can handle single digit minute values).<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#set RESULT = $settimefmt(MM:SS)</tt>
These functions work with time values.<tt> </tt>

<dt> <dd>
Return the current time in <tt>hh:mm:ss</tt> format.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#set RESULT = $time()</tt>

<dt> <dd>
Return 1 if <i>time</i> is valid in the current time format;
return 0 if it is not.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#if $timevalid(@appttime) != 1</tt>

<dt> <dd>
Take <i>time</i>, which is in the current time format,
and reformat it using <i>newformat</i>.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#set t2 = $formattime( "14:22", "hh:mma" )

<dt> <dd>
Get number of seconds since midnight for the current time.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#set RESULT = $timesec()</tt>

<dt> <dd>
Take <i>t</i> (a value in the current time notation) and return the equivalent,
expressed in # of minutes since 0:00:00.  Result is float,
with any seconds expressed as the decimal portion of a minute. 
Example: <tt>#set RESULT = $tomin( "3:45" )</tt>
<dt> <dd>
Inverse of $tomin(), where <i>m</i> is a float minutes value.<tt> </tt>
Result is equivalent time in current notation.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#set RESULT = $frommin( 3.75 )</tt>

<dt> <dd>
Find the difference between two times 
<i>t1</i> and <i>t2</i> (both in current notation).  Result is expressed 
in float minutes (any seconds expressed as fraction of a minute) 
Example: <tt>#set RESULT = $timediff( "3:43", "2:28" )</tt>

<a name=checksums></a>

Checksum routines use an odd-even algorithm that takes an integer and
computes a checksum digit 0 - 9 or x.  This checksum digit may be
used to guard against key errors and transposed digits.<tt> </tt>

<dt> <dd>
Returns 1 if <i>s</i> is a valid
number with checksum.  0 if not.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#if $checksumgood(39) = 1</tt> (result: true)

<dt> <dd>
Result is integer <b>i</b> with 
a checksum digit appended.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#set CHECKNUM = $checksumencode(29)</tt> (result: 294)

<dt> <dd>
Take <i>s</i> which is a number 
including trailing checksum digit, and increment the number and 
recompute new checksum digit.  Result is returned.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#set RESULT = $checksumnext(39) = 1</tt> (result: 41)

<a name=misc></a>

<dt> <dd>
Return the contents of environment variable <i>varname</i>.<tt> </tt>

Return a string containing <i>euid,egid</i>, where <i>euid</i> is the
current effective user id, and <i>egid</i> is the current effective group id.<tt> </tt>

<b>$errormode( mode )</b>
<dt> <dd>
Control the display of error messages.  Allowable values for <i>mode</i> are
<tt>stderr</tt> and <tt>stdout</tt>.  For command line applications the default is
generally <tt>stderr</tt>; for CGI applications it is <tt>stdout</tt>, so that messages
are visible.  To hide error messages in CGI applications, set <i>mode</i> to <tt>stderr</tt>.<tt> </tt>

<dt> <dd>
Return a short identifier generated
using the current date, time to the current second, and process id.  
The name will be unique on a per-host basis.<tt> </tt>

<dt> <dd>
Generate a unique (on a per-host basis) temporary file name, suitable
for use in shell commands.  Uses <b>tmpdir</b> as specified in
<a href="config.html">
 project config file
 .  Format of the name is <i>tmpdir</i><tt>/</tt><i>tag</i><tt>.</tt><i>uniquename</i> where
<i>uniquename</i> is a short name generated using the current date, current time
to the second, and process id.  <i>tag</i> may be passed as a zero length string
if desired.<tt> </tt>

<b>$fileexists( dir, name )</b>
<dt> <dd>
Return 1 if the requested file can be opened, 0 otherwise.<tt> </tt>
<i>dir</i> indicates the directory that <i>name</i> is relative to
and may be one of <tt>/</tt>, <tt>scriptdir</tt>, <tt>tmpdir</tt>.<tt> </tt>
<i>dir</i> may also be <tt>datadir</tt> if using shSQL.<tt> </tt>

Example: <tt>#set A = $fileexists( tmpdir, "mytmp" )</tt>

<b>$rename( pathname, newpathname )</b>
<dt> <dd>
Rename a file.<tt> </tt>

<b>$unlink( pathname )</b>
<dt> <dd>
Remove a file.<tt> </tt>

<b>$chmod( pathname, mode )</b>
<dt> <dd>
Do a chmod on pathname, setting it's file permissions to mode.<tt> </tt>
Allowable modes are: 644, 664, 666, 444, 640, and 660.<tt> </tt>

<b>$cleanname( name )</b>
<dt> <dd>
Strip out any punctuation and control characters
from <i>name</i>, leaving only letters, digits, and underscores.<tt> </tt>
Example: <tt>#set name = $cleanname( @name )</tt>

<b>$ref( varname ) </b>
<dt> <dd>
Return the contents of <i>varname</i>.  May be useful when a variable contains
the name of another variable, to extract the value of the other variable.<tt> </tt>
  #set A = "hello"
  #set B = "A"
  #set C = $ref(@B)
C would then contain <tt>hello</tt>.<tt> </tt>

<b>$def( varname ) </b>
<dt> <dd>
Return 1 if varname has been set to a value (even if the value is "").<tt> </tt>
Return 0 otherwise.<tt> </tt>

<b>$isleep( n )</b>
<dt> <dd>
Delay for <i>n</i> seconds.  

<dt> <dd>
For debug purposes.  
Writes a list of every existing internal variable name to standard output, along with a count.<tt> </tt>
If mode is given as "values" variable contents are also written.<tt> </tt>

<dt> <dd>
Flush standard output buffer.  With <tt>quisp</tt> this can be used to immediately display
all content available so far.<tt> </tt>

<td align=right>
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Markup created by <em>unroff</em> 1.0,&#160;<tt> </tt>&#160;<tt> </tt>March 11, 2009.