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Network Working Group                                        K. Mitchell
Internet-Draft                                                 P. Lorier
Expires: September 5, 2005                          Undernet IRC Network
                                                                L. Hardy
                                                            P. Kucharski
                                                           March 7, 2005

                   IRC Client Capabilities Extension

Status of this Memo

   This document is an Internet-Draft and is subject to all provisions
   of section 3 of RFC 3667.  By submitting this Internet-Draft, each
   author represents that any applicable patent or other IPR claims of
   which he or she is aware have been or will be disclosed, and any of
   which he or she become aware will be disclosed, in accordance with
   RFC 3668.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that
   other groups may also distribute working documents as

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

   The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at

   This Internet-Draft will expire on September 5, 2005.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).


   IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is a long-standing protocol for real-time
   chatting.  The basic client-server protocol is a very simple
   text-based protocol with no explicit mechanism for introducing or

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   negotiating backwards-incompatible extensions.  This memo presents a
   mechanism for negotiation of such extensions.

Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC
   2119 [1].

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3

   2.  Problems to be Solved  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4

   3.  The CAP Command  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
     3.1   CAP LS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
     3.2   CAP LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
     3.3   CAP REQ  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
     3.4   CAP ACK  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
     3.5   CAP NAK  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
     3.6   CAP CLEAR  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
     3.7   CAP END  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8

   4.  Capability Negotiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

   5.  Capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
     5.1   Capability Modifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

   6.  IANA Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

   7.  Security Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

   8.  Acknowledgments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

   9.  References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

       Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

   A.  Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

   B.  ABNF Description of Capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

   C.  ChangeLog  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

       Intellectual Property and Copyright Statements . . . . . . . . 28

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1.  Introduction

   The IRC protocol, as originally documented by RFC 1459 [2] and
   updated by RFC 2812 [3], is a simple, text-based conferencing
   protocol, involving a number of users spread across a number of
   interconnected servers.  These users may chat with other individual
   users, or may chat with groups of users on "channels"--what other
   chat systems refer to as "rooms" or "chat rooms".

   Over the years, various extensions to the basic IRC protocol have
   been made by IRC server programmers.  Often, these extensions are
   intended to conserve bandwidth, close loopholes left by the original
   protocol specification, or add features for users or for the server
   administrators.  Most of these changes are backwards-compatible with
   the original protocol specification: A command may be added, a reply
   may be extended to contain more parameters, etc.  Recently, however,
   there has been a desire to introduce changes that would not be
   backwards-compatible with existing IRC clients.  Ideally, these
   protocol changes would only be used with clients and servers that can
   understand the revised protocol.  Unfortunately, the IRC protocol
   does not provide any form of extension or protocol negotiation,
   making it impossible to determine support for such extensions.

   This memo introduces a standardized mechanism for negotiation of
   protocol extensions, known as *capabilities*, that will be
   backwards-compatible with all existing IRC clients and servers.  Any
   server not implementing this extension will still interoperate with
   clients that do implement it; similarly, clients that do not
   implement the capabilities extension may successfully communicate
   with a server that does implement the extension.

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2.  Problems to be Solved

   The IRC protocol is not a lockstep protocol.  This means that a
   client may issue additional commands before the server has finished
   responding to the first one.  Additionally, unlike other protocols,
   the server does not necessarily issue a banner response upon initial
   connection.  This, combined with the fact that some servers do not
   complain about unknown commands prior to completion of the client
   registration phase, means that a client cannot know for certain
   whether a server implements the extension.  If a client had to wait
   for a banner message, it would fail to interoperate with a server not
   implementing the capabilities extension.  If the client must issue a
   command and then wait for a response, a similar problem results.  As
   some potential protocol extensions must be set up prior to completion
   of the client registration phase, there is no reliable way a server
   may indicate implementation of the capabilities extension to a

   The solution to these problems turns out to be to extend the client
   registration procedure.  The client sends a request to begin
   capability negotiation, as well as the other information necessary
   for client registration (user name, nick name, optional password,
   etc.).  If the server understands the capabilities extension, it will
   suspend completion of the registration phase until the negotiation is
   complete; negotiation may then proceed in a lockstep fashion.  If the
   server does not understand capabilities, then the registration will
   complete immediately, and the client will receive the 001 numeric.
   This will signal to the client that the server does not implement the
   capabilities extension.

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3.  The CAP Command

   The capabilities extension is implemented by addition of one command
   with several subcommands.  The command added is *CAP*.  CAP takes a
   single, required subcommand, optionally followed by a single
   parameter consisting of a space-separated list of capabilities.  Each
   capability within the list MAY be preceded by a capability modifier.
   (Section 5.1)

   The subcommands defined for CAP are:

   1.  LS (Section 3.1)
   2.  LIST (Section 3.2)
   3.  REQ (Section 3.3)
   4.  ACK (Section 3.4)
   5.  NAK (Section 3.5)
   6.  CLEAR (Section 3.6)
   7.  END (Section 3.7)

   The LS (Section 3.1), LIST (Section 3.2), REQ (Section 3.3), ACK
   (Section 3.4), and NAK (Section 3.5) subcommands may be followed by a
   single parameter consisting of a space-separated list of capability
   names.  If more than one capability is named, this argument MUST be
   preceded by the IRC protocol colon (':') sentinel to signal that the
   remainder of the line is a single argument.

   If a client sends a subcommand not listed above or issues an invalid
   command, the server SHOULD reply with the ERR_INVALIDCAPCMD numeric
   response, 410.  The first parameter after the client nickname SHALL
   be the subcommand the client sent; the second parameter SHOULD be a
   textual description of the error.

   In ABNF [4] notation:

          capcmd       =  [ ":" servername SP ] "CAP" SP subcmd

          subcmd       =  lscmd / listcmd / reqcmd / ackcmd /
                              nakcmd / clearcmd / endcmd

          capcmderr    =  ":" servername SP "410" SP nick SP badcmd
                              SP ":Invalid CAP subcommand"
                           ; badcmd is the unrecognized subcommand

          caplist      =  [ ":" ] *( capmod ) capab
          caplist      =/ ":" *( capmod ) capab 1*( SP *( capmod ) capab )

   where SP is as designated in Appendix A of RFC 2234 [4], and
   servername and nick are as designated in section 2.3.1 of RFC 1459

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   The discussion in the following sections applies only to clients and
   servers implementing the capabilities extension.  Servers (and
   clients) not implementing the capabilities extension are exempted
   from the requirements of this section.

3.1  CAP LS

   The LS subcommand is used to list the capabilities supported by the
   server.  The client SHALL send an LS subcommand with no arguments to
   solicit a list of supported capabilities from the server.  Servers
   MUST respond to such LS subcommands with one or more LS subcommands
   containing the list of recognized capabilities.  All but the last
   subcommand MUST have a parameter containing only an asterisk ('*')
   preceding the capability list.

   If a client issues an LS subcommand during the client registration
   phase, client registration MUST be suspended until an END (Section
   3.7) subcommand is received.

   ABNF [4] description of the LS subcommand:

          lscmd        =  "LS"
          lscmd        =/ "LS" SP [ "*" SP ] caplist


   The LIST subcommand is provided to permit the client to request a
   list of the capabilities currently active for the connection.  It is
   similar to the LS (Section 3.1) subcommand--if a client issues a LIST
   subcommand with no arguments, the server MUST respond with a sequence
   of LIST subcommands, all but the last of which MUST have a single
   parameter consisting solely of an asterisk ('*') preceding the list
   of capabilities.  If no capabilities have been enabled, the server
   MUST send a LIST command with an empty capability list; the parameter
   MUST NOT be omitted.  The active capabilities MAY be listed in any

   ABNF [4] description of the LIST subcommand:

          listcmd      =  "LIST"
          listcmd      =/ "LIST" SP ":"
          listcmd      =/ "LIST" SP [ "*" SP ] caplist

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3.3  CAP REQ

   The REQ subcommand is sent by the client to request that a capability
   or set of capabilities be enabled or disabled.  Its sole parameter
   MUST be a space-separated list of capabilities.  Each capability name
   MAY be preceded by a dash ('-') to indicate that the capability
   should be disabled.  Additionally, receipt of this subcommand during
   the client registration MUST suspend client registration until an END
   (Section 3.7) subcommand is received.

   Servers MUST respond to a REQ command with either the ACK (Section
   3.4) or NAK (Section 3.5) subcommands to indicate acceptance or
   rejection of the capability set requested by the client.  A server
   MUST accept the entire capability set or reject it whole; servers
   MUST NOT accept some capabilities in the set while rejecting others.
   If a client requests that a "sticky" capability be disabled, the
   server MUST reject the capability set.

   ABNF [4] description of the REQ subcommand:

          reqcmd       =  "REQ" SP caplist

3.4  CAP ACK

   The ACK subcommand has three uses.  It is used by the server to
   acknowledge a REQ (Section 3.3) subcommand; by the server to
   acknowledge a CLEAR (Section 3.6) subcommand and list the removed
   capabilities; and by the client to acknowledge certain capabilities
   designated as requiring acknowledgment.  If more than one ACK is
   required due to the IRC line length limitation of 512 characters, all
   but the last SHALL contain a parameter consisting of a single
   asterisk ('*') immediately preceding the list of capabilities, as for
   LS (Section 3.1) and LIST (Section 3.2).

   If an ACK reply originating from the server is spread across multiple
   lines, a client MUST NOT change capabilities until the last ACK of
   the set is received.  Equally, a server MUST NOT change the
   capabilities of the client until the last ACK of the set has been

   In the first usage, acknowledging a REQ (Section 3.3) subcommand, the
   ACK subcommand has a single parameter consisting of a space separated
   list of capability names, which may optionally be preceded with one
   or more modifiers (Section 5.1).

   The second usage, acknowledging a CLEAR (Section 3.6) subcommand, is
   similar to the first usage.  When a CLEAR (Section 3.6) subcommand is

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   issued, all non-"sticky" capabilities are disabled, and a set of ACK
   subcommands will be generated by the server with the disable modifier
   preceding each capability.

   The third usage is when, in the preceding two cases, some capability
   names have been preceded with the ack modifier.  ACK in this case is
   used to fully enable or disable the capability.  Clients MUST NOT
   issue an ACK subcommand for any capability not marked with the ack
   modifier in a server-generated ACK subcommand.

   ABNF [4] description of the ACK subcommand:

          ackcmd       =  "ACK" SP [ "*" SP ] caplist

3.5  CAP NAK

   The NAK subcommand MUST be sent by the server in response to a REQ
   (Section 3.3) subcommand when any capability change requested cannot
   be performed for any reason.  The server MUST NOT make any change to
   the set of capabilities for the client if it responds with a NAK
   subcommand.  The argument of the NAK subcommand MUST consist of at
   least the first one hundred characters of the capability list in the
   REQ (Section 3.3) subcommand which triggered the NAK.

   ABNF [4] description of the NAK subcommand:

          nakcmd       =  "NAK" SP ":" acklist
                           ; acklist is at least 100 characters of the
                           ; capability list from the REQ


   The CLEAR subcommand requests that the server clear the capability
   set for the client.  The server MUST respond with a set of ACK
   (Section 3.4) subcommands indicating the capabilities being

   ABNF [4] description of the CLEAR subcommand:

          clearcmd     =  "CLEAR"

3.7  CAP END

   The END subcommand signals to the server that capability negotiation
   is complete and requests that the server continue with client

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   registration.  If the client is already registered, this command MUST
   be ignored by the server.

   Clients that support capabilities but do not wish to enter
   negotiation SHOULD send CAP END upon connection to the server.

   ABNF [4] description of the END subcommand:

          endcmd       =  "END"

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4.  Capability Negotiation

   Clients implementing this extension SHOULD take one of the following
   three actions upon initial connection to a server:

   o  Issue an LS (Section 3.1) subcommand (with an empty capability
      list) to solicit a list of supported capabilities from the server;

   o  Issue the REQ (Section 3.3) subcommand to request a particular set
      of capabilities without knowing what capabilities the server
      supports or if it supports the capabilities extension; or

   o  Issue the END (Section 3.7) subcommand to signal implementation of
      the capabilities extension without entering into capability

   Although a client is permitted to not issue any CAP commands upon
   connection, this is NOT RECOMMENDED.  Servers MAY assume a client
   does not implement the capabilities extension if it does not issue
   any CAP commands upon initial connection.

   Clients SHOULD follow CAP commands issued upon connection with the
   standard IRC client registration commands without waiting for any
   responses from the server.  See RFC 1459 [2] for more details about
   the client registration procedure.

   If a client issues the LS (Section 3.1) or REQ (Section 3.3)
   subcommands during the client registration procedure, a server
   implementing the capabilities extension MUST NOT complete the client
   registration until the client issues the END (Section 3.7)
   subcommand.  A client that sees a RPL_WELCOME (001) numeric response
   before it sends CAP END (Section 3.7) SHOULD assume that the server
   does not support the capabilities extension.

   Once the client is registered, CAP commands SHALL have no effect on
   other connection operations, except that a client MAY change the
   capabilities it has set.  In particular, CAP commands and their
   responses MAY be interspersed with other protocol messages.  The END
   (Section 3.7) subcommand SHALL have no effect once client
   registration has been completed.

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5.  Capabilities

   Capabilities are designated by a name composed of one or more
   elements.  Name elements are not case-sensitive.  They must begin
   with a letter and may contain any number of letters, numbers, and the
   dash character ('-').  Names containing more than one name element
   MUST also contain a period character ('.') in the first name element.
   Name elements are separated from each other via the slash character

   There are two capability name spaces:

   Network Specific: Names whose first element contains a period
      character ('.') designate a delegated capability name space.  The
      first element MUST be a valid, existing DNS domain name.  These
      names MUST contain at least two elements.

   Standardized: All other names MUST correspond to capabilities
      documented by an RFC.  Further, these names MUST contain only one

   These rules are summarized by the following ABNF [4] representation:

          elem         =  ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" )

          netname      =  elem 1*( "." elem )

          netDeleg     =  netname 1*( "/" elem )

          standardized =  elem

          capab        =  netDeleg / standardized

   where ALPHA and DIGIT are as designated in Appendix A of RFC 2234

5.1  Capability Modifiers

   There are various capability modifiers available.  If a capability
   modifier is to be used, it MUST directly precede the capability name.
   The following are the modifiers defined for capabilities.  Certain
   modifiers MAY be combined.

   The disable modifier is used by both the server and the client to
   indicate that a capability should be disabled.  The disable modifier
   is defined as the dash character ('-').  A client MUST only use the
   disable modifier in the REQ (Section 3.3) and ACK (Section 3.4)
   subcommands.  A server MUST use the disable modifier in the ACK

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   (Section 3.4) subcommand when disabling a capability, or in
   conjunction with a ack modifier in the LIST (Section 3.2) subcommand.
   The server MUST NOT use the disable modifier in any other command

   The sticky modifier is used by the server to indicate a capability
   that, once enabled, cannot be disabled.  The sticky modifier is
   defined as the equals character ('=').  A client MUST NOT use the
   sticky modifier.  A server MUST only use the sticky modifier in the
   ACK (Section 3.4), LIST (Section 3.2) and LS (Section 3.1)
   subcommands and MUST use the modifier for all such capabilities.

   The ack modifier is used by the server to indicate that the client
   must issue an ACK (Section 3.4) subcommand to fully enable or disable
   the capability.  The ack modifier is defined as the tilde character
   ('~').  The ack modifier indicates that traffic originating from the
   server SHALL make use of the capability, but the server SHALL NOT
   expect traffic originating from the client to make use of the
   capability.  When combined with the disable modifier, it indicates
   traffic originating from the server SHALL NOT make use of the
   capability, but the server expects traffic originating from the
   client SHALL make use of the capability.  The ack modifier MAY be
   combined with the sticky modifier.

   A server MUST use the ack modifier in the ACK (Section 3.4) and LIST
   (Section 3.2) subcommands to indicate capabilities that require an
   ACK (Section 3.4) subcommand from the client to be fully enabled or
   disabled.  Servers MUST also use the ack modifier in the response to
   an LS (Section 3.1) subcommand to indicate capabilities which will
   require ACK (Section 3.4) subcommands from the client.  Clients MUST
   NOT use the ack modifier, but SHOULD issue the ACK (Section 3.4)
   subcommand as soon as possible after receiving an ACK (Section 3.4)
   or REQ (Section 3.3) subcommand from the server that contains a
   capability marked with the ack modifier.

   In ABNF [4] notation:

          dismod       =  "-"
          stickymod    =  "="
          ackmod       =  "~"

          capmod       =  dismod / stickymod / ackmod

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6.  IANA Considerations

   The standardized capability name space shall be managed by IANA in
   accordance with the description of capability names in Section 5.  In
   particular, any name not containing the period character ('.') must
   be specified by an RFC.

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7.  Security Considerations

   Capabilities are an extension to a preexisting, insecure chat
   protocol.  This extension does not add and does not purport to add
   any security to the IRC protocol.  Capability negotiation occurs
   after client registration has already begun.  Moreover, no mechanism
   is defined that allows parameters to be passed for specific
   capabilities.  Although such a mechanism could be added,
   cryptographic security systems frequently require several exchanges
   to establish a secure context, particularly if authentication must
   also be negotiated.  Thus, the capabilities extension is unsuited to
   the implementation of those protocols, and other mechanisms, such as
   SSL-encapsulated IRC, should be used.

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8.  Acknowledgments

   The authors wish to gratefully acknowledge the participation of Aaron
   Wiebe and the members of the email list in the
   design of this protocol extension.

9  References

   [1]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement
        Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [2]  Oikarinen, J. and D. Reed, "Internet Relay Chat Protocol", RFC
        1459, May 1993.

   [3]  Kalt, C., "Internet Relay Chat: Client Protocol", RFC 2812,
        April 2000.

   [4]  Crocker, D. and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax
        Specifications: ABNF", RFC 2234, November 1997.

   [5]  Bradner, S., "IETF Rights in Contributions", BCP 78, RFC 3667,
        February 2004.

Authors' Addresses

   Kevin L. Mitchell
   Undernet IRC Network
   38 Eighth St., Apt. 7
   Cambridge, Massachusetts  02141

   Phone: +1-617-230-1021

   Perry Lorier
   Undernet IRC Network
   3 Liston Cres
   Hamilton, Waikato  2001

   Phone: +64-7-859-1109

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   Lee Hardy
   ircd-ratbox Development Team


   Piotr Kucharski


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Appendix A.  Examples

   In the following examples, lines preceded by "CLIENT:" indicate
   protocol messages sent by the client, and lines preceded by "SERVER:"
   indicate protocol messages sent by the server.  For clarity, the
   origin field for server-originated protocol messages has been
   omitted.  This field would consist of a colon (':') followed by the
   full server name, and would be the first field in the command.

   A client communicating with a server not supporting CAP.

          CLIENT: CAP LS
          CLIENT: NICK nickname
          CLIENT: USER username ignored ignored :real name
          SERVER: 001 [...]

   A client which does not wish to enter capability negotiation.

          CLIENT: CAP END
          CLIENT: NICK nickname
          CLIENT: USER username ignored ignored :real name
          SERVER: 001 [...]

   A client entering into capability negotiation during registration,
   and requesting a set of capabilities that the server does not

          CLIENT: CAP LS
          CLIENT: NICK nickname
          CLIENT: USER username ignored ignored :real name
          SERVER: CAP LS * :A B C D E F G H
          SERVER: CAP LS :I J
          CLIENT: CAP REQ :A B C D E F
          SERVER: CAP NAK :A B C D E F
          CLIENT: CAP REQ :A C E F
          SERVER: CAP ACK :A C E F
          CLIENT: CAP REQ :B
          SERVER: CAP ACK :B
          CLIENT: CAP REQ :D
          SERVER: CAP NAK :D
          CLIENT: CAP END
          SERVER: 001 [...]

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   A client requesting a capability that requires an ACK (Section 3.4)
   subcommand from the client to be enabled.

          CLIENT: CAP LS
          SERVER: CAP LS :~I ~J K
          CLIENT: CAP REQ :I J K
          SERVER: CAP ACK :~I ~J K
          CLIENT: CAP ACK :I J

   A client requesting a capability that requires an ACK (Section 3.4)
   subcommand from the client to be enabled and disabled, using the LIST
   (Section 3.2) subcommand in between.

          CLIENT: CAP LS
          SERVER: CAP LS :~A ~B
          CLIENT: CAP REQ :A B
          SERVER: CAP ACK :~A ~B
          CLIENT: CAP LIST
          SERVER: CAP LIST :~A ~B
          CLIENT: CAP ACK :A B
          CLIENT: CAP LIST
          SERVER: CAP LIST :A B
          CLIENT: CAP REQ :-B
          SERVER: CAP ACK :-~B
          CLIENT: CAP LIST
          SERVER: CAP LIST :A -~B
          CLIENT: CAP ACK :-B
          CLIENT: CAP LIST
          SERVER: CAP LIST :A

   A client requesting a capability that is sticky.

          CLIENT: CAP LS
          SERVER: CAP LS :=I J
          CLIENT: CAP REQ :I J
          SERVER: CAP ACK :=I J

   A client requesting a capability be disabled.

          CLIENT: CAP LIST
          SERVER: CAP LIST :=A B C D
          CLIENT: CAP REQ :-B -C
          SERVER: CAP ACK :-B -C

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Appendix B.  ABNF Description of Capabilities

   This section summarizes the ABNF [4] description of the capabilities

          capcmd       =  [ ":" servername SP ] "CAP" SP subcmd

          subcmd       =  lscmd / listcmd / reqcmd / ackcmd /
                              nakcmd / clearcmd / endcmd

          capcmderr    =  ":" servername SP "410" SP nick SP badcmd
                              SP ":Invalid CAP subcommand"
                           ; badcmd is the unrecognized subcommand

          caplist      =  [ ":" ] *( capmod ) capab
          caplist      =/ ":" *( capmod ) capab 1*( SP *( capmod ) capab )

          lscmd        =  "LS"
          lscmd        =/ "LS" SP [ "*" SP ] caplist

          listcmd      =  "LIST"
          listcmd      =/ "LIST" SP ":"
          listcmd      =/ "LIST" SP [ "*" SP ] caplist

          reqcmd       =  "REQ" SP caplist

          ackcmd       =  "ACK" SP [ "*" SP ] caplist

          nakcmd       =  "NAK" SP ":" acklist
                           ; acklist is at least 100 characters of the
                           ; capability list from the REQ

          clearcmd     =  "CLEAR"

          endcmd       =  "END"

          elem         =  ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" )

          netname      =  elem 1*( "." elem )

          netDeleg     =  netname 1*( "/" elem )

          standardized =  elem

          capab        =  netDeleg / standardized

          dismod       =  "-"
          stickymod    =  "="

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          ackmod       =  "~"

          capmod       =  dismod / stickymod / ackmod

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Appendix C.  ChangeLog

   Note to RFC Editor: This section may be removed on publication as an

   Here is a log of changes to this document:

   2004-12-15 KLM Initial draft written.

   2004-12-16 KLM

      *  Added description of the argument to some CAP commands in
         Section 3.

      *  Clarified that requirements of Section 3 only apply to clients
         and servers implementing capabilities.

      *  Substitution of "performed" for "done" in Section 3.5

      *  Added LIST (Section 3.2) subcommand to provide a mechanism to
         query active capabilities.

      *  Added reference to RFC 2812 [3].

      *  Moved Examples (Appendix A) section into the back matter.

      *  Corrected Perry Lorier's email address.

      *  Added this ChangeLog section.

      *  Corrected typo in Section 3.7: "sent" for "send".

      *  Added <vspace> elements to enhance readability.

      *  Changed to non-compact form.

      *  Changed anchor for Section 5 to "capabilities" from "caps" to
         reduce possible confusion.

      *  Revise last sentence of first paragraph of Section 2 to remove

      *  Revise last sentence of second paragraph of Section 2

      *  Added email addresses for Lee H and Beeth; updated contact
         information for Isomer.

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   2004-12-17 KLM

      *  Augmented description of CAP command and subcommands with ABNF

      *  Revised Section 5 to remove "net." name space and replace it
         with a delegated name space beginning with a DNS domain name
         (suggested by Isomer).

      *  Augmented ABNF description of capability names.

      *  Revised Section 6 to reflect change in capability name space.

      *  Added Appendix B to bring together the entire ABNF description
         of capabilities.

   2004-12-18 KLM

      *  Added explanation of what should happen if an unrecognized
         subcommand is given.

      *  Clarified what to do if a client sends a subcommand that
         shouldn't come from a client.

      *  Add references to LIST (Section 3.2) to LSL and Section 3.1.

      *  Section 3.3 omitted the caplist argument for the REQ command;

      *  Relax the prohibition against a client acknowledging a
         capability that doesn't modify the protocol stream in Section

      *  Relax the requirement for a client that understands
         capabilities to send CAP END in Section 3.7

   2004-12-19 KLM

      *  Converted a number of common xrefs into internal entities to
         simplify the text.

      *  Inserted some white space to make the <front> section a bit
         more readable.

      *  Added the keyword "Protocol".

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      *  Added the term "NOT RECOMMENDED" to the note on "Requirements

      *  Moved LIST (Section 3.2) up in the list of CAP subcommands.

      *  Minor formatting change to the ABNF representation of subcmd.

      *  Capitalized "MAY" in "empty" subcommand.

      *  Added text about capability list order and what to do if no
         capabilities are implemented to "empty" subcommand.

      *  Mention LIST (Section 3.2) also in LSL when talking about
         sending more than one LSL subcommand.

      *  Clarify language in Section 3.1 a little bit.

      *  Substitute "set of capabilities" for "list of capabilities" in
         Section 3.3.

      *  Fix minor typo in preamble to ABNF description of NAK (Section
         3.5) subcommand: substitution of "ACK" for "NAK".

      *  Add note about servers ignoring END (Section 3.7) after client

      *  Fix minor typo in preamble to ABNF description of LIST (Section
         3.2) subcommand: substitution of "END" for "LIST".

      *  Added Section 4 discussing capability negotiation.

      *  Add ".xml" extension to include files in references section.

      *  Simplification of preamble of first example (Appendix A).

      *  Add 'type="ABNF"' to <artwork> sections so that they can be
         extracted and used to create the abnf.xml now included in
         Appendix B.

      *  It's now RFC 3667 [5], not RFC 2026...

   2004-12-27 KLM

      *  Minor wording changes to second paragraph of Section 1

      *  Minor wording change to first paragraph of Section 2

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      *  Minor wording changes to first paragraph of Section 3; remove
         redundant note about the IRC colon sentinel.

      *  Change a "must" to a "MUST" in Section 3.4; note that
         capability list may be truncated if it would otherwise exceed
         the 512 character limit.

      *  In Section 3.5, note that capability list may be truncated if
         it would otherwise exceed the 512 character limit.

      *  Remove redundant line about ignoring END (Section 3.7) commands
         after registration.

      *  Correct spelling of "acknowledgments".

      *  Empty <organization> elements for Lee H and Beeth; put Beeth's
         real name, Piotr Kucharski, in the right place.

      *  Switch to using a new preprocessor that consolidates all the
         ABNF artwork and inserts it with the processing instruction
         <?art type="foo"?>.

      *  Remove deliberate page break after <abstract> section.

      *  Reorder authors section to consolidate <organization> elements
         for everyone.

      *  Drop abbreviation for Undernet.

      *  Expand Section 7 a bit to try to explain why capabilities are
         not suited to securing IRC.

   2005-01-04 KLM

      *  Add Lee Hardy's information to the list of authors.

   2005-01-05 KLM


      *  Begin rewriting LS (Section 3.1) documentation

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   2005-01-19 KLM

      *  Redesign the protocol substantially to simplify it.

   2005-01-20 KLM

      *  Update Piotr's contact information.

      *  Drop the "x-" namespace...

   2005-01-20 LH

      *  Some servers do issue banner responses, now.

      *  The CAP subcommand is now a requirement.

      *  Minor grammatical fix-up in documentation of REQ (Section 3.3)
         ("acceptance of or rejection of"--strike first "of").

      *  Clarify that sticky capabilities cause a REQ (Section 3.3) to
         be NAK (Section 3.5)ed.

      *  Mark the third case of an ACK (Section 3.4) with an explicit
         indicator that it's the third case...

      *  Strike redundant mention of not suspending client registration
         in documentation for END (Section 3.7).

   2005-01-21 LH

      *  Move all references on capability modifiers to its own section

      *  Clarify instructions on the ack ('~') modifier, indicating it
         can be used with sticky capabilities.

      *  Add a note into CAP section about capability modifiers

   2005-01-21 KLM

      *  Subcommands are not optional anymore; updated the description
         of CAP and the ABNF to reflect this.

      *  More than one modifier may precede a capability name.

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      *  Move ABNF for capmod into the "Capability Modifiers" section.

      *  Fix a few minor grammatical errors (I think).

      *  Note that capability names may be preceded by modifiers in the
         first form of ACK.

      *  Remove an unnecessary "MAY" in documentation for the third
         usage of ACK.

      *  Explicitly note in the ABNF for NAK that the parameter is an
         opaque repeat of at least the first 100 characters of the
         argument to REQ.

      *  CLEAR may result in more than one ACK.

      *  Clarify the language of what composes a capability name.

      *  Add missing </figure>.

      *  ACK subcommand should be sent in response to ACK with ack
         modifier as soon as possible...

      *  Allow disable modifier in LIST, but only in conjunction with an
         ack modifier.

      *  The ack modifier may also show up in an LS response; rewrote
         the final paragraph to indicate that and clarify the language.

      *  Add "Client" to the title in the appropriate place...

      *  The "capability" rule in the ABNF got changed to "capab" for

      *  Update "date" to be current.

   2005-01-22 LH

      *  Clarify a client must not act upon an ACK spread across
         multiple lines until it receives the final ACK of the set.

   2005-01-23 KLM

      *  Bump version number in preparation for any suggested edits...

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   2005-01-26 LH

      *  Clarify a server also must not change capabilities until its
         finished sending its ACKs.

   2005-01-27 KLM

      *  Acknowledge Aaron Wiebe as participating.

   2005-03-01 LH

      *  Add examples on sticky modifiers, the removal modifier and the
         sticky modifier.

   2005-03-07 KLM

      *  Submit second draft...

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   The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
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   made any independent effort to identify any such rights.  Information
   on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be
   found in BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any
   assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an
   attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of
   such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this
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   The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
   copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary
   rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement
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   This document and the information contained herein are provided on an

Copyright Statement

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).  This document is subject
   to the rights, licenses and restrictions contained in BCP 78, and
   except as set forth therein, the authors retain all their rights.


   Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
   Internet Society.

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